President of Allstate Protection Unit Leaves

July 19, 2011

  • July 19, 2011 at 2:13 pm
    RJ Wesseler says:
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    Allstate needs to stop looking for the silver bullet that will bring it customers, retention and profitability. Since Wilson took over, he has abandoned the core principles which made Allstate strong. His first abandonment was the Allstate employees who built the company. As an outsider, he decided to bring in other outsiders instead of depending on a strong internal force. Sad see a once ultra strong company deteriorating. Great job Mr. Wilson

  • July 19, 2011 at 2:28 pm
    Paul kelley says:
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    Until they get rid of Wilson they will continue to slide. It’s only going to get worse

  • July 19, 2011 at 7:15 pm
    sssmith says:
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    The stakeholders can’t be suprised. Look at all the horrible way’s Allstate has been treating their homeowner and auto policyholders. They deny most of their claims and then turnaround and sue everyone in sight for paying out claims for refunds. They are a joke! I’m happy to see the company take a hit, I hope it continues. They have caused enough stress to everyone, I know I moved my policies to Geico and Farmers. Good news today reading this article.

  • July 25, 2011 at 10:50 am
    Japan says:
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    Allstate has gotten away from what made them strong, Local Agents. I worked in the Direct portion of the company for six years and I’ve really seen it go down the tubes. When you put people in leadership positions that have been unethical and people know it, it’s not going to do the company any good. The Vice President of Direct sales came from a Wireless company, and we know how that industry turns over employees. Allstate tried to compete with Geico and Progressive, but Allstate forgot that they have a higher overhead than those companies. I do not know whats going to happen to Allstate. They are bringin in a lot of people with less benefits and a big decrease in pay. You get what you pay for. I’m glad I left that company.

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