Judge Denies Another Trump Bid to Block Fraud Lawsuit Against University

By | August 31, 2016

  • August 31, 2016 at 1:30 pm
    Fran Liebowitz says:
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    Yeah, I remember back when I was applying to college all the best schools used “sales pitches touting ‘secrets’ and ‘hand-picked instructors’.” “Puffery” common to advertising is exactly how the best schools attract students. J**** H. C*****

  • August 31, 2016 at 1:30 pm
    insurance is fun! says:
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    There goes another terrific, wonderful, fantastic percentage point, Donald.

  • August 31, 2016 at 1:43 pm
    reality bites says:
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    No one has done more for education than Trump. Say one thing, do another, and then make people sue for the differences.

  • August 31, 2016 at 1:44 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike:
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    Drumpf is a con-man and is playing the long con on all of you supporters. And what principles does Drumpf support? Making fun of disabled people, wanting to um “be” with his own daughter, accepting of the KKK and David Duke’s endorsement, I mean the list goes on. The guy is an orange maniac who loves the poorly educated. His Presidency won’t affect me, but I know it will be detrimental to all the minorities who help make up our great country. So help us GOD!

    • August 31, 2016 at 2:38 pm
      txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      And to think this guy beat out how many career frat boys to win the nomination? In the words of a great philosopher, I can see Russia my house

    • September 1, 2016 at 6:55 pm
      Bob says:
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      Your antics in regards to using hip catch phrases are bad enough, but the one you just used is racist as even admitted by the left.

      It is not cool to do such things!

    • September 1, 2016 at 6:59 pm
      Bob says:
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      Allow me to demonstrate what I just said:

      Can I call Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Saddam to mock his Muslim father which is kind of like a heritage?

      Can I do it regarding Jews and call them some odd slew of words mocking how Jews pronounce their names?

      Drumpf is a racial slur. It mocks the fact that his grandpa had a German name, it attacks his grandpa, not Trump, and Trump didn’t choose his name or the change.

      You are so out of line, but no one stops you do they? No one ever does on the left. All the leftists here, get on the ball and END this behavior in your ranks!

      I am sick of it!

      • September 2, 2016 at 2:11 pm
        UW says:
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        “Can I call Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Saddam to mock his Muslim father which is kind of like a heritage?”

        Clueless, lying Bob creating false parallels again. First, using Saddam is clearly to say he is a terrorist or a dictator like Hussein. Second, when people like you say “Hussein” it is not because of his father, it is because you, or the majority of Republicans, think Barack Obama is a Muslim, and therefore not fit to lead the country despite all evidence and the Constitution. You push the most intellectually dishonest arguments I have ever heard. Total pseudo-intellectual garbage.

        • September 6, 2016 at 4:48 pm
          bob says:
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          I do NOT call Obama Hussein, and your follow up line is quite irrelevant.

          The parallelism was not how you weighed it, you tried to label my weight and then shifted it to then call me racist against muslims and too harsh on the president. I went out of my way to say I don’t say that about Obama, and you went out of your way to include me. Interesting.

          The point here is whether it is applying a label to someone in an attempt to make it mean something negative.

          If Drumpf wasn’t an insult and intended as a derogatory name, why is it said? Why don’t we call him Trump?

          I don’t support nick names EVER.

          And Clueless lying Bob, what the heck man? What the heck?

          Pseudo-intellectual is what you call me because I talk well and use facts. I’ll take that as a compliment. Perhaps you should realize that your insults then are not appropriate.

          When I crack here it is largely due to people like you that I only tolerate to a degree. Every, single, post you have made here has been calling everyone an idiot. Knock it off, and debate.

          What you just did was not debating.

          • September 6, 2016 at 7:38 pm
            UW says:
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            “I talk well”


            “and use facts”

            Yes, like on climate change, or minimum wage increases always costing jobs, or the labor force participation rate changes not being at all due to retirees, or Tamir Rice not being shot withing 2 seconds of police showing up and ignoring their demands, or Republicans not obstructing on judicial appointments, or about a half-dozen comments you denied Trump made (even after video evidence was presented) or on an on. In every case you are far outside the mainstream, and ignore any evidence that is contrary to your predetermined beliefs; you routinely have lied and said you read studies which you clearly didn’t read. Your “facts” are in fact fantasies. I call you a pseudo-intellectual because you pretend to be intelligent and present well-measured, thought out ideas, but you don’t. You regurgitate what is plastered all over Fox, Drudge and other right-wing BS sites.

            There is no debate with you, because you create false statistics (like when you presented your plan to replace Social Security, and doubled the yearly earnings for a person making minimum wage, had people work beyond the average life expectancy, had people earn significantly more than the average ROI, and had people make significantly higher salaries than the median in the nation–which you said the vast majority of people make more than, exposing even more ignorance on basic statistics and the math you claim to love, no matter how ‘well you talk’.

            On top of that you present far, far right-wing, fascist ideas, attack liberals and then say in the same thread you aren’t partisan, and you are a moderate. You routinely make statements that are almost impossible to discern from Timothy McVeigh quotes, even saying once that if liberals didn’t stop acting like this (winning elections, and then implementing popular programs they were elected to implement) there would be a civil war, and it would somehow be liberals’ fault. Fantasy world, as always. You cannot debate a person who doesn’t look into anything you present, and cites a fantasy and made up numbers as fact, because they are a clown living in an alternate reality.

          • September 7, 2016 at 12:34 am
            bob says:
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            Where to start, you are making up what I said about the black kid you mention, because I said we can’t know what happened to trigger the event. This does NOT mean that it didn’t happen in 2 seconds, and in fact I made a point of saying that. I said that if they saw a kid firing a BB gun, they could confuse that with someone firing a gun, and in which case, they would probably drive up and fire immediately.

            On the other issues you BELIEVE you are right, but I gave tons of info on it, that you just choose to disregard.

            I give debate, and it is you that actually disregards all debate.

            I should add, in the same paragraph as stating the Trump insults people, he called Trump an “Orange” maniac.

            An orange maniac! Could you imagine a conservative getting away with degrading looks assaults?

          • September 7, 2016 at 12:35 am
            bob says:
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            Fascist ideas! FASCIST!! UW knock it off!

            Name ONE fascist idea I hold! You CANNOT talk to people like this.

            IJ kick this lunatic off this site!

          • September 7, 2016 at 2:01 am
            UW says:
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            You support a “strong military” and have expressed over and over that there should be no real regulations on business. You have also supported killing the families of terrorists with this military, defended banning Muslims and Arabs from the country because they don’t fit your nationalistic view of what we should be. I have never seen a situation where you don’t accept the authoritarian option or strongly defend it.

            You have also seemed to support Trump’s call to invade sovereign countries to fight ISIS and then take their oil–interweaving government, military and business interests into one to support the nationalist, oftentimes racist outcomes. You have also supported and defended him when he said we should deport citizens by sending out the children of illegal immigrants who were born here. Another nationalist position.

            You support conspiracy theories and blame outsiders or liberals for most problems. I could go on and on, but you don’t believe in reality or mainstream positions on anything. You cite nothing but fringe, debunked historians and Enlish majors for economics, and ignore mainstream research; you ignore 97% of all climate scientists, and hold up psychologists and chemists in higher regard when it comes to climate science; you don’t believe video evidence if it contradicts your beliefs. You have threatened physical violence to multiple people who debate you, threatened non-physical “smackings” and other vague threats that seemed physical in nature, and have threatened civil war if you don’t get your preferred policies, regardless of elections. You are an outright, 100%, far right-wing authoritarian. It’s not a slur or an insult (although I don’t personally view it as positive), it is a description of actual accepted definitions (in mainstream, not the fringe sources you accept).

          • September 7, 2016 at 7:28 pm
            Bob says:
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            “You support a “strong military” and have expressed over and over that there should be no real regulations on business. You have also supported killing the families of terrorists with this military, defended banning Muslims and Arabs from the country because they don’t fit your nationalistic view of what we should be. I have never seen a situation where you don’t accept the authoritarian option or strongly defend it. ”

            Incorrect. I have said military interventions as they stand with NATO are damaging. I supported the Iraq war for helping the people there, that is all I have supported in terms of military. I have criticized Obama’s military spending which still increased even after Iraq. It was 600 billion in some of the Iraq war years, and it was nearly 900 billion for a few of Obama’s. I am not pro military spending or even hyper active military in size. You are making this up.

            I specifically called democrats out on this when Trump said he was basically anti Nato and war, and then news sites said it was so stand offish on military it made them wish for a policy similar to Bush W’s. I can’t find the article right now, but I will later. You simply can’t make this stuff up. Right now you’re saying I’m pro military, and you actually were in terms of Libya. So what is wrong with being pro military? What is Fascist about a military?

            I have not said there should be no regulations. I have however pointed out BAD regulations, and when someone OVER regulates. I have pointed out how the housing crises was directly linked to how you file as a bank with regards to charters, and how you switch the loans you give. Switching a charter requires a high CRA rating, a CRA rating is given regardless of whether or not you give CRA loans. This is required to do mergers often, or sales, or market shifts. If you didn’t have high CRA ratings which included giving loans to people with little to no proof of income documentation (praise worthy in the old CRA ratings that you can view online, look them up) or to many people close to the median income, or to people in poverty, you wouldn’t get a high rating. Those kind of regulations are bad. I have dealt with regulators, and they are wrong the majority of the time as well as over bearing. They are not the good kind people you make them out to be.

            On Muslims:


            Trump did not say he supported killings Muslim families, you combined two quotes to come to that conclusion.

            You can’t both call me wrong on that point (which you have several times) AND say I’m ok with murder!!!! WHICH ONE IS IT UW!?!?! Am I wrong that you Trump doesn’t support murdering Muslim families, or do I support murder of them? Pick one!!!

