How Population Shifts Are Changing Personal Lines Insurance

By | September 8, 2015

  • September 8, 2015 at 1:35 pm
    Wendy says:
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    Hi Wendy,

    I get these Insurance Journal emails everyday where they list articles related to the insurance industry. This one was particularly interesting in light of the meeting that I attended this morning. Thought you might enjoy.

  • September 8, 2015 at 2:24 pm
    martin says:
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    Be very careful on the new arrivals in this country. I was once one of the largest writers in the Dearborn, MI area. The loss ratios can suffer especially in the less than 5 year driving experience in this country.

    • September 8, 2015 at 2:34 pm
      Agent says:
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      martin, I have heard that Dearborn, Mi has a large Muslim population. How do you deal with them?

      • September 8, 2015 at 4:24 pm
        confused says:
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        I would guess Martin treats them like every other American, and not like a racist which your post makes you out to be

        • September 8, 2015 at 4:29 pm
          Agent says:
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          So you don’t stay with the news much Confused? Why am I not surprised? Why don’t you let martin answer instead of interjecting your nonsense?

          • September 8, 2015 at 5:21 pm
            Clark says:
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            Agent, would you mind responding to the question posed by confused? Your question, as posed, does sound racist, or at the very least ignorant. Which is it? By the way, I do “stay” with the news, but I don’t for an instant buy everything that either side peddles. Interested in how you “deal” with the question – thanks.

          • September 9, 2015 at 9:35 am
            Agent says:
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            Hey Clark, you should take remedial English. Confused did not ask me a question. He made his usual idiotic statement. I, on the other hand asked martin how he dealt with Muslims in Dearborn. How easy is it to write their Personal Lines insurance? Do they even have insurance or is that against their Sharia beliefs?

          • September 9, 2015 at 1:38 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Yes, Agent, please do tell. How do you deal with Ahmad Rashad, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Shaquille O’Neal, and all those crazy radical Muslims like them? Please try to actually think before you put your fingers on those clicky letters in front of you.

          • September 9, 2015 at 3:01 pm
            FFA says:
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            You guys…
            When I worked retail, the local area had an explosion of the Muslim Population. That culture was new to me and I had to learn on the fly how to deal with them… Whats acceptable, whats not. I wanted to capitalize. So I needed info as to what to stock for that explosion. Rereading what Agent asked seems more like seeking info then racist.

            Confused, if you deal with that market segment like you deal with all others (Personal Experience speaking), you wont be dealing with them and you will be missing opportunity.

    • September 8, 2015 at 5:16 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hey martin, am I the only one that noticed that 80% of the migration has gone to the south and west part of the country while New York has lost 500,000 and Illinois lost 300,000 to migration? Why? Ron says NY is a wonderful place to live and FFA says the same thing about Illinois. Why would those good citizens ever want to leave either state?

      • September 8, 2015 at 9:35 pm
        Ron says:
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        I never said NY is a wonderful place to live.

      • September 9, 2015 at 9:41 am
        Agent says:
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        Honest question Ron, why isn’t NY a wonderful place? I assume you have lived their most of your life. Why have they lost 500,000 to migration to other states? Is it the high cost of living, high taxation, over regulation? I read that recently they approved the $15 per hour minimum wage for restaurants. How is that working out? Several in Seattle have closed and the ones still in business are putting extra surcharges on meals to pay it.

        • September 9, 2015 at 10:06 am
          Ron says:
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          If I answer your loaded questions, will you start answering my questions?

        • September 9, 2015 at 10:14 am
          Agent says:
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          Nothing loaded about my questions Ron. You live there. Inquiring minds want to know. Don’t answer if you don’t want to. I couldn’t care less. You and Rosenblatt are something else. I have a feeling he is a fellow New Yorker with his attitude and the unending parsing of words.

          • September 9, 2015 at 10:38 am
            Ron says:
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            I also believe that my questions to you are not loaded, though you believe otherwise. See my point?

            You asked, “Ron, why isn’t NY a wonderful place?” Taxes are too high. The ONLY reason I stay is to be close to my family and friends. They are far more important to me than my career or standard of living. As long as I can continue to work and pay my bills, I will stay and be happy.

            I have lived here my whole life. This is my home, for good and bad. Several of my friends have left the state for different reasons. The only constant is that they all miss NY, but cannot find equivalent work.

