NFL Players’ Agents Calling Insurance Plays as Lockout Looms

By Michael Marot | March 2, 2011

  • March 2, 2011 at 2:34 pm
    Proud Conservative says:
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    The last time the NFL had a strike, the owners hired enough players to have a season. The games were more entertaining than the regulars were providing. I have little sympathy for these multi-million dollar players. Let them get their own insurance. They can certainly afford it.

  • March 2, 2011 at 3:01 pm
    Stephen Tallinghasternathy says:
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    I’ll agree with you on lacking sympathy for multi-million dollar players, but if you thought the scab players were more entertaining than the regulars, you know squat about football.

    • March 2, 2011 at 3:32 pm
      Proud Conservative says:
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      The replacement players as you call the scabs weren’t playing for millions of dollars and it was much more like College football with the suspense of not knowing who would make the plays. Regular NFL football has degenerated into a boring game. Some teams can’t run 3 plays ie Cowboys without a false start or holding call. Almost every kick has an illegal block calling the return back. For all the money they make, they should be better schooled. Good college teams are much better coached and they execute their plays on drives to score. The average NFL team has maybe one out of four possessions result in a score. Pretty pathetic actually.

      • March 3, 2011 at 11:49 am
        George says:
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        yeah…NFL teams only score on 1 of 4 possessions because the defenses are good. Not because they’re poorly coached. As far as the penalties, NFL referees are just better at spotting a penalty. Not to mention the old adage that if you wanted to you could call holding on every play.

        I prefer college because of the pagentry and the alumni factor…but i don’t think you can really argue the x’s & o’s are better in college. Lots of examples of tremendous college coaches failing (epically) at the NFL level…Holtz, Spurrier, Erickson, Butch Davis, Bobby Petrino, Nick Saban…i could probably come up with more.

  • March 2, 2011 at 4:18 pm
    Stephen Tallinghasternathy says:
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    No offense, but you must be a woman.

  • March 2, 2011 at 4:51 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Excuse me? I’m a woman, a football fan and know the ’87 replacement players sucked.

  • March 7, 2011 at 1:31 pm
    Wayne 2 says:
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    You go Sarah! I for one don’t want to watch replacement players. College and Pro football are way different levels of play. No comparison at all. I prefer both so I can watch more football altogether. The owners and players all make large sums of money for the most part. They both want more money. I am going with the old rule that the person who signs the player’s paycheck is the one with the real money.

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