            Banning immigration of Muslims into the nation is not FASCIST.

            As it is an immigration policy is SOLELY about what drain you are to the nation you go to. NATION BORDERS ARE NOT OPEN. 51% of the Muslims IN BRITAIN are ok with Shiria law, and they are committing attacks. Banning their entrance into our country is NOT fascist! Many of these people do not have degrees or anything to offer.

            We aren’t we allowing poor chinese and Africans here who are murdered in the Kongo? Is that fascism? We have a set of rules for coming here, you cannot just walk in. It is weighed on your ability to support yourself, which Muslims can’t that are coming from the war torn nations, and your risk to the country.

            IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THEIR RELIGION. Discrimination of a religion is when you do so without cause. For example if I say: Muslims are against gay behavior it is not discriminatory. Get the point? Also: I HAVE NEVER USED THE WORD ARAB. So stop using it. I have said Muslims. Not all Arabs are Muslims not all Muslims are Arabs. I never used the word Arab once!

            I have NEVER supported authoritarian rule. You keep saying I’ve never been against it, and the issue is WHAT YOU PERCEIVE to be authoritarian.

            My reasoning behind these issues is NOT authoritarian in nature.

            “You have also seemed to support Trump’s call to invade sovereign countries to fight ISIS and then take their oil–interweaving government, military and business interests into one to support the nationalist, oftentimes racist outcomes. You have also supported and defended him when he said we should deport citizens by sending out the children of illegal immigrants who were born here. Another nationalist position.”

            Ok context needed here, because I have no clue what you’re talking about. An example would be due here. Trump is not ok with invading nations. Which one has he said he will invade? Which one has he said he will take their oil? In the case of these nations he has told some he will NOT go in to help if they do not fight their own war. I like this method. This is why we couldn’t leave Iraq. The soldiers there wouldn’t fight. Go talk to people who were leaders there (I knew a few) they were training Iraqis to fight and they would flee. This is why only a few hundred terrorists often overthrew thousands of Iraqis. Are you referring to when he said he wouldn’t buy their oil or help them if they didn’t fight their own terrorists? Because this is contrary to what you said about turning taking their oil. Refusing to buy oil is not synonymous with taking their oil.

            On the deporting scenario: You don’t even know what you’re saying. Read what you said.

            “You have also supported and defended him when he said we should deport citizens by sending out the children of illegal immigrants who were born here. Another nationalist position”

            First of all: When have I supported THIS SPECIFICALLY or am I guilty here because I support Trump? Are you lumping people into groups, in a bigoted way again? Your personality is the type that condones racism. You group and attack. That is bigoted. Back on topic you said Deporting CITIZENS, while mentioning ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and then CHILDREN THAT WERE BORN HERE, these contradict. A child that is born here is actually a citizen. An illegal immigrant is not. Deporting illegal immigrants is not nationalism and it is not totalitarian. Borders exist. You don’t get to go undocumented into a nation. This would allow you to be off the grid and to kill without being in the system even. I’m NOT calling Mexicans murderers with this. I am saying that you need to be a documented American if you live here. If your family is here illegally, chances are they don’t have high qualifications to be here and are a drag on society. We have standards for a reason. Now back on topic: Deporting the children of illegal immigrants, is that what you are trying to say I support? Because I’ve never talked about that here. Not once.

            If someone is an illegal immigrant, the kids should go with them back to America. To do otherwise would be to break up a family. I am not for deporting American children born here with rights to harm them. I understand that they are citizens. However, what are our options? Put them up for adoption and rightfully deport their parents without them? The parents made that mistake. They need to go back. And the kids should go with them, FOR THE KIDS sake. That is not authorization or nationalist. You use all these big terms and I doubt you know the weight of them. If you ever lived in a nationalist country or an authoritarian one, or a fascist one, you wouldn’t call republicans those things. In fact, the way you are acting, is generally how such a government comes to be. They label the greedy jewish bankers, just like Hitler’s introduction speaker did, (and listen to that and the translation, he is yelling during the speech talking about how these greedy jewish bankers destroyed the nation, it sounds like YOUR SIDE) and they then start a war.

            “You support conspiracy theories and blame outsiders or liberals for most problems.”

            I asked you to list something, you are still talking in general. And, none of these would be sexist, against non Catholics, Muslims, or blacks specifically, and none are fascist. Do you even now know what you’re ranting about? As for blaming Liberals for liberal plans? Yes. I do that. I say that liberals passed the ACA and I don’t like it. I blame liberals for people like you, and you proudly accept the way you are. So…What’s the problem?

            What specific conspiracy theory have I ever said?

            “ou cite nothing but fringe, debunked historians and Enlish majors for economics, and ignore mainstream research; you ignore 97% of all climate scientists, and hold up psychologists and chemists in higher regard when it comes to climate science;”

            No. I gave you studies showing that 97% was inaccurate. I don’t ignore 97% of studies. I open up ALL sources. That study cherry picked who was considered experts, and included people who had not graduated, and excluded studies that didn’t take a stance. 97% of studies that verify climate change verify it right? We already debated this.

            Also: Whether they are an English major (I doubt I have sourced this, you are using a go to insult here, I can tell you say this to every conservative not just me) or whatever else doesn’t matter. The data does. And as usual you insult the type of person instead of their data. That is my issue with you. You are bigoted. I only source quote data. You are the one who says “That person is part of Heritage!”. I don’t care. I also use CNN, MSNBC, and other sources to take their data and then ignore their conclusion which rarely matches the data.

            Psychologists? I have never held psychologists of any regard on climate change. Also, doing so wouldn’t be fascist. What this is, is you are rambling at this point because you are triggered and angry, and hate conservatives, and blame them for everything.

            “You routinely make statements that are almost impossible to discern from Timothy McVeigh quotes, even saying once that if liberals didn’t stop acting like this (winning elections, and then implementing popular programs they were elected to implement) there would be a civil war, and it would somehow be liberals’ fault. ”

            THAT IS NOT LIKE TIMOTHY MC VEIGH. I have said that liberals will spawn a civil war if they keep going to rallies attacking people, if they keep on doing what you are now. The only logical conclusion is a war. Or, if they try to steal guns from owners, when that is their right. Your side is causing people like you. You are attacking full on right now, AND I KNOW FOR A FACT you only need to be pushed a little further to kill. You already think of conservatives the same way Hitler did Jews. I talk like Timothy Mcveigh because I said we are headed for civil war if this continues? NO! That is not ok to say!

            “You cannot debate a person who doesn’t look into anything you present, and cites a fantasy and made up numbers as fact, because they are a clown living in an alternate reality.”

            Well, if I could debate I could prove that wrong, but considering all you said is this when I asked you for specifics on how I have supported anything fascist….I can’t, can I?

            And that is your goal. To derail, confuse, and otherwise act like a complete jerk.

            Are we done now?

            I debate facts plenty. And I’m getting tired of your bigoted tar.

            What you just said, and if you don’t realize the insanity of it you need mental help, and I say this out of GENUINE CONCERN as to the accusations and severity of what you just threw out, and how off topic you went, was completely off the rails. Completely.

            It was not only off the rails, but bigoted, fueled with hate against conservatives. You need mental help.

            This type of behavior is not ok.

          • September 8, 2016 at 3:05 am
            bob says:
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            I just found what you’re talking about, and it is laughable.

            Trump said that we messed up in Iraq, and allowed ISIS to take oil silos and to sell the oil of the silos that ISIS CONQUERED AND STOLE to get into a position of power.

            He said we should have taken the oil so ISIS could not, and what he means here is essentially we should have stopped them from selling oil. Turkey for example had issues here.

            He did in fact not say he would invade nations for oil.

          • September 8, 2016 at 10:09 am
            UW says:
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            “Trump said that we messed up in Iraq, and allowed ISIS to take oil silos and to sell the oil of the silos that ISIS CONQUERED AND STOLE to get into a position of power.

            He said we should have taken the oil so ISIS could not, and what he means here is essentially we should have stopped them from selling oil. Turkey for example had issues here.”

            You are clueless. Last night in the NBC forum he said we should take the oil in Syria; he has said we should take oil there ISIS doesn’t have yet so they can’t get it, and he also said:

            “You know, it used to be, to the victor belongs the spoils. There was no victor, but I always said, ‘Take the oil.'”

            You are clueless and support any authoritarian measure. You will disagree with this as you have disagreed with everything, including video evidence, that doesn’t support your ideology and predetermined view. A

            You constant cry about just debate, age then when your abject ignorance is pointed out, eg not knowing basic stats after you ignore 97% of all climate scientists because you don’t think the stats are right, or mangling a comprehensive study of all published work on the minimum wage and jobs, you freak out, and just deny the actual evidence and actual science. You aren’t a person capable of debating with because you are so fringe actual reality doesn’t exist or count for you.

            Get off your high horse with insults, you insult constantly.A person who disputes actual video evidence cannot be debated with, only mocked. Look at the people you align with ideologically and their intelligence levels. If you agree with Agent on most things you should reexamine things.

          • September 8, 2016 at 12:15 pm
            UW says:
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            “Incorrect. I have said military interventions as they stand with NATO are damaging. I supported the Iraq war for helping the people there, that is all I have supported in terms of military.”

            NATO and UN interventions actually help people, like when they intervene to stop genocide. They include more oversight because there are more nations involved. The illegal invasion of Iraq did not help the people there, in fact it directly caused the creation and rise of ISIS. You supported it because far right wing sites fed you propaganda, and you have shown 100% you believe only what those sites show you.


            Trump did not say he supported killings Muslim families, you combined two quotes to come to that conclusion.”

            So, what you term an insult, and then restating your insult in all caps. Please be consistent and reply to this with a call for your own banning. If not stop whining about it.

