Southern States Still Opposed to Obamacare

By Bill Barrow | April 1, 2013

  • April 1, 2013 at 12:22 pm
    Fred Pilot says:
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    “Yet for now, governors’ rejection of Medicaid expansion will leave large swaths of Americans without coverage because they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid as it exists but not enough to get the subsidies to buy insurance in the exchanges.”

    This is inaccurate. Those with household incomes above 100% of federal poverty level in states that have opted not to expand Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent of income are eligible to purchase coverage in state health benefit exchange marketplaces. They will be eligible for advance income tax credits for premiums that exceed 2% of income.

  • April 1, 2013 at 2:40 pm
    Don Nixon says:
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    Of course the hospital and “advocacy groups” keep saying it is a good deal. More money for them. For those of us paying taxes to support it, as well as paying our OWN medical insurance, it is not a good deal. My BC/BS medical insurance now costs more than my house payment including tax escrow for just my wife and I. Nuts!

    • April 1, 2013 at 6:22 pm
      Agent says:
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      This is the biggest redistribution of wealth scheme in the history of the world. It is all about taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots. The have nots will break this country and we will be living like Venezuela within the next 10 years. There is literally no way to take on several million PreX people and make the rates competitive. The quick answer is that escalation of rates will do in several million citizens and cause much more unemployment as employers pay taxes/fines because of affordability issues.

    • April 3, 2013 at 10:11 am
      jw says:
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      Actually, I was surprised the hospitals were supporting expanding medicaid. Healthcare providers receive payment based on their cost to provide the payment. In general, hospitals break even on the payment. I guess covering the cost to provide care is better than the tax deduction.

  • April 1, 2013 at 3:16 pm
    Agent says:
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    The companies signing onto the exchanges will not be allowed to fail because of PreX claims. They will simply be “subsidized” to be able to stay in business. I am not sure how hospitals will be able to operate on payments from Medicaid style policies which many will pay at 60% Co-Ins and the insured does not have the money to pay what is owed. Perhaps the hospitals will also receive a subsidy from Sebelius for the shortfall. If not, many will go out of business.

  • April 1, 2013 at 3:51 pm
    Huh! says:
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    It isn’t just some southern states that still object to Obamacare. There are plenty of private citizens and small employers who object as well. This used to be a nation of choice. This used to be a nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Not so today. Shame on us!

    • April 2, 2013 at 12:10 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hey Huh, do you think another Civil War is possible in this country? The southern Red States are mostly Conservative and the northern Blue States are liberal. We have a divided country along the lines of race, gender, class and an Administration that is perfectly happy seeing it divided. Their motto is divide and conquer.

  • April 3, 2013 at 5:27 pm
    Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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    Huh: This has never been a nation of choice. Since when have we been able to choose which medications we’re allowed to take. Many people, especially the elderly, are suffering in pain because they can’t get medications that are “controlled substances”. I guess they should just stay drunk on whiskey all the time instead, although that would make it hard to hold down a job. Some choice.

    If you need transportation, and there is no public transportation in your area, do you get to choose how much you get to pay for fuel? No; some rich guy decides what to charge. Yeah, a nation of choice.

    This has never been a nation of choice, unless you’re born into wealth. That’s OK, some of us have made our lives work. I can’t complain on my behalf, but don’t think that choices are just now being taken away. That has always been the case.

    Agent: Those southern “conservative” states you mentioned sure do like their welfare. Most of them are net “takers” or “receivers”, while most northern states are net providers. In other words, southern states take more from the federal coffers than they pay in, even though they claim to be against federal “interference”. Meanwhile most northern states pay in more than they receive. Looks like liberals give, and conservatives take.

    If southern states were to secede, they would be worse off. If nothing else, they would have to feed the Obesity State (Mississippi). If the glorious, “conservative” South wants to leave, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Just don’t come crawling to us for more free handouts.

    • April 4, 2013 at 11:42 am
      Libby says:
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      Hallelujah, Don’t Call Me Shirley! Don’t let the door hit ya, ya’ll!

