Government Suit Against S&P Could Embolden Other Investors to Sue

By and | February 6, 2013

  • February 7, 2013 at 10:40 am
    Bill says:
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    Blatant example of retribution by an overbearing administration using its power to destroy through its unlimited resources a private entity for its truthful downgrade of the Federal Governments ability to meet its obligation due to its reckless overspending.

    16 Trillion in debt/ 50 Trillion in future unfunded liabilities/ 3.8 annual expenses/ 2.3 Trillion of annual revenue. — Downgrade? Duh?

    S&P’s defense—- Did the federal government with its unlimited ability to print money bail out the banks and those that invested in Mortgaged Backed Securities through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? (yes) Then those debts were paid? (yes) Then our rating was correct? (Yes)…. LOL….

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