            Also, an outright lie. You said I combined 2 quotes and he said nothing of the sort, and then I, and others, presented video evidence which you claimed was not clear enough you switched gears. It was an astounding display of partisanship and denial. When we presented other stories verifying it you melted down and kept denying it. This is when I laid off you for a while, because I believed you had actual mental problems (when you also exploded to others about your terrible upbringing). Obviously I have to lay off again, because you seem to be completely losing it. This is one of Trump’s strengths; he is so clueless and so inarticulate he says nothing coherent and then people like you claim he didn’t say something he came out in support of (like when you lied and said he did not want to deport citizens). There is no logical way to honestly claim he did not support killing the families of terrorists. Denying it WON’T STAND!!!!!! As some say

          • September 8, 2016 at 2:19 pm
            Bob says:
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            I really need to point something out:

            I site fringe historians and debunked studies?

            I have cited the WHO in regards to how we weigh infant mortality different than other nations.

            Is WHO fringe?

            I have used CRA ratings, and sources that show charter bank laws and what they are and how they are worded.

            The CRA ratings are .gov sites. This is where I get my primary numbers.

            I use the unemployment numbers from the government sites. I draw a different conclusion than you, but this does not mean I use fringe sources.

            I on this site quoted a liberal. Are they fringe liberals?

            I have used the CBO in regards to Republican health care plans. Are they fringe?

            I used a minimum wage study to show that your link showed only Colorado liberal studies. You said of course, all those people are in agreement everyone else is fringe. The point of that link was not to say the person doing the study was right. It was because you said ALL, unanimous, in Colorado, agreed. That was incorrect. I did not use Hoover to show anything other than Republicans have supported minimum wage, and when they did, there were bad affects and they were lambasted for it. Current day republicans have suggested a minimum wage increase tied to either the size or the profits left remaining at a firm. Why do you have a problem with this? It ensures there can be no negative affect to a minimum wage increase. I’ve brought this up and you still say republicans are evil.

            I have cited both Forbes and MSNBC in order to specifically show how they weigh tax rates of corporations differently.

            Forbes does world wide revenues to world wide tax rates. MSNBC does World wide revenues to US tax rates. This is misleading for many reasons. First, obviously, the country in which you receive the revenues is where you are taxed. The second, these gas companies that MSNBC is claiming pay 15% of world wide revenues in the U.S. leave out that world wide they are paying much more in tune with 45%. I do this comparison to show how numbers can be used to be misleading. This also shows something else. They are paying a higher tax rate in other countries. Why? Something must be wrong with our tax code or our laws to make them pay 30% of their 45% total outside of our country. You instead see the problem with the corporations and not with our regulations.

            Yeah, ALL my sources and citations are thoroughly debunked and I’m an idiot racist bigot. You need to chill out.

          • September 8, 2016 at 7:40 pm
            actu says:
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            Bob, you are so full of shit if you actually claim Trump was not saying to kill terrorist’s families. Just because you insist on attacking the left and “lecturing” us doesn’t mean you are right.

        • September 8, 2016 at 1:46 pm
          Bob says:
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          You have too many comments here for me to find which to reply to, so I’m going to make a few last comments then I’m done here. There is no point to continue while you bash my head into a wall in every post.

          1: Recently, unlike any liberal here, I was approached with regards to how I talk by Ron. I gave a chance to end the hostility. At first I got mad at Ron, but then I finally just disregarded his insults in the middle of his comment and something akin to “Sometimes I go over the top, sometimes I’m even proud of it when I shouldn’t be. I’m sorry and I will try to treat you with dignity”. You do not do this.

          2: Integrity and Agent have both commented when I have gone over the top and I have apologized to them. They were not referring to in regards to themselves. The liberals here, Planet, Insurance, and others, have never done this check on their own side. In fact they scoff it off.

          3: When you are confronted on insults you basically say “You insult too! So I can!” and you double down. Ironically, this sounds a lot like Trump. People say he’s out of line, and he doubles down. You have issues you need to work on, clearly.

          4: You have a habit of grouping, I don’t. This is why you just had an entire post saying how I’m fascist based on who I support and what that must mean. You made an assumption due to that about my views on deportation. I corrected you. I shouldn’t have to. When I mention facts I try to avoid doing this. Note I said that I’m not special, I make this same mistake like you. But when you’re called on it, you should correct yourself. I corrected myself, though it took a bit, when I commented on Confused being misleading on his positions of gun control. Do you ever correct yourself here? Could you list a few examples like the above on any of my issues you have done with the conservatives here?

          5: You need to work on yourself as a human being. I shouldn’t be having these absurd of debates with anyone. I shouldn’t be regularly treated like this by anyone. Lucky for you, it’s online so I don’t care as much as you think. It bugs me that people don’t shut you down, but that’s life.

          • September 9, 2016 at 6:09 pm
            Uw says:
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            I’m a bad person and it’s unacceptable for me to be uncivil towards you after you lie constantly and even though you constantly insult me and others, but it’s okay in your mind because you’ve apologized to Agent for it. But it’s okay for you to deny rights to people with different religions than you, deny rights to different groups of minorities, deny rights to people with different sexual orientations than you, and even say they are abnormal and support Agent saying they are sinners, who therefore will go to Hell. That doesn’t make you a person who needs help though, because nothing that got don’t already believe in can be considered an option. FU.

            Of course, because of your mindset and intelligence I’m a bad person for having these debates which I only have with you. But, ignore that you are having it too, you’ve been exposed as dishonest, and you have these with a bunch of people, not just me.

            Also, add more insults to Saint Bob’s list, but I’m sure they don’t count for some stupid reason, because you are willing to deny anything.

    • September 1, 2016 at 7:02 pm
      Bob says:
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      This is a liberal on a liberal site, who thank God realizes this is racism.


      So before you mock me on some basis, understand that there are those on your side who do condemn this, though extremely rare.

      I will not tolerate racism, I will not tolerate labeling based on ethnicity, or catch phrase nick names that are applied to a person or a group.

      If I sound angry, it is because your side says the same thing, that they won’t tolerate it, yet they refuse to eject people like you and Robert Byrd into the trash where you belong!

      • September 2, 2016 at 5:04 am
        UW says:
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        “I will not tolerate racism”

        Yeah, Timothy, unless it is against African Americans, Arabs, or Muslims, but any comment that can be construed as against a white male you jump in immediately.

        • September 6, 2016 at 2:18 pm
          Bob says:
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          My name is not Timothy. Is this some sort of a pun? You have called me this a few times. I don’t get the joke if it is a joke. Elaborate.

          I have never used a racist name to refer to Muslims, Arabs, African Americans, etc.

          And, I have never said anything racist here. If so, link the phrase, and I will show how it is not racist.

        • September 7, 2016 at 12:37 am
          bob says:
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          Also, this is not US vs THEM this is not WHITE vs BLACK

          I pointedly said that people cannot say names about ANYONE Barack Hussein Obama, was my example of something that is NOT ok to say.

          AND THIS STANDARD will be upheld at all times. You do not get to break the rules, because you say that white people are privileged! You don’t get to run around calling people Orange maniacs, and that is what I commented regarding.

          Orang Drumpf German maniacs. For the love of God, I should not have to explain this to you UW. Quit the partisan behavior.

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:08 pm
            UW says:
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            Bob, you can’t constantly say to stop the partisan behavior when you constantly attack and smear liberals as a group. Again, clueless, or you don’t understand the word.

            As for rules and standards that MUST be upheld, get off your both horse, you sound nuts. You have no ability to decide nor enforce the rules you create, and only expect others to observe. Support a party that doesn’t have a presidential candidate who you also support, violating every one of your bs rules and I will start to consider taking you seriously.

          • September 8, 2016 at 1:07 pm
            Bob says:
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            “Bob, you can’t constantly say to stop the partisan behavior when you constantly attack and smear liberals as a group. Again, clueless, or you don’t understand the word. ”

            Wrong. I bring up specifics that they do that are not ok. To smear them as a group would be calling them bad without reason specifically for being liberal.

            For example: When you say Bush W was an idiot for going to Iraq, is that smearing Bush W? I’ll even let you call him an idiot, because you are passionate on it. I will call you wrong, and say I view it as justified, but I won’t call you what you call me.

            “As for rules and standards that MUST be upheld, get off your both horse, you sound nuts. You have no ability to decide nor enforce the rules you create, and only expect others to observe. Support a party that doesn’t have a presidential candidate who you also support, violating every one of your bs rules and I will start to consider taking you seriously.”

            YOU created these rules, and YOU are the one who disqualifies people from office, get them fired, publicly shamed, or jailed, for how they speak.

            In WA State it is criminal liability to say something against gays and you can go to jail for it, with no exception for religious behavior. Have you ever looked at these laws? I am not talking about simply hurt feels.

            These are YOUR RULES I am being called a BIGOT and a RACIST for saying facts while you THROW OUT LABELS AND NAMES AT ME. You set the standard, and are using it to attack ME!!! NOT VICE VERSA.

            And then you use that to again call me fascist? Knock it off.

          • September 8, 2016 at 1:08 pm
            Bob says:
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            Follow your own rules.

            If you consider your own rules fascist maybe you should stop with the flame wars you create here by calling groups of people labels.

            I discuss and have discussed facts here while you have tried again and again to generalize.

            Again, knock it off.

          • September 8, 2016 at 3:49 pm
            Bob says:
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            “Bob, you can’t constantly say to stop the partisan behavior when you constantly attack and smear liberals as a group. Again, clueless, or you don’t understand the word.”

            An additional comment here: Yes I can. This is not a zero sum game. You cannot claim that if you don’t get to keep your attacks you have lost something or been oppressed, and therefore anyone who has done attacks cannot call for an end to attacks.

            This would create a scenario in which neither side can stop the attacks or call for a stop, as you have clearly done attacks, so can I tell you the next time you try to call for an end to inappropriate behavior that you have done attacks so you can’t ask for an end?

