Undoing Health Care Law Could Produce Ripple Effects

By | June 12, 2012

  • June 12, 2012 at 1:25 pm
    ROBERT PERRY says:
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    What liberal puke wrote this trash.

    • June 12, 2012 at 2:36 pm
      D says:
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      I guess anything you disagree with must be written by a liberal puke. You did not say what in the article is false? When you have to resort to terms like “liberal puke”, “trash”, etc. without any facts to base your disagreement on, you have already lost your argument.

  • June 12, 2012 at 1:39 pm
    Agent B says:
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    there has already been a company come out and say they would hold true to provisions that would benefit their customers. Their name is UNITED HEALTH CARE … maybe you have heard of them. It’s horrible how people are being provoked to think that maybe the dismemberment of this act is not a good thing even if it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

    B O L O G N A

    • June 12, 2012 at 1:50 pm
      DS says:
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      United Health/United HealthCare didn’t say they will keep ALL the provisions (preventive screenings etc), they only announced they will allow children to age 26 to be on their parents’ plans.

    • June 12, 2012 at 3:07 pm
      D says:
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      Yeah…that individual mandate is really a bad thing. Isn’t it? I mean, as insurance people we can all agree that things like funding the system with premiums from “large numbers” of people with varying risks really makes no sense does it? Let’s just make it so only those (small numbers!) who need it buy it. Because, wow, our consitutional rights will be protected while the system is destined for oblivion. What a victory for the consitution!

  • June 12, 2012 at 2:18 pm
    First Agent says:
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    I think I would rather take my chances and completely unwind this bill and start over from scratch with a 100 page bill of common sense private market solutions rather than keep 2,700 pages of the Progressive dream and all the bad consequences of keeping it.

  • June 12, 2012 at 2:51 pm
    Allan says:
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    This is what happens when lobbyist (Americas Health Plans) write majority of a bill. Disaster.

    • June 13, 2012 at 9:56 am
      ExciteBiker says:
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      The energy lobby wrote the energy bill. The pharma lobby wrote Medicare prescription D. The health insurance lobby wrote the Affordable Care act. The copyright lobby writes our IP legislation. It doesn’t matter the president- this has been going on for decades on both sides of the isle.

      Stakeholder input and feedback into the legislative process is one thing. Writing the actual legislation and then buying the votes is another thing entirely.

  • June 12, 2012 at 2:54 pm
    D says:
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    Now we have to think about the dreaded “poison pill” if the bill must be undone. Aspects of the bill are worth saving and have established a starting point where congress must come together. Subsidies to help uninsured middle-class households pay premiums and expanding Medicaid to pick up more low-income people is not bad. It’s good. It’s worth saving. Leaving hospitals and other providers with tax increases and bills for customers previously thought to be covered by this bill is bad for those providers, the economy, and the already over burdened system. Keeping the bill intact does not jeopardize those of us already covered by our employer sponsored plans.
    It’s funny how there does not seem to be a big opposition to negating pre-existing conditions and allowing insurers to keep an insured’s dependent on until age 26. That is because those two items benefit a huge amount of people, including those who say they are against this bill.
    For those of you who oppose everything in this bill, just read this quote again:
    “As the GOP presidential candidate, Romney has pledged to wipe Obama’s law off the books. But he defends his Massachusetts law that served as a prototype for Obama’s.”
    You just can’t make some of this stuff up. It’s time to tell our legislators to come together and stop grandstanding.

    • June 12, 2012 at 3:33 pm
      sgal says:
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      Romney’s point is that it should be up to each state, not the feds, to develop a law, if necessary, that is best suited for the state. Nice talking points, though!

