States May Decide Fate of Obamacare Tax Subsidies After Supreme Court

By and Drew Armstrong | November 9, 2014

  • November 11, 2014 at 12:46 pm
    Agent says:
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    I can’t believe that no blog posts on this article. There should be about 50 by now. Isn’t it great that Obama minion Jonathon Gruber came out with his famous admission about lying about Obamacare? He thinks the voters are “stupid” and it wouldn’t have passed if they were transparent. What an elitist – – – -hole he is.

    • November 11, 2014 at 3:23 pm
      Connie says:
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      Agent, there was some senator on Fox News this morning, I think he was from Maine. He kept trying to say, “Who cares what this guy thinks?” and when the Fox people kept pointing out to him, incredulously, that this guy was the ARCHITECT of the ACA, he then turned to the guilt card – “Don’t you want people to have health insurance? 8 million people that didn’t have it before have it now. Don’t you care about them?” I wanted to throw something at my TV! It’s always “the end justifies the means” with these people.

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