            You find reasons to abuse people, mistreat them, and attack them, based on labels.

            It needs to stop.

        • September 8, 2016 at 3:15 am
          bob says:
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          Right here you were calling me Timothy as in Timothy McVeigh in reply to me saying I won’t tolerate racism?

          UW, you need mental help.

          IJ if you are reading this it is clear to anyone here he is basically suffering from some sort of disorder.

          He needs to be banned.

          • September 8, 2016 at 1:55 pm
            UW says:
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            “Right here you were calling me Timothy as in Timothy McVeigh in reply to me saying I won’t tolerate racism?”

            No, but your policies and extremist positions when it comes to your anti-government, anti-tax, hardcore religious views, etc, rhetoric, and extreme, violent solutions, like killing innocent families and civil war, align almost perfectly with McVeigh’s, as I’ve pointed out numerous times, and you have failed to grasp. I would recommend reading it again, or not I don’t care, because of it’s not what you already believe and view as positive you won’t even comprehend it, much less consider it.

            Your “facts” are that basically all climate scientists are wrong but chemists are right, almost all economic research is wrong, but Forbes bloggers without a background in economics are right. Just like your fictional math when it comes to replacing Social Security, your “facts”, and therefore almost all your arguments are garbage based in fantasy. Sorry, I just don’t see a reason to view fiction and fringe conspiracy theories as equivalent to reality, science, and math by people who actually know math.

            I’ve asked and you never reply: Are you on the spectrum, how old do you think the earth is, and do you believe in evolution, specifically in humans, or were we always in our current form?

  • August 31, 2016 at 2:19 pm
    B.Right says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    I’m actually glad these will see the inside of a courtroom. It sends a message that no one is above the law.

    Oh wait, Hillary lied to Congress as proven by the FBI who also noted that she violated multiple federal laws, one of which the punishment is never again holding public office.

  • August 31, 2016 at 2:34 pm
    Agent says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    B, Hilliary has broken so many laws that everyone has lost count. It is good that she will now have to testify “under oath” like her husband did in front of a grand jury. He lied, got disbarred, impeached but not removed because of buddy Harry Reid. The Clinton’s are the worst political couple in the nation’s history.

    • August 31, 2016 at 4:17 pm
      confused says:
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      Didn’t she testify under oath about Benghazi?

      • August 31, 2016 at 4:57 pm
        Agent says:
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        You seem to confuse Clinton Foundation corruption with Benghazi. After all, what possible difference does it make now? Also, rent the movie 13 hours if you really want the truth about Benghazi. If you don’t want the truth, keep spouting off your liberal ideology.

        • August 31, 2016 at 9:31 pm
          Confused says:
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          Didn’t she testify under oath about Benghazi?

          • September 1, 2016 at 2:06 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            She did, but I think you’re missing their point

          • September 6, 2016 at 10:48 pm
            Elliot Loch Ness says:
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            Bill Clinton once testified he did not have sex with that woman, that Miss Lewinsky.

            Enter into the records, Exhibit A; a blue, stained dress.

            Once a Clinton, always a Clinton.

          • September 7, 2016 at 9:40 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Elliot, what happened to Yogi? Why did you change your name?

          • September 9, 2016 at 4:00 pm
            actu says:
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            What office is Bill Clinton running for again? Odd you want government out of the private life when a church is attacking people based on their sexual identify, or a company fires somebody based on their race, but not when 2 adults are having consensual sex.

        • August 31, 2016 at 10:35 pm
          UW says:
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          Holy crap. You think you read things somewhere, and do your research by watching Michael Bay movies. What a genius.

          BTW, genius, the AP story you guys have been regurgitating over and over about corruption has been absolutely debunked.

          • September 1, 2016 at 9:36 am
            B.Right says:
            Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike:
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            Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

          • September 2, 2016 at 5:06 am
            UW says:
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            B.Right, genius, what felony was she charged, tried, and convicted for again?

            Why do you support lifetime bans on people who have committed crimes and served their time, and why do you think the Founders were wrong in not including these bans in the Constitution?

          • September 2, 2016 at 11:55 am
            B.Right says:
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            18 U.S. Code § 793

            But you’re right they refused to charge her, so there was no trial and conviction.

            For your second question, let me make sure I understand you. You do want to give felons back their rights? Do you also want to give them back their 2nd Amendment rights? Do they also get back their right to privacy?

          • September 5, 2016 at 1:23 am
            UW says:
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            “18 U.S. Code § 793”

            No proof she did any of that in a criminal way. Go back to Infowars where this crap passes for reality.

          • September 6, 2016 at 9:45 am
            B.Right says:
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            It’s not infowars. Read the law.

            Under part (f), she was grossly negligent. She consciously and voluntarily disregarded the law. She also had knowledge that it was removed and failed to make a prompt report. I’m not sure why you’re defending criminals.

            Again, on the second part, do you support giving felons back their right to vote, their right to bear arms, and their right to privacy?

          • September 6, 2016 at 10:52 pm
            Elliot Loch Ness says:
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            There was no trial and conviction of Hillary because Comey knew the fix was in with Lorretta Lynch, who would never indict a candidate that was just nominated.

            So, he opted to not try something that would fail instantly.

            Instead, he presented the details and facts so that a Court of The People, By The People, and For The People, can decide on November 8.

            Stay tuned. And watch the slow drip of HRC’s poll numbers slide, day after day. And wait for an October Surprise to be supplied by Guccifer 2.

        • September 1, 2016 at 9:06 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          Did you see Oliver Stone’s documentary on “JFK”? How about “Young Guns 2”, which evidenced Billy the Kid actually escaping Pat Garrett, becoming a cattle rancher living into his elder years?

          • September 1, 2016 at 9:52 am
            Agent says:
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            B, good partial list of Progressive Democrats transgressions and what they believe in. Some on this blog are true believers as you can see. They don’t know right from wrong, do they?

            By the way, we can add Colin Kaepernick to the ones who need to move out of the country. He has been radicalized by his Muslim girlfriend and is as anti- American as it gets. Looks like the 49’ers will sit him this year and still have to pay him his $19 million contract. There should be an escape clause in the contract for his behavior.

          • September 1, 2016 at 10:46 am
            confused says:
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            yeah, how dare that guy exercise his right to free speech! let’s make him move out of the country for standing up for what he thought was right – trying to raise awarness and speaking up for those whose voices can’t reach as far as his totally makes him anti-american! end sarcasm

            seriously. he did not stand for a song. that’s it. he didn’t insult the country implying it wasn’t great. he didn’t do it because he hates the troops. he did it to start a conversation about what he feels is the constant oppression of a group of american citizens.

          • September 1, 2016 at 12:56 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Other great documentaries, this time on Vietnam, include:
            “Good Morning, Vietnam”
            “Deer Hunter”
            “Apocalypse Now”
            “Full Metal Jacket”

            Agent, if it’s the truth you seek, you should watch “The X Files”. The truth is out there!

            Now, back to the subject at hand, why is it Drumpf hasn’t set up any campaign offices in major swing and strategic cities? Is he really wanting to be President? One has to wonder. Oh, and check this out:


          • September 2, 2016 at 5:07 am
            UW says:
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            Confused, these idiots only support and believe in the exact rights they personally want to use, for the exact same things they want to use them for. They supported treason charges, and constantly screamed “treason” for liberals like me, and I would guess you, who were against the Iraq War. Now it’s hard to find a conservative who will admit to being for it, and if you do they don’t know the first thing about it, and somehow blame it on Obama.

          • September 6, 2016 at 4:33 pm
            louie says:
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            actually, while WILDLY inaccurate, Young Guns 2 was started out based on the accounts of Brushy Bill Roberts, a man in the 1950’s who claimed he actually was Billy the Kid. He wanted to lobby the governor of New Mexico for a full pardon. There were some of the Kid’s contemporaries still alive at the time that verified Roberts was the Kid, and apparently Roberts knew things he shouldn’t have known if he wasn’t at least around the Kid in those times. While most historians have dismissed him as yet another crackpot, we’ll never actually know for sure unless if he was the Kid; Billy the Kid’s body does not actually lie under the tombstone since a flood washed out the cemetery years after he was buried, which makes DNA testing impossible. It’s a pretty fascinating story.

            Sorry, I’m a bit of a history buff.

          • September 9, 2016 at 6:10 pm
            Uw says:
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            Agent is right, and again shows how smart he is, football and the anthem are more American than peaceful protest.

        • September 6, 2016 at 7:39 pm
          UW says:
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          What is an example of Clinton Foundation “corruption”?

          • September 6, 2016 at 10:54 pm
            Elliot Loch Ness says:
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            Pay for Play.

            Got any other easy (for non-liberals) questions?

          • September 7, 2016 at 2:07 am
            UW says:
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            There is no evidence of pay for play. Many who donated did not get meetings of any sort. Some asked for things and were denied. Most of the people she met with were people who a secretary of state always meets with.

            However, the Trump Foundation was found to have violated the law when he gave money to a person who was investigating him and then, unsurprisingly dropped the case. He illegally obscured a political payment as a gift and lied about it in official tax documents. He then, illegally again, paid the money as a “transfer” to make up for it.


            There, see how easy it should be? Simply saying “pay for play” is not enough. When, where and with whom?

          • September 7, 2016 at 2:09 am
            UW says:
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            Also, this is one of the reasons he cannot and will not release his tax records. If he did he would probably go to jail, or pay massive fines. The ONLY way anybody should trust him if he releases them is if he allows the IRS to do so (same with Clinton), because he is a pathological liar, and would not be above releasing false returns to hide this kind of rampant criminality.

