Opponents Doubt Savings Promised By Farm Bill

By | June 14, 2013

  • June 14, 2013 at 11:30 am
    ExciteBiker says:
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    One trillion bleeping bleeping dollars and they don’t even bat a bleeping eye. 66-27. Meanwhile we are giving away our sovereignty in two huge top secret trade agreements–the biggest in history. And our President just unilaterally decided he will arm the rebels who not 60 days ago were reported to have formally aligned with Al Qaeda. Maybe he hopes it will distract people from the news that the government continues to illegally collect the most intimate details of everyone, everywhere.

    But dude, did you see, that chick from Arlington got voted off of The Voice!! And birth control, and Freedom or something. ‘Murica

  • June 14, 2013 at 1:49 pm
    Libby says:
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    Excite – What are the two huge top secret trade agreements? Don’t tell me if you’ll have to kill me, though. :-) Just kidding. But really, what are they?

    • June 14, 2013 at 3:23 pm
      Agent says:
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      I can give you a couple of agreements that should excite you if ExciteBiker does not respond. How about arming the Syrian resistance that is laced with Al Quida operatives? This is after we armed the Muslim Brotherhood who has been discovered that they consider the US their enemy. How about the UN Arms Agreement that will attempt to regulate the US Arms Industry and do away with the Second Amendment for citizens.

    • June 14, 2013 at 5:08 pm
      ExciteBiker says:
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      Trans Pacific Partnership is one. It would cover 40% of the global economy (not including China, and they might get brought in yet). It is like NAFTA but bigger, broader and more secret. It deals with everything from the environment to intellectual property to labor rights — not ordinarily the stuff of boring trade agreements. Early leaked drafts suggest TPP would do everything from prevent India from greenlighting generic meds when it wants to, to exporting the worst/most draconian parts of U.S. intellectual property law without any of the protections, to removing disputes from the judicial system and instead resolving by private arbitrators. TPP would radically change U.S. law (despite claims to the contrary), and it will “lock-in” signatories into a potentially awful system which we will not be able to extricate ourselves from.

      TPP is One Giant Leap towards a world government which answers to no one and cannot be meaningfully changed or eliminated by even the largest individual signatories.

      It is EXTREMELY telling that such an important, huge deal has barely seen even a whisper in the mainstream media, and the secrecy surrounding the negotiations has been unprecedented.

      If TPP passes, in 20 years we will see our screaming matches– I mean presidential elections– dominated by pointed fingers and assigned blame for who was responsible for approving something that will be unquestionably disastrous for the U.S. economy. The answer will of course be “Both parties vigorously supported it.”

      Once Obama decides that the secrecy phase has ended and takes to his bully pulpit and engages the full mechanism of the US propoganda machine to get all the busy worker bees on board, you’ll hear about all of the “opportunities” for the millions of people in the countries that will join. What you won’t hear is how these opportunities will come at the direct expense of the U.S. economy as we all get dragged farther and farther down. Remember all those good paying jobs that left the U.S. for Mexico after NAFTA? Now imagine that, times ten, plus as much lawyer mumbo-jumbo B.S. relating to intellectual property as they can possibly get in there, and you’ll have an idea of what TPP has in store for America.

      You’ll also hear buzzwords like “Regulatory Coherence” — this is a really nice way of saying “Individual countries can’t make their own laws or regulate their own industries any longer.” That’s great in theory when the U.S. is the sole big bully on the playground, but we’re all kidding ourselves if we think these days will be here forever.

      TPP is the mechanism with which the power elite will seize the mechanisms of world government and use the marrow from the bones of the American Economy to get rich in the Chinese boom.

      • June 14, 2013 at 5:14 pm
        ExciteBiker says:
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        PS Obama’s first term “TPP Guy” was ex Dallas mayor Ron Kirk. When Kirk retired, he immediately joined a top politically hooked-in law firm Gibson Dunn, partnered by George Bush’s ex solicitor general Ted Olson, to ‘advise global clients.’

        The only change will come when we eliminate our monopolistic two party system of government and start electing officials who are statesmen (and stateswomen!). We need to stop seeing any difference between someone like Ted Cruz and someone like Barack Obama. They are on the same team. We all need to figure this out, and soon.

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