Viacom Wins Reversal in Landmark Copyright Case vs. Google’s YouTube

By and Yinka Adegoke | April 5, 2012

  • April 9, 2012 at 9:10 am
    MP says:
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    Viacom, which is based in New York, had contended that YouTube did nothing to stop of infringements relating to such programming as “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” “South Park” and “SpongeBob SquarePants.”

    The decision should continue…. as a result of this free publicity, all three shows subsequently enjoyed massive worldwide popularity resulting in many millions of dollars of additional revenue for Viacom.

    It is precisely backwards decisions like this by the 2nd US Circuit of Appeals that threaten to throw the United States into 2nd world status. Tech companies here in the U.S. are left scratching their heads while the rest of the world laughs at our obtuse ignorance.

    The millenial generation will try to clean up the Boomers’ egregious errors in this area. I pray we are able to do it before these idiots inflict irreparable damage on our country and its future ability to compete in the global techology marketplace.

    This decision should be resoundly condemned by anyone with more than an ounce of functional grey matter.

  • April 11, 2012 at 11:20 am
    Scott says:
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    Ignorance is bliss…….and yours is obvious.

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