TARP Bailout Cost to Taxpayers Down to $25 Billion

November 30, 2010

  • November 30, 2010 at 1:49 am
    Dale F. Ogden says:
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    This is a false statement. The banks, including Goldman Sachs, etc., have “paid back” their TARP funds but they have done so by borrowing money from the Federal Reserve at 0.25% (plus or minus) and lending it back to the Treasury at 2-3%. That is a “hidden” cost of the TARP bailout. The arbitrage profits of the banks must be considered a cost. After all, the Federal Reserve could lend it directly to the Treasury and then rebate the interest earned, net of minimal expenses, back to the Treasury. You just can’t trust government or the banks.

    Freedom works; government doesn’t.
    End the Fed; replace it with free market, competing currencies.

  • November 30, 2010 at 3:25 am
    Sarah says:
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    It is a farse.

    So is Obama taking credit for the banks paying back Tarp with the Governments own money for this yet? Or can he still blame Bush for the TARP payback?

    I am so confussed! I am still trying to figure out if my job was saved or created.

  • December 1, 2010 at 6:29 am
    wudchuck says:
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    problem, is the taxpayer still had to pay for any bailout! $25 billion is still a toll on our national debt. i thought that our country was trying to get out of debt. look at the european countries that are stuggling. greece, now ireland! portugal not to far behind those. how much debt is too much debt? again, we can’t just keep blaming our president, because all previous administrations are at fault, but let’s not forget the other folks to blame is the elected folks in congress. if they can’t stop the overspending, then why are they in the mixed of any bailout money? how many of them had a hand in those companies that got bailed out? how many of those in the past congresses had their hands in these companies? the normal taxpayer will not get a break and will be continuing to pay taxes because we are in so much debt.

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