            You asked, “Why have they lost 500,000 to migration to other states? Is it the high cost of living, high taxation, over regulation?” I would say taxes and, to a much lesser extent, regulations. I do not believe the cost of living is a factor at all.

            You asked, “I read that recently they approved the $15 per hour minimum wage for restaurants. How is that working out?” It has not gone into effect yet and will only impact fast food restaurants with at least 30 locations in the state. Since I do not patronize such places, I really do not care. My hope is that it will increase the cost of fast food and keep more people away from those places, and maybe even some will close.

          • September 9, 2015 at 11:37 am
            Agent says:
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            Thank you for your honest answer Ron. I think there is always a reason why people do what they do and it is a shame that a state that is not providing enough jobs and is taxing heavily is doing the wrong thing for their citizens. Of course, NY cannot hold a candle to Illinois on poor economic conditions. To hear FFA talk, it is a weekly occurrence to see companies pull up stakes and move out. Where is the tax revenue going to come from if they are abandoned?

            It is too bad that you have such a cavalier attitude about the fast food industry which provides a lot of jobs to a state and not caring if they stay or close. I suppose you only frequent the fine dining restaurants. Many citizens cannot afford to eat out at those places. They also won’t be able to afford $12 hamburgers or chicken sandwiches either and you may get your wish on many of them closing. Hello unemployment line!

          • September 9, 2015 at 11:54 am
            Ron says:
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            I dine out less than 10 times a year and they are local, casual dining places. No fine dining here. I love to cook and only use fresh vegetables, potatoes and meat and it costs less than $125 per week for a family of 5.

            In my opinion, the growth of fast food restaurants is a significant factor in our current obesity rates and health care costs. We need to make healthy food more economical than processed, fast food. Let the entrepreneurs figure out a way to do that and create replacement jobs.

          • September 9, 2015 at 12:35 pm
            Agent says:
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            Ron, Wow, eat out less than 10 times a year? I can see how a family of 5 would be an expensive proposition. I know you don’t frequent fast food, but most of the ones I see offer healthy choices now. No one mandates that you have to have Big Macs every time at fast food restaurants. However, family’s with young kids often get it since the kids are not into salads when they are hungry. They get enough bad food trying to stomach Michelle Obama’s school lunches which are so horrible that they have 60-70% waste. The key to obesity control is having the kids stay active in sports instead of using their thumbs on their cells all the time. I have 4 grandkids who are slender and active and they have plenty of energy.

          • September 9, 2015 at 1:28 pm
            Ron says:
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            I agree that exercise is the key and my kids play different sports year round. However, the right diet provides the fuel for the energy they need. they go hand-in-hand.

            While I do not agree with her methods, I am glad the First Lady has brought upon more awareness to the problem of childhood obesity. It has been ignored for too long.

            My guess is that your grand kids have healthy diets also.

          • September 9, 2015 at 1:35 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            There truly is no such thing as “healthy choices” in fast food. If nothing else, look at where the ingredients going into fast food are coming from, how they are processed, etc. I am with Ron, I wish the fast food industry would go away. You cannot exercise out a bad diet and these types of restaurants are making it far to cheap for people to become their victims. What sucks is, due to 34+ years of Reaganomics, both parents not only have to go to work, sometimes they have to work 2 and 3 jobs to make possible what 1 breadwinner could do and more before Reagan killed the country. So, many families struggle to have time to make food at home. So, the drive-thru becomes what seems to be a necessity. Thanks a lot Ronnie Raygun!

      • September 9, 2015 at 4:52 pm
        Agent says:
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        Hey Planet, how about running down to the local Mosque and putting a message on their bulletin board and invite them get a quote on their Auto & HO? How about inviting them to your local church to hear Pastor Mike and his message of forgiveness for all the Muslim atrocities perpetrated since 9/11? You might get out of there with your head still on and maybe not.

        • September 10, 2015 at 8:54 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          I have several close friends who are Muslim and none of them want Sharia Law to rule this country. All want to just be American like me. And, as such, they are free to practice whichever religion they so do desire. One of those friends is my financial advisor for crying out loud. You need to turn the channel from Faux News, get out there, and actually get some culture. That box you live in is caving in.

