Final Claims Process for BP Oil Disaster Victims Begins

November 24, 2010

  • November 24, 2010 at 11:13 am
    bob says:
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    in the, just published, final protocol section of the gccf website, it is stated that the payment of certain claims can be appealed by BP..hopefully that is a misprint. BP having the right to appeal the payment of certain claims would undermine the entire integrity of this claims process. the gccf would no longer be able to claims itself as an independent operation…with no influence from BP..if true, this is beyond an outrage.

  • January 23, 2011 at 5:30 pm
    Pat says:
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    Can we blame BP for this. This administration Shut down the oilfields after the accident in the Gulf. This not only caused job losses, but chased away a comp-any that has the ability to further oil exploration in the Gulf. Also this administration coerced 20 billion dollars from BP and then put Mr Feinberg in charge of its administration. Mr Feinberg is notorious for lining his own pockets with the funds he is to administer, and tosses pennies left to the people who need it most and above all who it was intended for. This is not republican or democrat it is crooked. The Justice dept should investigate how this is being done. So they should have let BP handle it. BP was Paying the people regularly till Feinberg stepped in and the Administration got involved. Regardless of the political party process this is just plain Crooked.

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