      • June 12, 2012 at 4:30 pm
        D says:
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        He does not make that point very clearly. It’s a nice thought but it would never happen. Too many policians exploit this stuff while people suffer from lack of access and crush the system by over burdening our ERs around the country. Maybe we should get rid of medicare and put that up to each state as well? You want to role the dice on that? Now we would have a new mechinism in which politicians can score political points while millions are without access to the best health care system anywhere…

        • June 12, 2012 at 5:06 pm
          Agent says:
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          D, As long as you want to talk about getting rid of Medicare, this bill already guts it by taking $500 Billion out of Medicare in the next several years. Can you say the word “rationing”? Can you realize that government bureaucrats aka Death Panels will rule the day and deny needed health care to seniors? They are setting up End of Life consultations and paying doctors to do it. They will have to explain to seniors that Medicare just won’t pay for that operation and to take a pain pill and shut up. Of course, our politicians will do nothing about the fraud and waste in the system and actually do anything about cleaning it up. Since you are so concerned about ER crowding, what is wrong with setting up Doc in the Box clinics all over the country for minor emergencies? That is already being done in our area and our emergency rooms are not crowded. They can even treat the illegals for cash payments and it wouldn’t cost as much as your solution.

        • June 13, 2012 at 1:58 pm
          CT Boomer says:
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          The ones over burdening our ERs around the country are the illegals. Why should tax dollars and healthcare go to them? When illegals start paying taxes, that means that they are no longer illegals. THAT’S when they should get access to our healthcare.

    • June 12, 2012 at 3:33 pm
      Agent says:
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      You are right about one thing D. It is time politicians stop grandstanding and come together with a plan to fix this. It starts with getting rid of the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress. The new bill should not be written by Progressive think tank like the last one was. We should begin with Tort Reform, allowing companies to sell across state lines to create competition and to create Pools for Pre-X people who can’t get coverage in the regular market. This would be far better than the onerouse one size fits all monstrocity with all the mandates and taxes/fines that this one has. The question before the people is whether we want some version of Progressive Socialism in this country or maintain a free market Constitutional Republic. I think Wisconsin answered the bell and I think the rest of the country will when we have the vote in November.

      • June 13, 2012 at 9:57 am
        ExciteBiker says:
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        Progressive Think Tank? This bill was written by the health insurance lobby. A progressive think tank would have written a single payer bill rather than the market-based dystopian nightmare we ended up with.

        • June 13, 2012 at 11:22 am
          Agent says:
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          I hate to disagree with you Biker, but this bill was not written by the Health Insurance lobby or they would have not put in all the Progressive nonsense contained in it. It was clearly written by Progressives through the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress. Have you heard of Lanny Davis? He and his crowd decided to make this bill so large and complicated that no one would read it and therefore could get it passed. Even at that, it took a Herculean effort, back room deals,coercion, bribes in the dead of night to convince enough Democrats to vote for it and throw their political futures away.

    • June 12, 2012 at 3:42 pm
      Mike N says:
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      D – I agree. It is time for the left to stop cramming billsdown our throats, which have been drawn behind closed doors, in the dark of night, with absolutely no bipartisan or voter input, using bribes and kickbacks to buy off enough votes, then lied about the entire thing, top-to-bottom.

      This I guarantee, any person claiming to support this bill has either not bothered to read it (just like the leftist legislators who passed it), or simply doesn’t care because they are socialists who want the government to control all aspects of healthcare. Any rational person who reads this bill cannot be in support.

      Why, you ask?

      Because, the 2,500 pages of this bill does not represent all of this bill. Not only are other, older bills folded into this legislation, THERE ARE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF PAGES OF REGULATIONS, WHOSE FORMULATION AND ENFORCEMENT WILL BE DETERMINED, OFFICIALLY WRITTEN/STRUCTURED, AND CODIFIED BY A SINGLE PERSON – the head of the Health and Human Services Department. ONE PERSON WILL HAVE DICTATORIAL POWERS OVER ALL DOCTORS, PATIENTS AND HOSPITALS.

      Want an example? There was no requirement that churches dole out rubbers, the pill, IUD’s and abortifacients in the legislation. Kathleen Sebelius simply mandated this. One woman. Consider that. One hateful woman with a grudge can decide to force churches to pay for abortifacients. That is sickening. And anyone who values individual freedom cannot support such abhorrent, anti-American behavior.

      Place the shoe on the other foot. Imagine if congress forced through a bill allowing the attorney general to force members of the ACLU to install churches at all their offices, to accommodate religious employees. All at the whim of the attorney general. Imagine the backlash.

      Right now, if my health carrier causes issues with the care of my children I can hire a lawyer or go to a local, state, or federal agency for assitance and recourse. What can you do when only one person on the face of the planet – A POLITICIAN, mind you – has the power to determine if your child, wife, husband or parents live or die? What is your recourse? Do you think the government cares a lick about you, or your family? Of course not. you are screwed.