          • September 10, 2015 at 12:12 pm
            Agent says:
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            Well, one thing is certain, you don’t watch anything but the left wing media for your talking points. I bet you didn’t see the story that Al Quida has put many of the richest businessmen in America on a hit list including Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and others. Your guys are worshipping a death cult, not a religion. They prove it every day if you were paying attention to current events.

        • September 11, 2015 at 12:23 pm
          Agent says:
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          Newsflash on Michelle Obama’s famous school food. In Lubbock, Tx., they are supposed to serve a nutricious breakfast for kids in order to get Federal Funds. A lady’s daughter took a picture on her cell and sent it to the mother and it has now gone viral. The picture was of a tortilla with three small potato nuggets and a small number of bacon bits in that breakfast taco. They were supposed to put some scrambled egg in it, but weren’t so the school was fudging. The picture I saw showed basically inedible and kids are supposed to eat this slop?

          • September 11, 2015 at 12:32 pm
            Ron says:
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            That’s TX for ya.

          • September 11, 2015 at 12:50 pm
            Agent says:
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            Actually Ron, there was a story recently of a school district in Tennessee which was serving year old meat to their students and got caught. I believe school districts all over the country are doing the same fudging thing. Perhaps that is the strategy now on the child obesity. Make the food so unappetizing, the kid throws it out and starves. Then they sneak some candy bars into their back pack and what is solved?

          • September 11, 2015 at 1:44 pm
            Ron says:
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            That’s TN for ya.
            Sounds more like budget cutbacks. Save a buck, regardless of the cost. Yeah red states.

      • September 9, 2015 at 4:56 pm
        Agent says:
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        FFA, honest question time. As a former Farmer’s Agent, how did you deal with Muslims and their culture to try to write coverage for them? Personally, I don’t want anything to do with them. Their allegiance is to Allah, not this country. They want Sharia Law instead of US law. If you did have coverage in place and a claim was denied, I think you might be in serious trouble.

        • September 9, 2015 at 6:40 pm
          FFA says:
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          Honest and straight forward agent. I lay the coverage options out there with premiums – plug the holes their current agent has left them to self insure. They always want a cheap price, but they will spend more to get better coverage once they understand what they are getting. I never leave them with a chance of misunderstanding. If they don’t take what I advise, I make them sign off on it. Speak a little slower. Take additional time. Probably the same way you take care of all the Spanish crowd.

          Of course they always want to barter the price. That’s one thing about that population segment is they think everything is negotiable. Everything. So I typically lay out that I can not alter the pricing within the first few minutes. Takes the pricing objection right off the table. Puts me in control of the sales presentation. Another trait is they always pay their bills on time.

          My dealing with that situation is back when I managed retail outlets. But lessons are still the same.

          • September 10, 2015 at 10:01 am
            Agent says:
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            Good answer FFA. When I deal with Hispanics, they seem to always have an interpreter to clarify in Spanish what I have said. Often, these people do not have a sign of credit score because they deal in cash. So, the only markets for them are excess/surplus lines. It is what it is. I don’t have much trouble with them.

  • September 8, 2015 at 3:38 pm
    Sherinae says:
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    Some of the personal lines companies that we have will not accept those without a proper social security number. A tax identification number is not the same and will be rejected. I only have two markets that will accept those. Immigrants get these tax ID numbers when they are even legal to work around here with a visa. I have had a few customers that have been here over 14
    years and have worked and paid taxes, but getting homeowners insurance is very difficult for them. I asked one underwriter about it and she said it is because of the high percentage of loss connected to them.

    • September 8, 2015 at 4:26 pm
      Agent says:
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      Sherinae, it has been our experience in Texas that there is one legal immigrant in a family, they buy a home and then their illegal family comes to live with them. Small, frame homes often have a dozen people living there. Even at that, they file few claims and want no trouble. It is harder on the Auto with no driver licenses, no credit and Progressive and a few others write them (for a price).

      • September 9, 2015 at 2:57 pm
        Agent says:
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        Planet, you and Ron need to get out more and see what is offered instead of bashing the fast food industry at every opportunity. It makes you look foolish and stupid. Just about all of them offer salads, fruit and other healthy choices.