      • April 5, 2013 at 10:08 am
        Agent says:
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        So Libby, where have you been hiding out for the past few months. Planet has been missing you being his side kick on comments on this site. I guess you will have to align with Shirley, the uninformed and go head to head with me, Bob, Dave, Sargent Major and others that give the Conservative viewpoint.

        • April 5, 2013 at 11:42 am
          Bob says:
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          What I personally find humerous about the whole liberal versus conservative deal with Planet, Libby, Dave, Sargent Major, and I is that we are all so…Different and what we think of each other as a result. Planet and Libby look at the “different” and try to apply religious zealotry, label news stations, mock fox news at every chance like college kids, and hannity, etc. You Sargeant, Dave and I, do not.

          That’s a random comment I know. Planet is basically an ass (likes to plug his ears to people he doesn’t like, a bad idea. It’s something I never do and why I’m much better informed than him) but the differing thoughts are astounding in comparison to how we react.

          As a quick example: I was stand offish at announcing that I do not believe in God, which I did recently in one of these posts. I had until then called myself “agnostic” because technically, even though I don’t believe I understand that I cannot “know” (atheist definition)

          This finally revealed why I took such offense to Planet. Planet is…quite an odd religious guy. Yet here this leftist religious punk was, calling me, a non believer, a religious zealot and was labeling religious folk, all but democrat religious folk like him of course, and said I watched too much “fox news” proceeded to make fun of me, and then when I fought back called me a bully. I mean really? What the hell? The guy was so convinced about what conservatives believe, he was labeling so much, he was assuming what stations I listened to, assuming my religion, assuming my beliefs.

          Now he’s still on image damage control. He’s so embarassed he won’t even reply to me, out of fear of people will think less of him for it.

          Such a whack job.

          • April 6, 2013 at 12:29 am
            SOX says:
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            So, I think I used to work with “Captain Planet” in his former life. I live in Des Moines and just ran into, potentially, said individual who was talking about Insurance Journal and a specific article relating to an agent and gay marriage. I’m bored on a Friday night, so here I am, wondering the pages and commentary forums. He is a strongly opinionated person but generally, seems open-minded from my dealings with him. I reviewed all 180+ comments on the article with the agent standing up for gay marriage. I’d have to say, Bob, your comments are unfounded. He never said anything to you directly. In fact, it looks like he refuses to reply to you, for whatever reason, I don’t know. I don’t know your history. But, I’m going to have to call you out and also say, what Captain Planet, his real first name I think is…well, maybe I shouldn’t, but he said you call people names a lot and swear. I see that going on above in your post. I think you might have some damage control. He’s actually a good person, and a good dad, if it’s who I am thinking of. He was out of the house and we just got done having some craft beers. For whatever it’s worth, I hated losing the guy as a coworker (even though his humor is a little off at times) and it was fun hanging out with him again. And, he’s right, this Insurance Journal stuff is entertaining, to say the least. I don’t care to get political, not really my thing. But when he talked about there being some sort of super-hero nemesis like themes going on, I had to take a look. I’m a HUGE comic book fan. I wouldn’t go so far as to say super hero out here, but I do see the nemesis part. At least, from the little bit of this site I have perused. Bob, you are straight up wrong, though. Captain Planet never labeled you personally anything. He wouldn’t even talk to you. I did see a part where he called Don Roberto, Don Bob. Maybe that’s what you are confusing, I don’t know. But, no, he didn’t say anything to you directly. You probably shouldn’t lie to the other readers and writers out here. At least, if you want to have some credibility. It didn’t take me very long to check and this is my first time even looking at anything outside of the article itself on Insurance Journal.

            Have fun with Captain Planet, if you ever get the chance. He’s definitely someone I’m glad to know, again, if it’s the person I think it is. Big Iowa Hawkeye fan, likes to play golf, HUGE Jordan fan, enjoys his craft beer, and has a wife who is expecting soon. Already has one daughter. One of the better employees we had at the company. We couldn’t keep him from leaving, though. And, not for lack of trying. Oh well, sounds like he’s doing well from our conversation tonight. Super friendly guy. I really don’t know anyone who has anything bad to say about him. Well, obviously, you do Bob. But, I don’t know you. So, I still don’t know anyone that can say anything bad about him.

