5 Steps to Protect Organizations From Cyber Liability

By Lawrence Racioppo and Craig Nelson | February 14, 2011

  • February 18, 2011 at 5:17 pm
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    Good article. It is unfortunate that in todays enviornment, even when all protective measures are taken to avoid security breaches, LTC facilities are still at risk for cyber attacks and stolen data. This the fastest growing white collar crime in America today and hackers are becoming more sophisticated and organized throughout the world. It is estimated that the true costs for notification of a security breach is $204 per record (2009). This include victim costs (such as notification and idenity restoration, direct costs (discovery/data forensics and loss of employee productivity), indirect costs (restitution, lawsuits, regulatory fines, and additional security and audit requirements) as well as opportunity costs (loss of consumer confidence and loss of funding. This data is from a recent study by the Ponemon Institute. 75% of loss of data is accidental and 25% is malicius. Source htt;://datalossdb.org.

    Fortunately, there is insurance products available to provide protection against financial loss resulting from lost or breached data(electronic or paper). To learn more, call or send me an e-mail (813) 287-2224. RPS ~ hci is one of the nation’s leading wholesale operation specializing in medical professional liability insurance for all aspects of the health care industry. We write business on a countrywide basis.

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