        What really sucks is Democratic governance like Michelle Obama imposing her terrible diet on kids and school districts serving year old meat to kids. Due to Obamanomics, the economy has failed big time and parents have to work at part time jobs if they can find any work at all. NY is a good example of not providing high quality jobs and taxing heavily so people are leaving in droves. Planet, I bet you are beside yourself that Joni Ernst won in November and Sen Grassley is a good guy. They are both quite an improvement over Harkin.

        • September 10, 2015 at 8:58 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          More than 10 years ago I had the McDonald’s salads. Yes, they have fruit. Care to venture how all of that produce is raised, where, and in what type of labor conditions? Do your homework. Heck, just google Marler Clark and check out all the food poisoning lawsuits. I am in the food industry, Agent. You won’t trust me and that’s fine. But, I see the inside of the fast food operation. That’s WHY I DON’T EAT IT.

        • September 10, 2015 at 9:55 am
          Agent says:
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          Planet, if you are in the food industry, why are you on an insurance blog? It is now understandable why you threatened to pee on the side of your local Chick Fil A building. Whatever you have been eating for years has poisoned your brain. Why do you continue to rag on McDonald’s & other fast food chains? Most restaurants in this country get their produce from Mexico and South America. How about blaming Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and other countries for their labor conditions and lack of care producing their produce? By the way, how can you trust anything in the grocery store produce department anymore? Do you go up to the store manager and demand to know where they get their produce?

          • September 10, 2015 at 10:12 am
            Confused says:
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            troll alert! who cares why he’s on this site? it’s the internet, we can go anywhere! why did you insult him saying he has a poisoned brain when he did not insult you at all? also planet was speaking of fast food because that is what you and ron were talking about, not food from mexico, costa rica, hondouras or nicaragua.

          • September 10, 2015 at 12:21 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I insure the food industry, dirt to dinner. I get to see the ins and outs of the operations. I rag on McD’s because they are choosing to buy their produce from those areas (probably cheaper and definitely less safe). They peddle awful food to the masses and treat their employees like crap. I don’t know where you grocery shop, but my produce has a sticker on it and it says where it came from. Further, I buy mostly locally grown organic. If you saw what I do and have, I doubt you’d eat fast food, either.

  • September 9, 2015 at 1:22 pm
    Jonathan says:
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    Unfortunately, the illegals also don’t pay their bills as consistently as citizens either.

    • September 10, 2015 at 12:55 pm
      FFA says:
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      My Illegals usually pay their bill in full with cash on time all the time every time. Rarely do I send them a late notice. They always come in the office. One in particular has three kids born here. I just closed a life policy on all 5 of them.

    • September 10, 2015 at 12:59 pm
      Agent says:
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      Planet, you might be surprised to know a lot of people insure the food industry including myself. I have been in a lot of kitchens in a lot of restaurants making sure they will qualify for ansul system (Ventahood) for carriers and also observe how they prepare food. Restaurants generally have to pass regular health department inspections or they are shut down (including McDonalds). Please enlighten us as to where McDonald’s is serving substandard food that you say is awful. Can you not make the same statement about Burger King or other rivals? Personally, despite your war on Chick Fil A, I have been in those as well and they are about as clean as can be from the time you walk in the door clear back through the kitchen. They use quality ingredients as well. Enjoy your Tofu!

      • September 10, 2015 at 1:29 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Agent, please re-read my posts. I am for all fast food going away. Not just McD’s. No war on Chik Fil A. I just don’t eat there, either. It’s the actual food and how it is processed before it is placed in between buns that I am talking about. Do you solely insure agribusiness accounts? I do. You want to keep eating that crap, go right ahead. I know what is and isn’t in it and I’ll choose to steer clear. By the way, it’s not just fast food. There are many products on your grocery shelf I stay away from, too. Fast food is about as bad as it gets, though. Oh, and I don’t eat tofu, I never have cared for it. Organic fruits and veggies, grass fed beef, hormone-free free range chicken, USA wild caught seafood, those are examples of the types of foods I eat. Again, if you want to eat from factory farms and don’t really care what it is actually doing to your health, feel free. I simply want to put the healthiest food I can on the table for my family. It’s the main reason I switched my insurance niche. I personally believe it tastes better, too. Win-Win. Cheers!

        • September 10, 2015 at 3:55 pm
          FFA says:
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          Planet, Were you on the hook for the melon thing a few years back?

