U.K. Government Backs BP in U.S. Over ‘Unreasonable’ Oil Spill Payments

By Will Kennedy | September 8, 2014

  • September 8, 2014 at 2:26 pm
    WISCO CHARLY says:
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    Any business in the region could put in a claim if the business could show that their revenue was lower after the spill. The loss of revenue is assumed to be spill related. That opens the door wide for “fraudulent” claims. I read where a printer in Tampa put in a claim for lost revenue and even their lawyer stated he couldn’t actually link it to the oil spill. Also saw where a farmer who didn’t plant crops in 2010 also put in a claim for lost revenue. All legal under the terms of the “settlement”. I think that’s preposterous and I certainly understand why BP is seeking a ruling!

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