Analyst: BP to Agree to $20-25 Billion Gulf Oil Spill Settlement with Justice Dept.

By | January 19, 2012

  • January 19, 2012 at 3:12 pm
    Wild Bill says:
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    BP has paid billions to those who claimed injury from the oil spill even when they could not produce any records (i.e. avoiding taxes by conducting cash business) and now it is supposed pay the federal gov’t billions more when by its own admission it failed to enforce it regulations to prevent such occurrences? Too ironic, and consumers will have to foot the bill at the pump.

    • January 20, 2012 at 4:03 pm
      Vinnie Goomba says:
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      There’s one way that I know of where we wouldn’t have to foot the bill at the pump…why not open our own oil supplies? Oh..that’s right. We have an idiot in the WH. There is a 1000 year supply of oil right here in the USA. We don’t need foreign oil!!

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