          I knew the agent in IA that was on the hook for the Bobcat thing several years ago. The beginning of the end for Exotic Pets being covered.

          • September 10, 2015 at 4:47 pm
            Agent says:
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            FFA, Iowa had one of the biggest outbreaks of bird flu in the country and no wonder chicken prices are so high in the country. I guess they didn’t have enough free range chicken to go around.

            This is a true story. When I went on a cruise to Hawaii last year, I found out that Hawaii protects free range chickens and heavy fines are meted out if anyone kills one. They are literally everywhere we went on tours and they are messy and we really had to watch where we walked at stops. How goofy is that?

          • September 11, 2015 at 12:36 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Thankfully we weren’t on the hook for that. My guess is it was Nationwide.

          • September 11, 2015 at 2:54 pm
            FFA says:
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            Back in my captive days, I had a restaurant with about 25 food borne illness claims in a matter lf a few hours. The Cook was using the same knife & cutting board to cut the vegies and the raw meat. Hit policy limits real fast. Not to mention Business Interruption coverage… I did leave that account behind, but came back to me after the claim.

          • September 11, 2015 at 4:34 pm
            Agent says:
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            FFA, so you had a restaurant with food born illness claims at policy limits? None of mine have ever had that, perhaps we have been lucky. Ok, if you left it behind (Non-renewed), how did it come back to you, after your Farmers days as Independent Agency? I would think that loss run might not look so good to another carrier and the premium might be a lot higher, right?

      • September 10, 2015 at 2:40 pm
        Agent says:
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        Planet, why should I re-read your posts? They are sickening to read. I think you are being paranoid about food quality in this country. How many food vendors would be in business today if they were supplying food that make people sick all the time? Standards are pretty strict. Restaurants are monitored closely and even the temperatures on their walk in coolers have to meet guides. By the way, your buddy Rosenblatt has said there is no such thing as free range chicken. They can open a door at the end of the coop and call them free range chicken. By the way, would you eat shrimp or fish caught in the Gulf of Mexico caught by USA fishermen, expecially after the BP spill? How about the Alaska fish caught around the port of Valdez after the Exxon disaster? You can’t say for sure where the fish have been or whether they are safe. Tuna has Mercury in it. Good luck with eating that.

        • September 11, 2015 at 9:01 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          I am not talking only about making people sick, I’m talking about making people unhealthy. Yes, food outbreaks happen, not denying that. Free range does exist, I’ve toured them. There is one not far from my house. I’ve ate that chicken. If nothing else, I like to see open air facilities used to raise and harvest animals. No, I don’t eat shrimp any more. Yes, tuna and other fish do have mercury. You’d have to eat a heck of a lot of tuna for it to matter. Meanwhile, you only have to eat fast food a couple times a week for that to make a negative impact. You eat your fast food crud and I’ll eat my nature-made organics. We’ll both live. Just remember, you are what you eat. I choose to eat healthy foods and educate those around me about the negative impact of not doing the same. And, I do so because I see where are food comes from and how it ends up on our plates. Ultimately, it’s a personal choice. Keep the ball in the short grass, Agent. Have a good weekend.

          • September 11, 2015 at 10:12 am
            Agent says:
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            Hey Planet, I had the most wonderful inexpensive breakfast at McDonald’s this morning. I got their Sausage McGriddle with syrup & coffee. My wife got the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. Both were very good and had quality ingredients. How was your oatmeal?

          • September 11, 2015 at 11:09 am
            Agent says:
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            Sorry Rosenblatt, but I couldn’t resist when Planet brought up free range chicken and I remembered your post about them. I did get you in the conversation now so you are free to comment.

            Planet seems to think the country can do without all fast food restaurants, lose all those jobs people depend on, hurt or put out of business numerous food vendors, hurt or put out of business contractors who build the facilities and put out of business thousands of franchise entrepreneurs who provide the jobs, pay the taxes, insurance etc. He speaks like a true Bernie Sanders Progressive Socialist, doesn’t he?

          • September 11, 2015 at 1:48 pm
            Ron says:
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            Let get this straight. You have no problem with professionals such as CPAs, accountants, and IRS agents losing their jobs, but are concerned about minimum wage burger flippers losing their’s? Interesting.