          • April 8, 2013 at 9:58 am
            Agent says:
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            Yes Bob, What I find amazing about the liberal mindset is their lack of tolerance for any view other than their own. Progressive Liberalism has been tried in many countries around the world for the past half century and it is an unmitigated disaster everywhere it has been tried and yet they seem to think it will work in this country. All one has to do is look at current affairs in Europe and elsewhere to see the devastation Progressive thought has wrought. Entitlement societies have a way off imploding when the money is all gone. Margaret Thatcher, who just died said it best. With Socialism, pretty soon you run out of other peoples money. She was a very great lady and a champion of Conservatism and brought Britain back from the brink of default. Unfortunately for that country, the liberals are back in charge and are rapidly running the country into the ground again.

          • April 8, 2013 at 11:16 am
            Agent says:
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            Sox, had you been following Planet and his comments the last couple of years, you would be able to see where he is coming from and his Progressive liberal viewpoints. by the way, he is not as big a sports fan as you imagined when he once said that he looked forward to going to Wrigley Field to watch the Bulls play.

          • April 9, 2013 at 12:40 pm
            Bob says:
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            Whether I swear or not, is irrelavent to why I’m here.

            No, you haven’t seen Planet and I’s history. He does not ignore people he can take advantage of.

            As for our history, he said many things about how I was a religious zealot when I went over conservative issues legally. He also labels everyone’s pieces of information. Planet is biased, a punk, and he continually makes fun of people, says comments about fox news, labels stations, etc. Just because he doesn’t swear doesn’t make him a good man.

            Now on to the gay issue:

            You liberals have a habit of labeing others in a pretty way then getting mad at the conservative who basically fights back. Regarding my conversations in the gay marraige section:

            I will say they were over the top, however consider who I was talking with:

            A guy who was stating that christians and religions hated gays and sought to keep them unmarried, while he followed a group that passed a law that controlled religions. I have a notable reason to be upset by some person more or less thinking that religions are dominating gays, while laws are being passed right now that actually do dominate religion.

            Moving forward: I only attack someone, when they make it clear that they are labeling religion, (bigotry) are labeling the right (also bigorty, and you can’t say planet doesn’t do this) or anything related to “fox news” being a non credible.

            I know how you see it, since I’m…Let’s say colorful in wording. But I do not ever, act as degrading as planet does in regards to what he states. Again, saying something pretty and without swear words doesn’t make it right, when you label someone and make it pretty it is more likely to stick. When you make it ugly, it doesn’t stick. Bigotry works, because of people like planet. And when people make a pretty argument of how gays are being dominated by churches, I call it out as bigotry and attack the person. I will continue to do so.

          • April 9, 2013 at 12:53 pm
            Bob says:
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            I should also note:

            The world is not a comic book. I noted that Planet was very black and white. Your comment seems the same.

            His mindset as I put it a while back “causes wars”.

            Very commonly the person who is following the comic book good, is following evil, and very commonly what a comic would call evil, would be good in the real world.

            Allow me to eloborate: Gay rights and women’s rights would be a good example. Most people on the left think of some comic book character, religious, non-progressive, controlling, guy who basically just goes on some anger sprees. They relate the anger to the villain. It is extremely rare in a comic book to see say a Game of Thrones villain. Let’s use an example like Twyinn. He’s pretty much a villain. And boy howdy a bad man. However, he is all about fairness. If he saves 1,000 people by doing something evil, he does it. Trade his son into a marriage? Pretty mean, but with a greater good. All the while, talking pretty.

            Real villains do not act flambouant. They don’t go over the top. They are like planet, they throw in bigotry comments calmly. They throw in labeling comments as a joke. Get others to join in, have a laugh. To state that Planet has not acted bigoted, is just an out right lie.

            Every time he talks with someone he brings up Hannity and Fox News. Why? It’s stuck on his head, hate is on his brain. Every time he talks about the right he talks about white men who are trying to keep women bare footed in the kitchen. That’s bigotry. There isn’t some republican big bad guy villain, trying to make sure women are subject to rape (he has commented on the forcible rape issue trying to believe some big bad republican wants women not only in the household, but also raped. See where the extremity lies?).

