LinkedIn Risks Reputation Damage Over Password Leaks, Silence

By and Jennifer Saba | June 11, 2012

  • June 11, 2012 at 9:41 am
    ExciteBiker says:
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    Raise your hand if you think Facebook is worth a hundred billion dollars.

  • June 11, 2012 at 1:52 pm
    Producer #1 says:
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    Facebook is trading at 27.70 on the NASDAQ market right now (06/11 Lunch-time)… but LinkedIn is trading for 96.02 right now on the NYSE. So, it seems facebook is not the only highly traded social network stock. Personally, I think advertisers will get more bang for their buck on Linkedin then they would with facebook.

  • June 11, 2012 at 1:58 pm
    Producer #1 says:
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    I wish someone would invent a Social Media Transfer App… In other words, you know when you buy a new cell phone you can transfer the phone number, but more importantly, they can copy your contacts from one phone to the next. That saves you the time of having to re-type the info. Well, I wish we had the same tool for social media sites. For instance, if LinkedIN does not survive this situation, I bet there will be a new business social media site to take its place. If that is the case, the new site will grow much faster if people do not have to re-create their profile. I would have left facebook when they switched to the timeline… but to do so would mean I have to then re-upload all the pics, and re-find all the contacts. There is a psudo-monoply as people are too lazy to recreate everything. Wouldn’t it be great to simply “Import” your old facebook, or linkedin profile, directly into the new site. If your an IT person,,, work on that for me. Thanks

  • June 11, 2012 at 2:23 pm
    renoscs says:
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    I’m not on any social media sites and don’t see any reason to be. Oh me oh my, the world still moves on!! Like Betty White said about Facebook or Twitter last year when she hosted Saturday Night Live– “what a waste of time”. Thanks Betty!!!!

    • June 11, 2012 at 2:42 pm
      Producer #1 says:
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      ….a waste of time, NOT. Your customers are on social media, so you should be too, its as simple as that. If your not on social media, you are loosing out on opprotunities to connect with your clients and prospects. Sure, you may not feel any loss, but trust me, you are loosing out.

      • June 11, 2012 at 8:16 pm
        renoscs says:
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        Sorry, I disagree. If you’re an Independent Agent, you couldn’t survive if the only people that you sold business to were obtained via Facebook, Twitter, etc.

        • June 12, 2012 at 9:12 am
          Producer #1 says:
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          I agree, but I did not say to only sell via facebook and twitter. My point is that as an agent, you should be everywhere your customers are. If you only sell via facebook, then you are limiting yourself,,, conversly, if you don’t use linkedin and facebook you are limiting yourself. In your above comment you quoted Betty White to say its a “waste of time.” I could not disagree more. But its not accurate for you to twist that into a viewpoint that its either 100% online or nothing. I submit to the insurance journal readers that social network prospecting should be in the tool box of a succesful agent in today’s world. If you are still faxing in Acord Apps, and if your not on a social network site, then its only a matter of time before you begin to loose your key accounts.

          • June 12, 2012 at 9:30 am
            Insurance Maven says:
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            I agree with Poducer 1. Every sales person should use the internet. So should HR, Claims, etc. Its like the citizens who don’t show up to vote, and then they complain about government. If your not signed up for LinkedIn, then you don’t even get the option to use it as a prospecting tool. So yeah, don’t get obsessed, but don’t say its a waste of time either!

    • June 11, 2012 at 2:44 pm
      Producer #1 says:
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      By the way,,, this is social media… so “renoscs,” you are on social media, even if you think your not.

      • June 11, 2012 at 8:12 pm
        renoscs says:
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        What I meant was that I’m not on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. These are the things that are a waste of time and do more harm than good!! However, if I was a teenager with nothing better to do with my time, MAYBE I’d reconsider. Betty White hit the nail on the head with her SNL comments!!

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