Despite Rise in Cyber Threats, Businesses Forego Buying Network Liability Coverage

May 3, 2011

  • May 9, 2011 at 10:30 am
    Ralph Petti says:
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    With over twenty-five years of experience in the Disaster Recovery Planning and Risk Management arena, I am not surprised by the commentary in this article. Gaining management committment to fund such programs is extremely challenging for all businesses.

    Companies know that they need to provide for the their business livelihook and the safety of their employees and supply-chain partners, but find the issue of Budgeting for this area scarce. For many years, the rule of thumb for Budgeting for Disaster Recovery Planning for Operations was about 1-2% of CapEx. Today, even with the emergence of Business Continuity as a vital component of keeping things running, there is still a lack of focus.

    Traditionaly, the periods after major events (i.e. Y2K, 9/11, Katrina) should be catalysts for companies to act more aggressivey. However, they seem to retrench and look internally for resources, alternate facilities and leveragling existing capabilities. Why?

    It is our job to reach to the CxO levels and gain their specific sponsorship for such funding. If not, your path up to the executive office may have some missing steps. It is essential to gain management’s endorsement by enlightening them to the consequences of absence of preparation, or they may be personally at rish in not doing so.

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