Insurance and Climate Change column

Climate Change Easy Bet to Be Hot Topic at Insurance Regulators’ Meeting

By | March 31, 2016

  • April 1, 2016 at 12:29 pm
    Yogi Polar Berra says:
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    With ISIS terrorist attacks rising in recent years, expanding failures of ACA, cyber-attacks becoming a common place occurrence, and drone accidents and incident increasing, the author of this article believes Climate Change is going to be the hot topic of the NAIC meeting? He could have mentioned other ‘hot’ topics, but didn’t. How many carbon credits are being debited to his account by Al Gore?

    • April 1, 2016 at 2:52 pm
      Agent says:
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      Wow, Yogi. You are approaching my dislike numbers these days. The dedicated UW, Confused, Captain Planet troll until they see one of our posts and then go on the offensive. Interesting they didn’t say anything on this yet. Maybe they are Googling Climate Change to get some talking points since they have nothing to offer. On this forum, Climate Change is a “hot” topic every time. The only thing generating more posts is the dysfunctional, terrible legislation known as Obamacare.

      • April 1, 2016 at 3:13 pm
        Confused says:
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        I don’t downvote anyone.
        I don’t downvote anyone.
        I don’t downvote anyone.

        Remember last time I wrote in all caps and “threw a tantrum” telling you I don’t downvote anyone and to stop saying I do?

        I have tried to make this abundantly clear to you, Agent.

        Why do you keep saying I am participating in that nonsense?

        I don’t downvote anyone.
        I don’t downvote anyone.
        I don’t downvote anyone.

        Stop saying I do.

        • April 1, 2016 at 5:53 pm
          Agent says:
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          I do think you doth protest too much. The evidence is too strong to deny. Stop blaming it on your running mates Confused and Planet. You all do it and it is disgusting.

          • April 6, 2016 at 8:52 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            I don’t vote at all. I post and let you all tear it up. If a comment is hidden, it makes me want to read it more. I do know for a fact you have been known to robo-vote, though. You admitted it in a past post.

        • April 1, 2016 at 5:59 pm
          UW says:
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          I hadn’t looked at this yet either, but I’m glad to see others are down voting the idiots. Get used to it Agent; privileged, dumb, old far right-wing idiots are becoming further and further from the mainstream and relevance literally every day.

          Funny the guy who posts nothing but discredited right-wing spam emails thinks citing what almost 100% of climate scientists believe is bad somehow.

          Stick to explaining to us how all non-Christians are atheists, genius.

      • April 6, 2016 at 11:23 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        Al Gore is rewarding those you mentioned with complimentary carbon credits for down-votes on posts of those who oppose Global Warming Alarmists who wish to control our minds and wallets/ purses.

        Censorship is the ONLY tool of Socialists intent on a power grab in the face of overwhelming facts that contradict their agendas.

      • April 6, 2016 at 11:25 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        Further, I am proud to approach your (Agent) dislike numbers; it shows I am effective in annoying all the liberals posting here with those stubborn ‘fact’ things.

        • April 6, 2016 at 12:34 pm
          Ron says:
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          Yogi Polar Berra,

          Thank you for admitting yours and Agent’s true motivation. Not to bring about a civil debate and conversation, but to annoy.

          Opinions, no matter how committed you are to them, are not facts.

          • April 6, 2016 at 12:56 pm
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Your annoyance is based on your inability to accept facts. I will not be held accountable for your failure to respond to facts in an adult manner.

          • April 6, 2016 at 2:41 pm
            Ron says:
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            Yogi Polar Berra,

            When real facts have been presented to disprove something I have said, I have taken responsibility and admitted that I was wrong.

            You may be confusing the presentation of facts with interpretation of facts. I have notice some people interpret facts from an emotional point of view where I am very analytical.

      • April 6, 2016 at 1:30 pm
        Godot says:
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        Agent, it’s possible (actually, quite likely), that there are more than the three people you’ve mentioned who dislikes your posts and rhetoric. The number of votes just aren’t that important to anyone but you.

    • April 1, 2016 at 6:03 pm
      UW says:
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      ISIS is almost no threat at all in the US, especially compared to climate change. Any insurance company focusing on ISIS more than climate change will go under.