            All the while seeming cool, calm, the savior.

            He isn’t the hero Sox. He’s the villain. If anything I would be the not so prestine hero. Bit of a past, hardened, agnostic, fighting for religions, but also gays (my comment on how to treat them equally)

            Planet is not a hero. He’s thinking of who to hate next in every post.

        • April 8, 2013 at 8:59 am
          Libby says:
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          Taking a well-deserved hiatus. But I’m back and ready to give the left a much needed hand on IJ.

  • April 4, 2013 at 12:51 pm
    bob says:
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    You mean like Texas? The only state that had huge surpluses (revenues taken from coffers exceeded expenditures) for a long period of time, had a dip after the recession, and adjusted (according to republican ideals, not liberal) and is the only state which is now expecting a huge recovery and huge surplus?

    Like that “southern” state?

    Don’t let the door hit your rear end on the way out. If Texas were to secede we would not be better off.

    • April 5, 2013 at 10:12 am
      Agent says:
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      Good rebuttal to Shirley Bob. These libs are jealous of Texas and take every opportunity to criticize. However, Texas has created more jobs than all the blue states combined and has the 12th largest economy in the world so they must be doing something right. They are attracting numerous businesses from all over, particularly the blue states that are taxing and regulating them to death. State Farm is opening a huge office in the Dallas Metroplex and Met Life is moving operations from the N/E and Taxifornia to NCarolina. I think they saw the handwriting on the wall.

    • April 5, 2013 at 1:09 pm
      Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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      This “adjustment” after the recession was Rick Perry going to the federal government trough. This, after swearing that he would never do so. But I guess we should at least give him some credit for using the money to help create all those minimum-wage jobs. Texas is not the only state expecting a huge recovery. Ohio is now leading the way, soon to be accompanied by others. The Texas “recovery” is a result of the federal money, which enables them to have lower tax rates. For now. The golden goose (federal government) can’t lay the golden eggs for Texas forever.

      On another point, I didn’t say we’d be better off if Texas were to secede. I said that if the southern states were to secede they would be worse off. Do you honestly think they wouldn’t be worse off? Rick Perry was the one touting secession for Texas, then had to eat his words, because he knew it would be a big mistake, because he knew that Texas can’t get by without the rest of us. Contrary to what Agent thinks, I have no feelings of jealousy towards Texas whatsoever. I like having water.

      The whole secession topic in my previous post was in response to Agent’s Civil War comment. Yeah, it’s been tried before. How did that work out?

      • April 5, 2013 at 5:36 pm
        Bob says:
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        No, that adjustment was not. Note I stated “projected” surplus.

        As in fiscal year 2013. Tell me, how is it that the stimulus which ended in 2010, and the remainder tapered off in 2011, is supposedly affecting a 2013 surplus projection, based off of their CURRENT surplus to date and economic numbers?

        How did a stimulus which ended in 2010 result in the growth in 2013?

        Don’t call me Shirley:

        Read my comments and don’t make ridiculous assumptions. You’re talking to a logical right thinker, none of why I’m conservative stems from moral, ideological, or religious reasons.

      • April 5, 2013 at 5:48 pm
        Bob says:
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        Well…I should clarify what I meant by “No, that adjustment was not”.

        This coming surplus had nothing to do with money received from Obama. Regardless of which: Break out how much money he received, how it was applied, how it lowered the deficit. You will forgive me, but I do not believe you are quoting numbers, I believe you are quoting a source. As I have read likely the source material/s you are referencing, I know that none of them showed a break out. The break out is available. If you would be so kind to give the numbers, I will know you certainly did not just quote a talking point.

        Moving forward: The adjustment which caused the UPCOMING surplus for 2013 was shifting taxes, and building up the economy.

      • April 5, 2013 at 5:49 pm
        Bob says:
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        And then to clarify on my second post: When I’m asking for the numbers, you will also have to include the year.

        While I know this info, I realized that you do not. As the year that the funds were applied is the most important when talking about a 2013 upcoming surplus. The hint here is:

        None of the funds are applied to projected 2013 surplus. 0%. Therefore it cannot be the factor causing it.

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