U.S. Sues Deutsche Bank Over Mortgage Fraud

By | May 3, 2011

  • May 3, 2011 at 6:09 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    Okay, first question: Why was our Government allowing a foreign bank to take on mortgages backed by the FHA? I think the people of the USA should sue our Federal government for allowing this. If anything, our government should be suing IRAQ and other countries for the rise in gas prices. We help out your country with our own money and then gas prices shoot through the roof. If our government wants to be in charge of anything, then they should take over gas in America. If BP can survive doing this, so can we.
    I guess I didn’t have a second question. LOL
    Frustrated at our Government!!

  • May 4, 2011 at 4:48 pm
    Workn4ALivin says:
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    As hard as it is to defend a bank, I still hold the insiders in Washington DC mostly responsible for the all too cozy relartionships with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    They created a structure that made it too easy for anyone with a computer and a sales force to push loans on people who couldn’t ever afford them. And the politicians did nothing while these cozy relationships produced fancy dinners and sweet vacation getaways,… until the house of cards came down.

    Now they’re going after their former business partners saying, hey, it was your fault! The political class is shameless. And the fact that the new law is named after the two architects of the previous disaster doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in our economny’s ability to get past these crooks.

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