Hospitals Improvise on Safety to Treat Ebola Patients

By | November 21, 2014

  • November 21, 2014 at 2:21 pm
    Freedom says:
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    It would have been nice if CDC had provided info and training prior to the issue hospitals have had. They are pretty useless and now we have had a death in Texas and in Nebraska and several cases overall. I wonder what the VA hospitals have to treat Ebola if any soldiers come back with it. My guess is, not much.

  • November 22, 2014 at 4:50 pm
    Jim Blair says:
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    Post 9/11 we have assessed Chemical,Biological,Radiological,Nuclear,and Explosives(with or without radiological materials)CBRNE preparedness in hospitals and healthcare organizations. After Hurricane Katrina we focused on all-hazards readiness. Our “boots on the ground” convinced us that the “Public Health and Healthcare sector was and is the “weakest link in the Homeland Security chain”.The serial egregious failures in the sector from NOLA Katrina to NYC Sandy and natural disasters in between speak for themselves. The Ebola event and lack of due diligence in Mergers and acquisitions as the industry scrambles to create ACOs has increased the exposure in the industry. Jim

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