Federal Product Safety Database Faces First Legal Challenge

By | October 20, 2011

  • October 20, 2011 at 2:55 pm
    Clif says:
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    The sooner a manufacturer can get wind of problems with their products the sooner they can investigate, correct the issue and minimize their liability. If people are having problems with your product, wether a real design fault or a perceived issue, it is still a problem. This reporting program should be of great value to manufacturers and their distributors as well as the public at large!

    • October 21, 2011 at 6:57 am
      Former Status Quo says:
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      Think about it from the side of the manufacturer: someone can post something that is completely untrue about the product and cause the manufacturer great financial harm. Look at a site like Yelp, how many people downplay a restaurant because of one experience while others continue to enjoy it without an issue?

      I agree there needs to be some forum for the public to address issues with a product; however, a website that allows people to post complaints is not the proper way to do it, especially when many times the reason for the injury is negligence on the consumer’s end…

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