Allstate Doubles Q4 Profit

By | February 2, 2012

  • February 2, 2012 at 2:25 pm
    Agent says:
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    Ask the typical Allstate agent out there if their income rose during this time. Perhaps some of this rosy picture was lowering the agent’s commissions on business.

  • February 2, 2012 at 3:07 pm
    The Other Point of View says:
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    Hey Agent, we agree on an issue! Yes, Allstate is making record profits and the only ones who are benefitting are the shareholders. Next time someone tells you that we need to cut taxes for the “job creators” you might remember that businesses are already making record profits and they still aren’t hiring. Maybe this will dispell the notion that if the corporation does well, it benefits everyone. It’s just not true.

    • February 3, 2012 at 5:08 am
      wakeup says:
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      Hey “The Other Point of View”, Did you really just suggest that raising taxes on corporations on the “job creators” is the answer! Really! You are the problem with this country. Why don’t you buy the stock and participate in the profits instead of whining about how the government is not taking care of you. IF A CORPORATION DOES WELL, IT DOES BENEFIT EVERYONE THAT OWNS THE STOCK! Also, I am an agency owner that would love to hire someone that brings me value. Most of the people I interview know two things. 1) they need to make $40k 2) They need 3 weeks vacation. I wish they knew how to sell insurance!

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