Hercules Executives Sued Following Failed ‘Say on Pay’ Vote

By | June 24, 2011

  • June 27, 2011 at 7:45 am
    Little Frog says:
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    I’m no fan of Frank or Dodd; but when you’re right, you’re right! With the turn-over of stock ownership today, the relationship between the stockholders and Board of Directors, and then the Board to their Chief Officers is entirely out of touch and out of balance. I would have made ratification of the pay package by the stockholders mandatory.

  • July 5, 2011 at 4:49 pm
    chuck says:
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    I would like to know why they deserve raises. The people who work offshore and have to be away from their families have not gotten a raise in over 3 yrs. Instead we have had our pay cut. We have lost our incentive pay when your boat was working, we lost the company match on our 401 k, which was matching 6%, we lost half a day pay on our go home day, and they have raised our insurance rates. All of this made a difference of about $15,000 a yr lost of pay for me. What makes them deserve a raise?

    • July 6, 2011 at 8:59 pm
      David says:
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      What makes them deserve a raise? The $15,000 they saved on you and your coworkers.

  • July 7, 2011 at 12:27 pm
    Linda says:
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    Chuck is correct, the same thing happened to our family when they took everything away and we have struggled since that time.. Nice to see the Hercules Higher ups don’t have to suffer the same way the working people do.. and if you can’t sense my sarcasm your one of them!!!!

  • July 7, 2011 at 2:15 pm
    Linda says:
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    I agree with Chuck.. Why if they are cutting so many expenses for the ones who are actually doing the work for Hercules would they think it’s an awesome idea to give the higher ups more money.. They don’t risk their lives every hitch for this company and at every turn are being asked to make ANOTHER sacrafice.. Our family was affected by the pay decreases and we are still struggling.. so nice to see though that the higher ups don’t have to struggle with their millions.. that my friend is sarcasm and if you don’t understand it your one of them!!!!

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