  • September 1, 2016 at 9:45 am
    B.Right says:
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    Almost forgot, the platform also wants to end Citizen’s United. The same case, that’s allowing her massive campaign machine through super PACs, secret cash, and unlimited contributions to be successful. But she’s such a truth teller that we should really believe her when she says she’ll change that when she’s in the White House. Same thing as the Foundation, “when I win the White House, I’ll stop the Pay for Play that I’ve been allowing.”

    It’s like having someone slap you in the face and then tell you they didn’t do it…..over and over again.

    • September 1, 2016 at 9:54 am
      Agent says:
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      Famous line: What possible difference does it make at this point?

      • September 1, 2016 at 10:47 am
        B.Right says:
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        Agent, watching these people is absolutely mind boggling.

        -She tells them she’s going to increase their taxes and they cheer for her.
        -She gets caught in a lie and then lies about lying. Then when you ask her supporters if she’s lied, they say no. You show them the tapes/transcripts and they still deny that she lied.
        -She says that as Secretary of State she never handled classified information. Then what the hell were we paying her to do?
        -She says she doesn’t know how to use email, yet they say no one has ever been more qualified to be President.

        • September 1, 2016 at 10:50 am
          B.Right says:
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          Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.

          Interviewee: Well, I’m a habitual liar. I can’t do the job and frankly I won’t do the job you pay me to do. Also, I’m going to need you to pay me more.

          Interviewer: You’re hired!

          • September 2, 2016 at 4:31 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Interviewee – That’s fantastic. You’re going to love it, believe me. You’ll love it. I’m the most bestest creature ever to live, believe me. You’re gonna love me. I have all the best words and really love The Bible but cannot recite a single verse nor can I properly name chapters and verses. Believe me though, I am the greatest Christian ever!

          • September 7, 2016 at 6:52 pm
            Bob says:
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            It sounds just like you Planet.

            Nice self impersonation.

        • September 1, 2016 at 12:05 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          B.Right – I agree Hillary is a liar and is untrustworthy for many MANY reasons, but I’m curious to get your take on the disconnect from the meeting Trump had with the Mexican President.

          Do you believe Trump that they never talked about who would pay for the wall, or do you believe the Nieto who said that was actually the first thing they talked about?

          Now I’m not equating Hillary’s lies to be on the same level as whomever lied from that meeting, and I’m not saying Trump is more or less honest than Hillary – I’m simply wondering who you believe told the truth since they both can’t be right.

          • September 1, 2016 at 12:06 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            please ignore the “the” before Nieto – that’s a typo

          • September 1, 2016 at 4:20 pm
            B.Right says:
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            I think the MSM is making this out to be something it’s not. EPN and everyone else knows Trump’s position on the wall.

            If Mexico is smart they will voluntarily pay for the wall; it’s the cheaper option. But they are paying for it one way or the other.

          • September 1, 2016 at 4:28 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            While I understand your reply, could you please answer my question? Let’s put aside the MSM and anything either party said about the wall before their conflicting statements after the meeting.

            Do you believe Trump that they never talked about who would pay for the wall, or do you believe Nieto who posted it was actually the first thing they talked about?

            One is telling the truth and the other is lying. Whom do you believe? Trump or Nieto?

            And for anyone (Agent? Bob?) who thinks this is a loaded question and I’m going to use it as a gotcha moment, if you simply advise who you believe told the truth and who lied, I promise I won’t even post a reply!

          • September 1, 2016 at 5:30 pm
            B.Right says:
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            I don’t know, I wasn’t there. However, the facts and motive support Trump.

            Trump was asked at the press conference and he specifically said “We did discuss the wall. We didn’t discuss payment of the wall.” Nieto was right beside him and could have spoken up then but didn’t.

            Maybe it’s because Trump was right. Maybe it’s because Nieto was somehow afraid. Maybe Nieto spoke up later because of the backlash in his country about even meeting with Trump. Maybe it was a language barrier.

            Maybe Nieto did say Mexico wouldn’t pay and Trump didn’t take the bait. So when he said “we” didn’t discuss payment, he was right because only Nieto did.

            Again though, I wasn’t there. But Trump’s position on Mexico paying for the wall is known by everyone. How he plans on making it happen is even written on his website for the world to see.

          • September 2, 2016 at 10:20 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Thank you for your reply

          • September 2, 2016 at 4:18 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            What do you think the big beautiful door is going to look like? And, Donnie thinks he is beautiful, so I don’t exactly trust his definition of ‘beauty’. Actually, I don’t trust much of what Donnie says. And I’m guessing those who were duped into Trump U would now tell you the same.

          • September 5, 2016 at 1:25 am
            UW says:
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            Trump is significantly less honest than Clinton, and it’s not really debatable. Politifact, and every other legitimate fact checking organization has shown almost everything he says is a lie–something like more tha 75% of all checked statements. He is an outright liar who even lies about things that are on tape, and some here repeat these lies even when confronted with video evidence. On top of that, Trump’s lies are massive lies about important things, Clinton’s are not. This false equivalency BS is out of hand.

          • September 6, 2016 at 5:21 pm
            bob says:
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            You just called Trump ugly Planet.

            You just went to the same tactics you claim he does, and did it very similarly. He says something vulgar, then backs off and pretends he didn’t. The thing is, I don’t care.

            But you, you talk about it is if this is unique and weaponize it.

            You’re not different than Trump in this regard, other than you saying you’re a special snowflake, and how beautiful of a human you are and how filthy he is.

            Flip how you think of Trump to yourself. You’re the one with the ego issue.

        • September 6, 2016 at 2:22 pm
          louie says:
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          It’s because she’s not Trump, B. Right. That’s why people are voting for her. That’s the only reason she’s going to win.

          This honestly might be the worst election in our history, and it will be close. I’m sitting it out. I absolutely refuse to choose between either of those two losers.

    • September 6, 2016 at 10:56 pm
      Elliot Loch Ness says:
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      Liberals defend the presence of law-breaking illegal aliens by saying they are doing the work Americans won’t do.

      The Clinton Foundation is doing the charity work that charities with integrity and moral character won’t do.

  • September 1, 2016 at 10:10 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    I just watched the truth on the economic crash today, it’s called “The Big Short”. It readily admits that immigrants and poor people will be blamed for the crash. It also adds teachers. Things that make you go, hmmmm.

    • September 1, 2016 at 10:12 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Oddly enough, it also depicts people eager to make a mint on the housing crash, just like The Orangeman says he is going to do when the next one hits.

    • September 2, 2016 at 3:09 pm
      ins202 says:
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      Excellent movie, and the book was even better …

  • September 1, 2016 at 10:27 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Just watched another documentary about The Civil War called “The Outlaw Josey Wales”. Actually, everything Clint has done except for yelling at an empty chair at the RNC has been genius. One of the greatest directors of all time. I hope he has one more western in him. “The Unforgiven” is one of the best films I have ever seen. Last one I ever saw in the theaters with my dad.

    Now, how does DT relate to “The Unforgiven”? Well, I can’t forgive him for this con he played on people with Trump U or his comments about disabled folks, Mexicans, Muslims, women, his daughter, his fellow Republicans, the fact he will NOT apologize for his errors, and the fact he wants to build walls rather than bridges, and all his flip-flopping lies. He is unforgiven.

    • September 2, 2016 at 12:47 pm
      B.Right says:
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      Do you allow anyone at anytime to come into your house uninvited? Do you leave your doors unlocked at night? Do you have a fence around your yard? Do you let anyone at anytime use your vehicle, eat your food, have your money, watch your kids, have intercourse with your spouse?

      Some prefer the Haight-Ashbury lifestyle, but most sane people do not. In a civilized society, there are boundaries and rules of mutual respect.

      • September 2, 2016 at 2:01 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        1. Friends and family stop by unannounced all the time.
        2. Back door is always unlocked and sometimes the front door is, too.
        3. Have a fence, yes, because I have a dog. Fence is never locked.
        4. No one has ever asked to use my car except for my wife.
        5. Yes, people can eat my food, I love to share. I am my brother’s keeper.
        6. Mom-in-Law always jumps on the opportunity to watch the kids, have never paid for a babysitter.
        7. I don’t own my wife, she’ll have to answer that one.

        I don’t live in fear, man. I don’t watch Faux News. Why are you so afraid to live? I live in a very civil way. I am considered very social as well. In a civilized society, we don’t discriminate against those who don’t look like us. We don’t make fun of disabled people. We don’t broad brush an entire culture as rapists and criminals. We don’t shun a particular religion. We don’t put women down and treat them like objects. We don’t say we want to date our daughters if she wasn’t our daughter. We don’t call people names. We don’t do any of the things DT does. He is perhaps one of the most uncivilized amongst us. And, he is your candidate. Do you consider yourself Christian and if you do, how do you justify supporting this man who acts completely opposite of Jesus’ teachings?

        • September 2, 2016 at 5:52 pm
          B.Right says:
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          I really liked your reply. Now I see the main difference between our life philosophy, religious views and political ideology.

          You view your position in the world as your Brother’s Keeper, while I view my position as my Brother’s Brother. As your Brother’s Keeper, you feel like you have to provide for him because he is weaker and is in your care. So you give your brother a fish when he’s hungry. As my Brother’s Brother, I view him as my equal. I know that if I can do it, he can too. So I teach my brother to fish and he never goes hungry again.

          But no my brother doesn’t get to take advantage of me. He doesn’t get to play by special rules. He doesn’t get to steal from me. He doesn’t get to put myself or my family in danger. Additionally, he has to show accountability for his decisions including his failures and accept the consequences of those decisions. That may seem harsh, but the sooner he does that, the better fisherman he’ll be. Only then will the chains in his mind that are holding him back be broken. Only then can he finally start really living because now he’s truly free. Beholden to no one but God.

          • September 2, 2016 at 6:03 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I just mean I care for my fellow brothers and sisters. As one who cares for them, that doesn’t mean simply provide for them. I care for my daughter and yes, taught her how to fish. You took it too literal. I love all of God’s creation and will do whatever it takes to care for it.