          • September 11, 2015 at 2:56 pm
            Agent says:
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            Don’t worry Rosenblatt, Confused will not correct your punctuation, just mine.

        • September 11, 2015 at 9:19 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Agent — once again, I am respectfully requesting you stop dragging me into conversations I am not participating in.

          You brought up my name, something I supposedly said, which you took out of context to make your current point, and now I have to post how I didn’t actually say what you’ve ascribed to my name!

          Please stop referencing things I’ve supposedly said and just leave me out of conversations I’m not part of in the first place. Can you do that?

          • September 11, 2015 at 10:10 am
            Agent says:
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            Rosenblatt, How about you educating Planet on “Free Range Chickens” like you did the rest of the blog recently or was that just a rant?

          • September 11, 2015 at 10:23 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Fine. Let me ask you again though, can you please stop dragging my name into conversations I am not participating in in the future? Pretty please with sugar on top?

            Planet – My understanding is the requirements to have the government label something as “free range” are very loose. If I was raising chickens in an enclosed space, yet I opened a door to the outside for 10 minutes each day, I could sell my product as “free range chicken”, correct?

            Basically, “free range chicken” doesn’t mean “this chicken was raised outdoors” but instead means “this chicken had the opportunity to go outside at least once a day” and it doesn’t matter if they actually went outside or not.

          • September 11, 2015 at 12:44 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Yes, to get the free range tag, you are correct. Consumers need to do their research. Packaging and labeling completely mislead the buyer. It’s marketing for crying out loud. But, I can actually go to an organic farm with a free range and purchase chicken there. So, they do exist, Agent. Only about 5 miles from my neighborhood.

            Listen, I get the argument about feeding the world’s population and the need for the science Monsanto and the likes are performing. Eating that is better than starving. But, given a choice, I choose healthy and I personally don’t want a bunch of GMO and hormone-added foods in me or my family. And don’t even get me started on high fructose corn syrup. Which is what Agent shoveled down his gullet for breakfast.

          • September 11, 2015 at 12:57 pm
            Agent says:
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            Planet, and I enjoyed every bite of my breakfast. Do you remember stories in recent years that eggs were bad for you with high cholesterol etc? Now, they have decided eggs are good for you because they have high protein that is needed. Whole Milk was bad so the trend was to go to 2% or fat free skim. That skim is like colored water and has little benefit. Chocolate was bad, but dark chocolate good. Literally all foods consumed have some bad and some good qualities. The key is to have a balanced diet and not go overboard on anything. The vegetarians and vegans I know are very imaciated looking because their diet is not balanced and they look like something the cat drug in.

          • September 11, 2015 at 1:42 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Thanks for the confirmation of “free range”, Planet.

          • September 11, 2015 at 1:45 pm
            Confused says:
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            agent, you need to stop insulting people when they make grammar or spelling errors when they post here. you are no better. something the cat drug in? really. drug? that is what you are going with? drug in? english please

          • September 11, 2015 at 3:12 pm
            Agent says:
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            Ron, you haven’t gotten anything straight in a very long time so why start now? The occupations and businesses I mentioned dwarf the leech IRS agents who would lose their jobs. CPA’s can adjust to not doing the Progressive Tax returns and move their practice into other areas easily. I didn’t even mention all the support industries that restaurants need such as the fire suppression systems companies, Heating & A/C systems repair and maintenance, roofers, carpenters, floor covering/tile contractors, cash register vendors, container manufacturers for cups, plates, wrappers, soft drink suppliers, telephone and computer vendors. I am sure I am leaving out some, but this is a good start.

          • September 11, 2015 at 4:01 pm
            Ron says:
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            You said, “CPA’s can adjust to not doing the Progressive Tax returns and move their practice into other areas easily” Yeah, they can flip burgers.

            If they enter other professional industries, what happens to those salaries with the influx of supply of labor? Hint, they aren’t going up or remaining stagnant.

  • September 9, 2015 at 2:47 pm
    Agent says:
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    The legal ones do pay and in cash every single time. They don’t believe in bank accounts.

    • September 11, 2015 at 2:51 pm
      Agent says:
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      Confused, is that the best you got criticizing my language? By all means, do not make an intelligent comment on any subject matter. Your brain is so limited in scope that all you think about is to seek to insult me. That goes with being a leftist who think it is cute to insult a Conservative. Your reputation is well founded.