      Right-wing terror attacks are a much bigger threat in the US than ISIS (US right-wing attacks, as ISIS is technically right-wing too).

      • April 6, 2016 at 11:53 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        San Bernadino? Fort Hood? Need I go on?

        • April 6, 2016 at 12:38 pm
          Ron says:
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          Yogi Polar Berra,

          Yes you do because climate change has impacted millions more people than those 2 tragedies.

          • April 6, 2016 at 12:58 pm
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            And Cyclical Climate Changes will continue to impact BILLIONS across the face of the Earth, with mankind unable to influence it to any significant degree, one way or another.

            Meanwhile, terrorism CAN be stopped by mankind; e.g. Hitler, Khan, Stalin, etc were eventually stopped.

          • April 6, 2016 at 2:45 pm
            Ron says:
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            Yogi Polar Berra,

            Insurance is not about stopping an occurrence, it is about risk management.

            I do not believe State Farm, GEICO, Travelers, Farmers AIG or any other insurance/risk management company stopped Hitler, Khan, Stalin, etc.

          • April 7, 2016 at 10:17 am
            UW says:
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            Yogi, you are wrong on everything. Climate change is not cyclical in the way you pretend it is, which relies on a massive conspiracy theory. You are not believable on any topic. Even the military has study after study showing how bad climate change will be, and even the oil companies’ studies found climate change to be caused by man. The ONLY people repeating this nonsense now are far-right idiots who know nothing about anything.

            What Ft Hood shooting, genius? The recent one was not related to terrorism and the one by Hasan was before ISIS existed. Of course to people like you facts don’t matter.

            Funny how essentially every climate scientist is wrong despite years of evidence and models confirming their forecasts, but a guy doing something before an organization existed is due to the non-existent organization in the eyes of some delusional people.

            You are basically saying the same thing as, “I got a mean letter in 1990, which proves Facebook is bad.” You are Agent-level clueless.

            More people in the US have been killed since 9/11 in right-wing terror attacks than in Muslim terror attacks. So you will remain logical and say we have to crack down hard on conservatives, right?

  • April 1, 2016 at 1:23 pm
    john charles says:
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    Wow, WA and CA pushing a political agenda on climate change and forcing the issue on insurers and their investments? Not hard to believe yet their actions have no credibility. There are some many more hot button issues being ignored here.

  • April 2, 2016 at 1:20 am
    John G says:
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    Man made global warming models and Climate change theory is best described as ” a beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people mistook for a king.” Their theory is a mass of errors and deceptive ideas and opposed to common sense. It is like we are watching an episode of TreeHuggers Gone Wild.

    In reality, the earth’s greenhouse effect is a good thing. If not for the greenhouse effect, earth’s average surface temperature would be -18°C (Celsius), or -40°F (Fahrenheit). Instead, our planet exists at a livable 15°C, or 59°F.

    The weather system of Earth is self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing.

    If you want to know what controls the weather on Earth, look up in the sky, it is called the Sun. The Sun is Prime mover of the weather.

    The Sun-Earth-Oceans weather dynamics is too large in scale and size from mankind to have any affect. Only an arrogant Human would think otherwise

    • April 6, 2016 at 8:56 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      “If you want to know what controls the weather on Earth, look up in the sky, it is called the Sun. The Sun is Prime mover of the weather.”

      John G, no one is talking about weather. We’re talking about climate. Please educate yourself on the difference. And, if you do not believe we have any impact on our planet, take a look at what pollution has done to our air and water. Please also think of it on a global scale, not just the air above your own house. Even if it’s a small impact, shouldn’t we be doing what is right for our mother planet? You don’t poison your kids on purpose, do you? Earth is a living thing, treat it as such.

      • April 6, 2016 at 11:59 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        This just in! ‘Weather’ and ‘climate’ are highly interrelated. Stay tuned for raw video at 11 pm!

  • April 2, 2016 at 4:38 pm
    Francis Manns says:
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    The Polar Vortex is affecting every continent and it is definitely not caused by carbon dioxide; it is caused by the sun. Sunspot cycle no 24 is coming to an end and cooling is coming.

    Much as I hate to tip off the insurance industry; global warming is a scam.

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