U.S. Regulators Angered By N.Y. Action Against StanChart

  • August 8, 2012 at 2:14 pm
    reality bites says:
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    NY has a wonderful history of over-zealous regulators. Maybe it’s time for national oversight for both banking AND insurance, so we don’t get clobbered by newer Spitzer-esque buffoons.

  • August 8, 2012 at 3:17 pm
    original bob says:
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    I have mixed feelings on this one. What may appear to be grandstanding on the part of New York may be a cure for the weak enforcement of sanctions against Iran. Sanctions that are strictly enforced, with violators severely punished, would seem to be much better options in obtaining Iranian compliance than shedding the blood of Americans and Israeli military men and women.

  • August 8, 2012 at 10:52 pm
    sport says:
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    So, if it later turns out that he dollar amount of bad transactions is closer to Standard’s $14 million number than New York’s $250 billion figure, is this so negligent that Lawsky could be held personally liable for shareholder losses?

  • December 7, 2012 at 9:36 am
    Dhorshok says:
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    Rain, I can’t speak to the incidence of wnoopihg cough, but according to CDC the incidence of tuberculosis declined in the U.S. and in California through 2008. 60% of new cases were among foreign-born patients with the most cases among those born in Mexico and the highest incidence among Asian-born immigrants. Personally I have questions about all of that because many of my Asian-born sailors had received BCG immunizations as children which results in a positive test for TB exposure.Robert, I personally think we blew it when the Administration didn’t press for a public insurance option this time. We missed the best opportunity we’re likely to have for awhile to eliminate the 15-20% of premiums going to commercial insurance plans for administration. I think you’re right though; if we already had decent insurance we didn’t get much from the new programs.

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