          • September 2, 2016 at 6:05 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Even illegals because that’s what Jesus would do.

          • September 2, 2016 at 6:06 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Do you follow Christ or Supply Side Christ?

          • September 5, 2016 at 1:32 am
            UW says:
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            “You view your position in the world as your Brother’s Keeper, while I view my position as my Brother’s Brother. As your Brother’s Keeper, you feel like you have to provide for him because he is weaker”

            Trite, stupid, pseudo-intellectual BS. You are so full of crap you are almost like another Bob masquerading as somebody else because he has been exposed.

          • September 6, 2016 at 11:27 am
            B.Right says:
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            The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:36-40

            The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13.

          • September 6, 2016 at 11:42 am
            B.Right says:
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            Loving your neighbor as yourself doesn’t mean giving them everything they want. It doesn’t mean letting them play by a separate set of rules. It doesn’t mean letting them steal from you. It doesn’t mean allowing them to harm you or your family.

            Further, if you love the Lord with all your heart, you will reject sin and obey the commandments. If your brother falls into error, you can forgive, but you’ll tell your neighbor to go forth and sin no more. You won’t condone the sin in the guise of loving your neighbor.

          • September 6, 2016 at 12:14 pm
            Ron says:
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            B. Right,

            I forget, where does, “Leave your brother to pull him up by his own bootstraps” fall within the 10 Commandments?

          • September 6, 2016 at 3:01 pm
            Bob says:
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            “Even illegals because that’s what Jesus would do.

            Conservatives believe the same thing. You are labeling here. You believe it’s ok to label conservatives on this point and then trigger when we identify the problems with the Islamic faith that are measurable…Hypocrisy.

            The issue with illegals is not that conservatives don’t want to care for them. After all, even though it is only slightly, conservatives give both more time and money to the poor.

            The issue is that we don’t believe it is ok to have 10% of the Mexican population here at minimum, and we know we cannot take care of the whole world. The Mexican government needs to take care of it’s own. At what point do you think we reach the limit?

            You think the limit with helping other nations was Iraq, when 5,000 U.S. soldiers died / were affected.

            How many poor families have to suffer without being able to be helped at home, before you consider we have too many Mexicans here? How much does it have to harm the economy?

            No, I’m not saying Mexicans don’t work. Relocation has huge costs. The estimated cost per family AFTER revenues brought in is $700,000 of a deficit from immigrants whether illegal or not.

            Moving requires a lot of support out of poverty. It makes more sense to get them well taken care of and situated at their home.

            That is the issue. Instead you make it about some concept you invented about rights that are violated. Why do you believe that conservatives hate people?

            Maybe you need to analyze that.

            Also, while you call me a bully, you have run around here saying I am sexist, racist, misogynistic, and that I oppress women, blacks, gays, etc when I hold my view points that are clearly fact based rather than for having anything against any of those groups.

            You then are legitimately surprised when we argue, and just recently tried to say “trash” was the worst insult.

            I said you acted like trash when you use racist names.

            You would learn what insults are if you lived as a republican.

            In fact, I challenge you to act like one. Act like one with your friends. Pretend to support Trump. See how your family acts.

            Go to CNN, MSNBC, Politico, go anywhere you like, put it on facebook, youtube, go out and do it, live like that for 3 months. Tell me how you feel afterward.

          • September 6, 2016 at 5:10 pm
            B.Right says:
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            Two people literally down voted Scripture.

            Although, I can’t say that I’m surprised being that the Democratic Party took GOD out of their platform 4 years ago.

          • September 6, 2016 at 5:12 pm
            B.Right says:
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            They also down voted the points from their own party’s platform.

            You can’t make this stuff up. It’s great!

          • September 7, 2016 at 2:11 am
            UW says:
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            Typical Bob, insulting in every post, and then whining about it nonstop, saying they don’t count because you aren’t a conservative, and only they TRULY know what insults are like. The guy who has threatened personal violence and civil wars suddenly starts freaking out and calling for bans when people respond in kind. Get a grip.

          • September 7, 2016 at 12:48 pm
            bob says:
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            What you said below doesn’t even make sense.

            And I did not randomly threaten personal violence. I said if you were in a random bar, you would be hit for saying things you do, and deservedly so. You cannot walk up to people and call them racist etc.

            What I said about conservatives in the above was about INSULTS thrown at conservatives by someone who is saying he is the TRUE God follower. It’s really rather psychotic in an actual sense. I went over how we think about illegals, because you have labeled what we think based on a minority of conservatives. I think I get to decide how and why I think what I think.

            You don’t.

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:16 pm
            UW says:
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            “And I did not randomly threaten personal violence. I said if you were in a random bar, you would be hit for saying things you do, and deservedly so. You cannot walk up to people and call them racist etc.”

            That’s an outright lie. This is one of the reasons I tend to assume everything you say is based in ddishonety. After you got criticized for threatening it multiple times to multiple people you changed your tune, did your normal fake apology where you blamed other people, and then changed your calls to violence

            Again though, as an authoritarian you support violence as retribution for non-violent acts. Just like you did when you supported and justified police pulling up and killing a kid within 2 seconds. But, you lose your mind when somebody contradicts you in any way and gets labeled a bully.

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:38 pm
            bob says:
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            It is not an outright lie.

            If I threatened to come to where you are, that would be a threat of violence.

            I have not threatened multiple people, to harm them.

            In your case, you mocked my physique, and multiple times I said I could break you in half after you did so. This might be what you are referring to.

            But I have never said, UW I’m going to find you and hurt you.

            As for the on topic things, I am not covering up my stuff, I’m trying to act reasonably.

            There is only so long of you antagonizing me before I basically fight back. What you are doing right now is trying to trigger that, but I’m not going to fall for it.

            Why don’t we address what I said about conservatives and illegals? Or can you ONLY do character assaults while blaming me for them?

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:47 pm
            bob says:
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            Or are you talking about when I have said I would smack you upside the head if you talked to me like that in person?

            That is also not a threat of violence. It is an expression.

            Or are you talking about when you have gone on name calling sprees, and after days of antagonizing I have said you would never treat me like this in person because I can tell you are the type who would never last in a fight and you just talk online?

            This last one I have ONLY said to one person and it is you, and I might add it is self defense.

            When you harass someone, you get the horns.

            I am not randomly going up to you saying, hey UW, I’m going to punch you in the face if you don’t agree with me!

            You said something about the Trump? I’m going to punch you in the face!

            You like Obama, I’m going to punch you in the face!

            …I don’t do those things.

          • September 7, 2016 at 4:27 pm
            bob says:
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            I was paying so much attention to UW I missed this from you Ron:

            “B. Right,

            I forget, where does, “Leave your brother to pull him up by his own bootstraps” fall within the 10 Commandments?”

            You’re a Catholic, you know the ten commandments are essentially what all sins fall into, but God did not direct every sin.

            However, on this one:

            Laziness and taking care of yourself is gone over in the bible.

            And what this guy just said is biblically correct.


            we can take that as a starting point.

            I’m not saying all people are lazy who are down trodden. However, when we spend 20% of the GDP on supposedly down trodden people, I think there is an issue. God specifically doesn’t put a burden past 10%, this might have something to do with God knowing 10% is well enough to provide for truly down trodden people.

            Of course, in the Bible you are praised for giving more.

            But we are going to call people anti biblical when they say they don’t want to carry someone who is otherwise lazy?

          • September 7, 2016 at 4:32 pm
            bob says:
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            My bad, 36% when counting local spending with federal, which we really should do.


            This is a serious issue.

            I think it is on point. We can try to say a cliche line about helping people (which all people do) or we could start to point out this is over the top.

            You took the cliche and then questioned the fact, rather than question the cliche and take the facts.

          • September 8, 2016 at 9:55 am
            UW says:
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            “Yes. If you don’t stop fighting like a lunatic there will be a civil war.”

            So if people do not stop pushing for and passing policies and positions you don’t agree with you support a civil war. That is insane. You cannot say you are non-partisan and then routinely, cavalierly threaten civil war.

            “Trump is not anti gay, not sexist, and not racist. But when you trigger people to think he is, people attack.”

            BS, aside from maybe not being anti-gay, which you are. But, you cannot debate this, because you fall into both of those categories and think it is okay. You supported him and said it had nothing to do with sexism or misogyny when he said Megan Kelly was “bleeding out of her, wherever,” a comment that is clearly both. Of course he has been extremely racist against Mexicans, Blacks (including being a primary Birther cheerleader even after Obama released his birth certificate, which is undeniably based in racism).

            “Milo Yiaonnopolus was assaulted on campus. Go watch the video. The security they hired didn’t intervene. That campus does not allow conservatives to have safe spaces to talk. ”

            This is irrelevant. The same thing happens to liberals in many places–including the thousands of deaths in your fantasy about a civil war. For example, Trump, who you support routinely called for liberal protesters to be assaulted, and said he would pay the defense bills. A lie, because he doesn’t even pay his own bills.

            “Trump is a fascist racist who needs to be stopped. These are not words to throw around lightly.”

            No, they aren’t, but when it fits, and when a person is by far the most extreme candidate in modern history it should be used. But, you are right with him and think you are a moderate. You knowledge on this stuff is fueled entirely by Drudge/Fox, and is an outright joke. You are not credible on racism, because in another fringe belief, not supported by any modern historians or political scientists, you don’t even believe the Southern Strategy used by the Republicans existed. You are clueless.

            Your calls for a civil war, anti-minority, anti-government, anti-tax, anti-gay, nationalist, hardcore Christian, far right wing views are far outside the mainstream, fascist, and almost perfectly aligned with Timothy McVeigh.

