Chinese Drywall Settlement Could Reach $1B

By | December 16, 2011

  • March 21, 2012 at 9:53 am
    hoodwinked1 says:
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    A second fund is capped, contary to what you read one must read the proposed settlement to find it is vague at best. When the sulfur gas or particulite manifests it self in ones body and you develop health issues you will have no recourse under the current provisions set forth in this proposal.So if your children were in these homes from infant stage and in 15 years they develop long term health issue, do they become victims again courtesy of Chinese Drywall and the current proposed settlement. In quest to remediate contaminated homes have we rushed to a proposal that is inadequate in protecting the health and welfare of the true victims.Or are we protecting the the corporate entity who had a choice to do the right thing in this diaster and notify customers and recall the chemical induced drywall.As corporations and insuarnce companies do CDW victims should do a risk assement to see how this proposal will effect them years down the road.

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