Carmakers Want Insurers to Help Boost Compliance with Recalls

By | April 13, 2016

  • April 13, 2016 at 1:28 pm
    Dave says:
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    Although I generally don’t like more regulations, this seems like a good idea. It helps all involved in that a recalled car is a safer car. So even the insurance company saves money.

    The only downside is this. Statistics say there are X number of accidents for every million miles driven. Any recall involves X million more miles driven which means X more accidents. A few studies have been made on this issue and it does point to more accidents, but these studies are rarely widely published. I tried Googling it and couldn’t find them, but know they exist.

    • April 13, 2016 at 2:21 pm
      Agent says:
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      It might be a good idea since the insurance industry has the VIN’s on the cars they insure. The key is getting the distracted driver to read a letter or their policy since they obviously didn’t read the letter they got on their recall.

  • April 13, 2016 at 3:09 pm
    Jon says:
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    This unfortunately will not fly. The automakers themselves have spotty records at best in getting notices out to owners.

    If the owner moves–no one thinks to update the automaker with their new address. Nor, realistically, should they. If they sell the car, the manufacturer may not know. I’m still getting recall notices on a vehicle I traded in to a dealership over 4 years ago.

    Not to mention, insurance companies are not meant to hand-hold insured’s. We’re not parents/guardians. Insureds need to have some personal accounatability/responsibility.

    The Takata recall is a ridiculously poor example. It’s the largest recall in history and you can get notice and still not be able to get the recall addressed prior to an incident.

    My vehicle was just recalled, and the notice said the dealer won’t have any parts to begin fixing this latest batch of recalls until at least 3 months from now.

  • April 14, 2016 at 8:22 am
    Marlene McCleary says:
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    I know of several people who have received notifications of recalls but are not able to have the problem fixed because the parts needed are not available and still on backorder. One of the main problems is the supply of available replacement parts. Some people have chose to trade in their autos for another auto when they cannot get the repairs completed because of safety concerns for their family.

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