            Funny how 2 months ago you whined non-stop about the US being too PC and even said it was one of the main problems in the US, and a key reason for your support of Trump, but now that people have interacted with you in a manner that is not polite, and not PC, you completely lose your mind, threaten violence, and call for a civil war. It’s almost like I used a tactic that completely exposed you as a hypocrite.

            “. And yet, they are constantly shut down by people triggered because people like you say Trump is a fascist racist who needs to be stopped.”

            No. That is an idiotic statement. He was attacked because he constantly engages in hate speech. Also, the security did not intervene because he was not in danger. The person was pointing at him and inadvertently touched him. She did not slap, punch, kick, or hit him. However, I remember you saying that it wasn’t assault when Trump’s campaign manager grabbed a woman, something that is far more threatening, far more violent, and far more dangerous. You have an idiotic double-standard. Non-violent protests are not right when they are done to conservatives, but when Trump calls for violence or his campaign engages in violence it is okay. Or, if people continue to protest non-violently in a manner you don’t approve of, you support civil war, and killing them. You are an outright despot authoritarian.

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:01 pm
            bob says:
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            “No, they aren’t, but when it fits, and when a person is by far the most extreme candidate in modern history it should be used. But, you are right with him and think you are a moderate. You knowledge on this stuff is fueled entirely by Drudge/Fox, and is an outright joke. You are not credible on racism, because in another fringe belief, not supported by any modern historians or political scientists, you don’t even believe the Southern Strategy used by the Republicans existed. You are clueless.”

            I am not credible because I don’t think that there was a Southern Strategy involving dixiecrats and a flip where republicans became the racist party?

            In the modern day, more republicans voted as a percentage for the 1964 civil rights bill than democrats, they tried to pass it in the 1950’s before the democrats, and also, when you say there was a flip… In the South the people who were racist remained democrat. There was no large scale flip. The flip that occurred was that people who were anti racist went republican, and people who were racist stayed democrat, when you look at the actual people instead of lumping all numbers together and saying see, they flipped republican it must have been due to racism! The ones that flipped republican supported anti racist policies, and the ones that remained democrat, supported segregation, including Senator Byrd.

            “Your calls for a civil war, anti-minority, anti-government, anti-tax, anti-gay, nationalist, hardcore Christian, far right wing views are far outside the mainstream, fascist, and almost perfectly aligned with Timothy McVeigh.”

            I have NOT called for a civil war. I have NOT been anti gay. I have specifically said how laws as democrats framed them allow for division in the country, and to shut down Church adoption agencies. I do not just blindly trust a supposedly pro gay law because people say it is pro gay. I have specifically said they should be given rights within their need, and that mirroring heterosexual marriage is not given rights within their need. That is NOT anti gay. I have asked for a nationalist policy I support, you have still not given one. I am not Hardcore Christian, whatever that means. I am not like Timothy McVeigh, and the very fact you compare normal conservatives to McVeigh, is oddly, actually like McVeigh. When you degrade people to that level and think of them as that, you make them someone you can attack and assault all you want.

            Funny how 2 months ago you whined non-stop about the US being too PC and even said it was one of the main problems in the US, and a key reason for your support of Trump, but now that people have interacted with you in a manner that is not polite, and not PC, you completely lose your mind, threaten violence, and call for a civil war. It’s almost like I used a tactic that completely exposed you as a hypocrite. ”

            False equivalency. You use these labels on someone who has not said any racial slurs, or called anyone Orange. I said that calling someone orange or discrediting based on them being Christian isn’t ok. For you, the actual hypocrite, you claim we are saying Muslims is the method of weight, and then I prove it has to do with actual numbers, and you say that isn’t ok. But then, for Christians, you use the term “hardcore Christian” to say why I’m not reliable. YOU are the hypocrite. You use the PC movement to silence people on topics of great importance, I end that section of PC, however this does not mean I will allow you to use assaults against people that are essentially harassment. There is a difference between being anti pc, and bullying and harassing UW.

            I don’t even need to direct the rest.

            You are insane and need to be banned.

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:04 pm
            bob says:
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            Also, you accused me of conspiracy theories but didn’t list one.

            The Southern Strategy, and then calling all current day republicans racist, is not only a conspiracy theory, it is also bigoted.

            Keep it up. Keep up the tar. I show people this all the time. You’re basically the reason people flock to Trump, you and Planet anyway.

            People like Ron actually have things to add every now and again. You don’t.

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:07 pm
            bob says:
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            Only from a liberal is it considered a call for civil war when you point out their side is going to your rallies attacking people. Have you watched the videos? That doesn’t look like a civil war?

            People are following in huge flocks Trump supporters to their cars and are rocking them and hurting them.

            a 16 year old was attacked. 16!

            An underage woman lied and screamed assault, and punched a guy in the fact before getting pepper sprayed, and then they said how they needed to find the person who pepper sprayed her!

            Trump supporters are losing their rights, and are being sued left and right, accused of things, brought to court, etc. While Trump says he will do so, he has yet to do it.

            All the while you say these aren’t signs of civil war, and then blame the victims? Then you accused me of the same? How dare you! Can I now call you Timothy McVeigh by your own standards?

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:25 pm
            bob says:
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            I do have to add, even if you were right that about the Southern Strategy, it has nothing to do with whether or not I am correct about current racism.

            What your side does is label someone, and then refuse to debate the topic in current day. This is what I don’t like about the PC crowd. You did the same to slaves to shut them up, you made bigoted comments, lumped someone in with a belief or idea based on their race, religion, or their political beliefs, and then said how they were not credible and could have no voice.

            That is what you’re doing.

            I am not telling you that because you called me Timothy Mcveigh that you cannot speak.

            It does not make me a hypocrite to say your insults are not ok, while also saying I hate the PC movement shutting down free speech.

            You’re essentially finding any reason you can to label me, so that my concepts and facts mean nothing.

            I’m “that type” of person right, and therefore I’m not credible on ALL racism aspects?

            Is that correct UW?

            Realize that if you answer yes, which you have to because of what you yourself said,

            THAT IS FASCISM WHEN IMPLEMENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT. It is a means of control and authoritarian behavior if the government were to do it.

            You are limiting spread of data and speech and thought, based on how you label groups that give data, speech, and thought.

            In this argument I have only pointed out what you are doing that is wrong, I have not linked this to your ability to have a debate. In fact, I have tried to pull it back to facts. You have not.

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:26 pm
            bob says:
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            And note, when I said “only from a liberal” I am talking about A specific type of liberal that you are. I’m mocking myself even saying only from a liberal, would they say what you did.

            It doesn’t make sense from a liberal. It isn’t what liberal is supposed to be.

            Like I said before, your side needs to eject these people from their ranks, but they have yet to do so.

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:35 pm
            bob says:
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            So here is an example of how we could talk without shutting people up UW:

            *Hey Bob, I don’t like Trump’s plan regarding immigration

            Really? Here’s why I think it makes sense.

            *No Bob, that wouldn’t be fair to those people.

            Really? Immigration has worked like this in many places, including Canada, and we have 10% of Mexico’s population here. Do you see an issue with the economy and our stability of a nation if we let too many people over who are either high cost or high risk? What should the measurement be here?

            *Insert your position here.

            That is debating.

            Instead what you do is this:

            *FASCIST!! You are bigoted against Muslims and Mexicans! I can prove it! You’re associated with Trump who doesn’t want them here! Why can’t the Muslims be here? Why can’t we let in the entire world? It’s NATIONALIST to not let the whole world who is in distress here, you dolt!*

            You sound ridiculous!

          • September 8, 2016 at 5:42 pm
            bob says:
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            Don’t insult the source, read what this person has to say about the Southern Strategy. I don’t agree with all of it, but he makes good points.


        • September 6, 2016 at 2:55 pm
          Bob says:
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          “I don’t live in fear, man. I don’t watch Faux News. Why are you so afraid to live? I live in a very civil way. I am considered very social as well.”

          Being social is not synonymous with being civil.

          “In a civilized society, we don’t discriminate against those who don’t look like us. We don’t make fun of disabled people.”

          Which is why you have mocked Trumps hands, Boehner’s Tan, and Trump’s orange face, and also why you have mocked people’s intelligence which really implies you would do the same to people who are mentally retarded.

          “We don’t broad brush an entire culture as rapists and criminals. We don’t shun a particular religion.”

          This is not about shunning. There has been an average of more than one terrorist attack per day from the Islamic faith. There is not one Islamic nation that does not oppress women, gays, and other minorities. I am not talking about saying it is a sin to be gay. I mean where it is illegal for gay people to have sex and you can be killed for it. The Muslim faith is the issue, and the Muslim faith needs to be addressed. When there is a risk, especially from the war torn Muslim nations, in which the great majority are ok with Shiria law, it is a risk we don’t need to take on by allowing more here. Every nation that has allowed great numbers of Muslims in has had attacks. These are facts, it is not about shunning a random religion. In the UK, it is considered illegal to point out that the rapes which spiked considerably after Muslims came in, and were not taken care of due to the PC nature of saying Muslims were doing rapes, were done by Muslims. I put my daughters higher than I put being PC and not identifying when a faith is a problem. If we don’t teach our kids that religion can be dangerous, people end up literally drinking the koolaide, if you get my reference. If you don’t, look it up. That has a background you may not be aware of. A violent one.

          “We don’t put women down and treat them like objects.”

          And we don’t. No one on the right or in most of the Western world is ok with this. You just above said we don’t label and shun religions, yet here you are doing essentially the same thing, when it comes to a political party.

          “We don’t say we want to date our daughters if she wasn’t our daughter.”

          You don’t, but in some people’s cases, and I have heard it outside of Trump, there are male fathers that are extremely proud of their attractive daughters. Just like women especially talk about their attractive sons. Pay attention, you will see it all the time. Especially on the woman side. I’ve seen my wife talk about how my son will break hearts, for example. It’s the same basic phrase. What we don’t do, is take a proud father and then imply he would molest his daughter. THAT isn’t ok.