      In a democratic society, which is supposedly “free”, that type of approach is totally and completely incompatible. This legislation MUST be crushed, and those who foisted this scam upon the populace should be punished.

      • June 12, 2012 at 3:53 pm
        Agent says:
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        Amen Brother. Mike N, you gave a stunningly powerful retort to D. I doubt if you changed his/her mind, but it was good nonetheless.

      • June 12, 2012 at 4:20 pm
        D says:
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        Wow. You’re like Patrick Henry with all that hyperbolic garbage. Your face must have been really red when you wrote that. Or, do you always spew out fear before actual reality of the bill has set in? ACLU installing churches? Really? I think the people who want to undo this bill and the Supreme Court have more of a shot at determining if me or my family live and die than any politician. You completely missed the point of what I wrote. It’s time to get our legislators to focus on what works with this bill and pass it. Going back to the system with millions of uninsured people flowing into ERs is not going to make things better. We already lead the work in per capita spending on health care. Take a chill pill or a vacation too!

        • June 12, 2012 at 4:43 pm
          Agent says:
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          D, it is you who are missing the point. By the way, we need more people who admire Patrick Henry who will say it like it is instead of admiring Progressive thought and this dastardly bill. Out of 2,700 pages of nonsense, about the only thing that may survive is the children on the policy until 26. We definitely don’t want illegal aliens with healthcare on our dime. Put the Emergency Room hoard into State run Pools. Let them have the Medicaid and leave the Healthcare Insurance Industry alone.

          • June 12, 2012 at 5:17 pm
            D says:
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            The ER hoard is already the responsibility of individual states. In my state it is called the “uncompensated medical care fund” and if it was a person it would be on it’s death bed. If you want to throw it to Medicaid, you have to fund it!!! Looking a the posts here is making ME ill. There is NOTHING in the bill that assures coverage for illegal aliens. But, they DO have coverage now. They are already on our dime!! Nobody can be turned away at an ER. So, now or later, illegal aliens and our dime would be in the same situation. This bill is way too complicated. But, it does take a step to funding the entire system. Reading these posts and the other Sarah Palin/FOX infused garbage shows me that people just want it all to go away. Denial will get us nowhere.

          • June 12, 2012 at 5:41 pm
            Agent says:
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            D, your posts are showing a certain level of desperation since you really can’t justify your positions. You made a statement that this bill does not provide coverage to illegal aliens. I have read the passages that says that it does provide it. I agree that they do have coverage now through the Emergency Rooms for free health care. That has to stop. They are not entitled to be treated on the citizens dime. They need to go home, come back legally and then get health insurance. Until then, go to the Doc in a box and stay out of our Emergency Rooms.

        • June 12, 2012 at 7:15 pm
          Mike N says:
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          Hyperbole, definitions: 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration. 2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as ‘to wait for eternity.” – Source, Dictionary.com.

          D, please, if you are going to criticise what I write, I only ask two things: 1. Please be accurate. 2. Please substantiate your claims.

          Regarding the definition, please indicate where hyperbole was used in any manner in my comments. At no time did I inaccurately characterize this legislation, nor the flaws I specified.

          Ultimately, it is you, not I , who has had to resort to hyperbole in an attempt to pretend this legislation isn’t exactly what it is: allowing an unelected individual carte blanche control over the healthcare decisions of every man, woman, child and family in this country. As I previously stated, there is no way any person could support this legislation, unless they are either ignorant of what the bill entails, or are so clouded by socialist ideology they simply do not care.

          While I cannot state with certainty exactly in which camp you are firmly ensconced, it is obvious by the points attempted you have not read the legislation in any way, shape, or form. Much like the bought politicians who were bribed by the administration (with our tax dollars, mind you) to pass this monstrosity.

          I find your blind faith in government, a government which has bankrupted social security, destroyed the finances of Medicare and Medicaid, and nearly lay waste to the finances of every American, both fascinating and freightening in its vacuity. Remember, most of the problems with medical insurance in this country have been brought on by the government (i.e. leftists) and nobody else.