      • September 11, 2015 at 3:35 pm
        Confused says:
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        i just hope you understand that you make the same typing and language errors that you have insulted many other people for making. maaaaaaaaybe you will stop insulting them knowing that you are not any better as you have made the same mistake before?

    • September 11, 2015 at 5:34 pm
      Agent says:
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      Ron, as usual, your arguments are weak and have no merit in this discussion. I should expect as much from you since you have proven to be uniquely illogical. I can’t believe someone in the private sector can be so concerned about the now infamous IRS employees, many of whom are tax cheats and are certainly dishonest in their dealings and take the fifth amendment rather than come clean on the targeting scandal.

    • September 18, 2015 at 3:40 pm
      Agent says:
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      Ron, following are some stats gleaned from an article on Fast Food restaurants employment. Since you and Planet are eager to see Fast Food establishments go away so you can have your Tofu and bottled water, be advised the following stats and how it would affect the country’s economy.
      1. Fast Food Employment in the US in 2008. 3,653,168
      2. McDonald’s Employment – 440,000
      3. Yum!Brands- Owners of KFC, Pizza Hut & Taco Bell – 539,000

      Wages paid to Fast Food employees – $48 Billion with a B.

      I believe I will trade a few thousand leech IRS employees to have these employees. The economy will be better off as well.

  • September 11, 2015 at 1:39 pm
    Rosenblatt says:
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    Agent – I accept your apology for dragging me into this conversation. Thank you for the apology. That goes a long way.

    Now that Planet has responded to my “free range” comment, I think you can see you were wrong to say I believe there’s no such thing as “free range.”

    My point then, as it was written above too, is that a product labeled as “free range” could have spent zero minutes outside in their life. There is such a thing as “free range”, and it’s definitely and legally defined, but it doesn’t mean what most consumer’s believe it means.

    This is similar to how you claim I’ve said humans and dolphins are the same — oversimplification at best, intentionally misleading at worst, and doesn’t reflect the actual things I’ve said.

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

    • September 11, 2015 at 1:40 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      *consumers, not consumer’s

    • September 11, 2015 at 3:02 pm
      Agent says:
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      Well, Planet proved that everyone should have a free range chicken farm 5 miles from their home so they can make sure they are getting the real deal. I wonder if any of those free range chicken farms suffered with the bird flu epidemic in Iowa which killed millions of chickens.

      • September 11, 2015 at 3:24 pm
        Agent says:
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        Everyone on this blog should pause a moment and remember 9/11 and the thousands who lost their lives on that terrible day. I think every one of us remember exactly what they were doing that day when the news broke. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941, Roosevelt called it a day which would live in infamy. Well, we have had our day of infamy as well. It is hard to believe it has been 14 years and so many have forgotten that we are still threatened by Islamic Jihadists every day of the week here and abroad. We may not have another incident of that scope again, but rest assured, the evildoers are hard at work planning to kill all the infidels they can because they believe in an evil cult and the only way they can get to heaven is to kill an unbeliever. They actually think they will get 72 virgins if they pull it off. Very sick!

        • September 11, 2015 at 3:39 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Well, I agree with this part. The rest? Ugh.

          Everyone on this blog should pause a moment and remember 9/11 and the thousands who lost their lives on that terrible day. I think every one of us remember exactly what they were doing that day when the news broke. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941, Roosevelt called it a day which would live in infamy. Well, we have had our day of infamy as well. It is hard to believe it has been 14 years

        • September 11, 2015 at 4:45 pm
          Agent says:
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          Rosenblatt, you should agree with all of it. I believe you are of Jewish heritage, right? The Mullahs have pledged to wipe Israel off the map and do it every week. WW2 and the holocaust, which many dispute is evidence that people have been trying to destroy Jews for decades. Do you think Netanyahu is wrong in his assessment of Iran’s intentions or do you believe Obama and his cohorts in crime? The Caliphate is under way now and they want to kill anyone including Atheists so you had better wake up and smell the coffee.

      • September 17, 2015 at 11:12 am
        Agent says:
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        By the way Planet, what does your Free Range Chicken farm do in December through March when the chickens are not able to go out in the yard in 0 degree temperatures? Do you buy frozen free range chicken?

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