DuPont Transfers Pollution Liabilities for 171 Sites to New Company Chemours

By and | July 2, 2015

  • July 2, 2015 at 8:28 am
    Lisa Riggiola says:
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    Pompton Lakes mentioned. Will the $116 Million estimate from DuPont ever achieve the cleanup we need in Pompton Lakes, NJ? Sounds very low considering there is a $43 million estimate to cleanup only a portion of Reserve Reservoir known as Pompton Lake – we have over 200 areas of concern involved in this site including our toxic plume neighborhoods and the DuPont Pompton Lakes Works site which is over 500 acres.

  • August 21, 2015 at 8:30 pm
    Kurt Jennet says:
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    And yesterday Dupont, excuse me, Chemours announced it was closing two of it’s Titanium Dioxide plants as it inches closer to it’s final end. Dupont spokesman have promised enough new Cancer cases to ensure billions in billing for Wilmington area hospitals for the foreseeable future.

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