          The feds set the pay rates for all procedures involved with both Medicare and Medicaid. The payments for these procedures have continually dwindled for decades, to the point where doctors are often being “compensated” by the government at a rate less than cost.

          How do doctors make up for these losses?

          Funny you should ask, as it’s vitally important. Doctors and hospitals then turn around and overbill private insurance. So, while the point you make about us all paying for this currently is correct, it is not correct in the way you meant it, or assumed.

          Medicare is a scam. Medicaid is a scam. Social Security is a scam (why else would the original date of eligibility be older than life expectancy. But, guess what? People started living longer, revealing FDR’s lie). Both Medicare and Medicaid have been grossly underfunded for decades (i.e. the political promises of leftist politicians have been proven to be lies). To date this underfunding has been hidden by private insurance, which has been over-billed so the politicians lies aren’t obviously apparent. But, guess what? After all these years it is finally catching up. The numbers of baby boomers retiring pulled back the curtain on the Wizard’s scams. There is no more margin in private insurance for the government to raid it any longer (which is really just a backdoor tax, without having to actually pass a tax bill).

          Not sure about your doctor, D, but my doctor’s office will NO LONGER ACCEPT ANY MEDICARE OR MEDICAID PATIENTS. Why? There is no longer any money to steal from others to pay for these over-promised programs.

          This is why this legislation was crammed through. The numbers do not lie. The Democrat Party, using the federal government, has nearly bankrupted and destroyed the healthcare system. Their objective all along has been to destroy the system of private insurance. And this legislation does that, turning carriers into government controlled utilities.

          The government has already failed in every major “effort”. Yet you want to give these people MORE control over your life?

          One last thought: Remember HMOs? Remember how they, while still around today, were universally hated when they were abundant? Have you ever asked yourself how these HMOs came about? Ted Kennedy created them as the “new” “cost-effective” “model for the future of healthcare”, back in the 70s. How did that go? Please keep in mind, Obamacare used Ted Kennedy’s blueprint for its creation. And, when one takes a close look at the Obamacare legislation, it is clearly an HMO model that simply stiffs doctors and taxpayers who pay their own way.

          After all, everyone sure loved those HMOs, right? However, with HMOs, companies still had options for care. They could choose PPOs or self-insure with a hospital wrap. One could also move carriers. But what is anyone going to do when the carrier is the government? Where are you going to move? Based upon your comments, it is apparent you haven’t even thought that far along.

          D, rather than post on chatboards and comment spaces, I recommend you spend some time actually reading the Obamacare legislation, as it seems you have no clue what it entails. Though you do have a good grasp of adminstration talking points (so long as no questions are asked).

          BTW, aAt no point was I red-faced, and I just returned from a week at Manhattan, Hermosa and Newport Beach. And I’m sorry simply posting facts about this legislation causes you such consternation. But life is hard. You cannot simply play like you’re some kind of fairy who can wish away the fact this legislation is terrible and destructive.

          How terrible? Much like the joke about lawyers, it is ashame the 99% of the Obamacare legislation which is completely awful gives a bad name to that 1% containing legitimate ideas. Perhaps that is what the obama administration and occupy crowd mean when they say they are the 99%. Hmm…

      • June 12, 2012 at 4:47 pm
        GETREAL says:
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        Mike N….you have talent. You should be a journalist. Sadly however 90% of all the major news sources are liberal think tanks who would not hire you. Keep up the good work as your content and outside the mainstream thinking is why newspaper companies are going under.

  • June 12, 2012 at 2:56 pm
    S says:
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    It’s a shame that this bill was not adequately vetted prior to being forced through Congress and signed. Another irresponsible act of elected officials.

    • June 12, 2012 at 3:47 pm
      Agent says:
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      They all admitted to not having read the bill before they voted on it. How can they vette a bill if they haven’t read it? They were supposed to trust Nancy & Harry who said they had to pass it so we could see what was in it. Some of the legislators had to be bribed, coerced into voting for it. The ones who did were defeated in the mid terms. Does this sound like a good bill to you? A good bill would have had bi-partisan support, but instead, they passed a strictly partisan bill and rammed it down the American People’s throat. Is it any wonder that America is up and arms about this and these Progressives will feel the wrath in November.

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