          “We don’t call people names. We don’t do any of the things DT does.”

          You mean Drumpf does? Hello pot, meet kettle.

          “He is perhaps one of the most uncivilized amongst us.”

          He’s pretty similar to how you talk about Bush W.

          “And, he is your candidate. Do you consider yourself Christian and if you do, how do you justify supporting this man who acts completely opposite of Jesus’ teachings?”

          And Obama goes in accordance with God’s teachings? I’m not even going to go into how much he goes against it.

          Yes, he is a candidate. We tend to focus on the facts. What Obama did with his policies were not good. I’m not going to list them again because you clearly won’t agree, but know this:

          Clinton was known for NOT being able to get things done his second term. Obama actually got tons done by comparison. And his second term is exactly when we had better results in the case of Clinton. Have you ever looked into lame duck presidents? They tend to do better.

          If Trump is so crazy, there is no way he will get all his plans, his words cannot destroy the planet, and further more, he may teach people like you to stop the PC movement to destroy people. If he even does that, I’m content.

          Because really I’m tired of people talking like you, as if you are better and more civilized than the world and this is the requirement to be a president. No. It isn’t. It is a weapon. I don’t like it.

          • September 6, 2016 at 5:24 pm
            bob says:
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            ““In a civilized society, we don’t discriminate against those who don’t look like us. We don’t make fun of disabled people.””

            Which is why you made fun of Trump’s looks in this very page.

            I suppose you are uncivilized? Or perhaps you are two faced on this issue?

            I don’t mind it when someone says things how they say them, but to then turn around and say the reason you don’t vote for someone is something like this is petty.

            Let’s keep it on the issues.

  • September 2, 2016 at 9:37 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    I have a co-worker who informed me Bob was talking literally trash about me somewhere above. He called me a racist, evidently. Because I called Trump by his ancestors’ birth name, Drumpf. By the way, I am German/Irish/Swedish. Hard to be racist against your own.

    Now, in response to that, how many times do we have to see someone write about “Barry Obama” or B Hussein? I have no issues with that. If you want to call our President by a name he was born with or used to go by, so be it. I call Ronald, Ronnie Raygun. It is his nickname. And, they are public figures, which means they are open season for scrutiny.

    Now, what is NOT acceptable, as I understand IJ’s ground rules, are personal attacks against an individual poster out here. And, I also understand, Bob said I belong in the garbage because I’m a piece of trash. IJ, this is a personal attack. This is the type that you have punished before. Bob is a bully, which is why I don’t read anything he writes. I will contact your administration with an official complaint regarding this personal attack against me.

    Speaking of personal attacks, what has Drumpf said today?


    • September 6, 2016 at 2:21 pm
      Bob says:
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      When you get involved in insulting people, you cannot absolve yourself from it.

      Whether you are German or not, that is a racist name you are using. I don’t have time to go back and forth with you while you call me a bully.

      Calling someone Trash when they act racist is not a random personal assault.

      • September 6, 2016 at 7:42 pm
        UW says:
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        Bob, dolt. You need to look up the definitions of the following words, because you don’t use them correctly:

        racist, misogynist, sexist, bully, and bigot, to name a few.

        • September 7, 2016 at 12:51 am
          bob says:
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          I have not called anyone here a misogynist. I have called people bigoted and racist.

          “a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)”

          Bigot applies exactly as I use it. You might want to stop implying I don’t know how to use words.

          I use racism and bigoted intentionally, I use the tools used against myself.

          Try living as a conservative. You wouldn’t last very long with the insults and you might come to know what prejudice means.

        • September 7, 2016 at 12:52 am
          bob says:
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          Also, I will inform you again:


          You are free to debate, you are not free to keep throwing out insults.

    • September 6, 2016 at 2:29 pm
      Bob says:
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      I’m well aware of the insults that you use, and the Mitt Robme comments. It is typical of a bigot to do those types of names. When people call Obama Barry, this is not similar, and I don’t see anyone here calling him Hussein to insult him. I don’t see anyone here with the exception of maybe one doing similar insult methods on the conservative side of the aisle, and everyone shuts him down as they should. You should also be shut down.

      When you say you don’t reply to me the reason is because a long time ago we got into a fight that YOU were a large part of, and then you being an actual bully, after you had rallied people to insult people with catch phrases ignored the only person here who will debate on facts.

      You proudly go around saying names.

      Drumpf is not an ok name. We do not apply nick names to people to insult them. It is just the way it is, if you hold this standard to say Trump, for calling people Lyin’ Cruz for example, you should hold this standard for yourself.

      Cruz is a liar. It is a nickname, just like Drumpf. But we don’t use it.

      Also, while you say you are German, you cannot use an insult that is clearly a form of racism, as quoted by my LIBERAL source.

      It isn’t ok.

      • September 7, 2016 at 1:19 pm
        UW says:
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        You are insulting people here. You aren’t free to do what you want. IT WON’T STAND! BLAH BLAH BLAH PRETEND SMART STUFF BLAH. clown.

        • September 7, 2016 at 1:34 pm
          bob says:
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          You’re not fooling anyone. You can decry me all you want, and how I’m racist, but I’m not in here calling people orange maniacs, dolts, etc.

          Pretend smart stuff? What exactly is pretend smart stuff?

          Smart things you don’t agree with? Really, I want to know the metrics.

          I’m not me, I’m not saying the facts I say, I’m just pretending right? Is that it? You think behind my pretend smart stuff is a racist bigot?

          Don’t you view that a bit on the overly triggered side?

          What if my facts are real?

          Have you considered that?

          What if I’m a person who you are insulting for no reason at all, and it’s not ok?

          People who hold different opinions should not be treated as you treat those here.

          First you guys say how much I insult, then when I don’t, you antagonize me like you are right here, which is extreme bullying, until you can get me to snap…

          Planet encourages it…

          And then you report me…

          I do hope IJ sees through this, and I’m doing all that I can to show them what is occurring.

    • September 7, 2016 at 12:48 am
      bob says:
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      You were not addressing Trump by his ancestry to honor him, you were doing it to insult him.

      Also, you called ME a racist. When evidence supports the facts…Well, why did you call Trump an “orange maniac” and Drumpf?

      Did you mean that in the most respectful way?

  • September 2, 2016 at 4:57 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Go to Trump U and get your BS degree.

    • September 6, 2016 at 1:46 pm
      insurance is fun! says:
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      Best post ever!!!!!!

      • September 6, 2016 at 2:23 pm
        Bob says:
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        No. It’s not. It’s about the most ignorant ever.

        This is what we call triggered.

        While I’m called a dolt and a literal piece of crap like other conservatives here such as in this very page, liberals that Planet supports in their mocking, and even compliments when they do it.

        “No proof she did any of that in a criminal way. Go back to Infowars where this crap passes for reality.”

      • September 6, 2016 at 2:23 pm
        Bob says:
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        “Trite, stupid, pseudo-intellectual BS. You are so full of crap you are almost like another Bob masquerading as somebody else because he has been exposed.”

        More drivel…

      • September 6, 2016 at 4:23 pm
        bob says:
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        And these are mild for UW. You will note that these are his intro statements. You have supported and otherwise encouraged this behavior. There was a time when you were laughing with Libby mocking everyone here that was conservative chalking it up to just being a joke and telling them to lighten up. That is teasing, and it is getting people to join in. That is bullying.

        My intro statements are rarely insults, barring someone making a blatantly racist comment and applying a name to a person or group of persons.

        You can pretend to be the person uniting, but everyone here knows you are not.

        If you really want to take the route of painting me as a villain to this place you will have a hard time when I pull up your history, and I’m sure I can find what I just mentioned Planet.

        • September 6, 2016 at 7:44 pm
          UW says:
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          “My intro statements are rarely insults, barring someone making a blatantly racist comment and applying a name to a person or group of persons.”

          Unless it is you applying terms to groups like; African Americans, Muslims, Arabs, liberals, non-Catholics, etc.

          • September 7, 2016 at 12:53 am
            bob says:
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            LINK NEEDED!!!!

            I have used facts and that is all. I have NEVER said anything against these groups!

          • September 7, 2016 at 12:59 am
            bob says:
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            What you might mean to say, is that I have said that there is data regarding Muslim attacks and violence and Shiria law, or similar things. I rarely talk about black issues here, so I have no clue what you’re talking about except the shooting, and that was not me talking negatively about a black person, I painted out what could have happened and that you were saying sick stuff about it and forming completely unfounded inflammatory commentary about it.

            To do with Arabs when have I ever separated Arabs and Muslims and Muslims and Arabs? NAME ONE TIME I HAVE BROUGHT UP ARABS!!!??? Did YOU just profile and put Muslims with Arabs?

            I have said what Liberal leaders have done, and I make a point of talking about liberals when I talk and use the word liberals, I do NOT label liberals as you have, except in one area:

            You liberals do constantly use sexist, racist, and anti Muslim as a weapon for your use.

            It is sick. You don’t care about these people. You care about the high ground.

            I have numerous times said we should have stayed in Iraq TO HELP THE PEOPLE, meaning MUSLIMS because the COUNTRY IS A WAR TORN STATE and it will NEVER be stopped unless we take a hundred years of action. I have said this, did you miss it? At the time I called you heartless against Muslims and Iraqi people, except when it benefits your side. Helping in Iraq would have saved more people than taking in refugees. You only care when it benefits you.

            That’s about the end of it. I have been consistent.

            Muslims need help, and at the same time, refugees here would be a threat.

            You can’t make up your mind, unless a liberal politician makes it up for you, and then goes and removes Gadaffi, the leader of Libya, and you praise him for it.

            It’s insane to watch your hypocrisy UW.

            You won’t win in a debate with me. Which is why you scream racism, and how much I hate groups I have never even talked about.

            Really. Knock it off. I’m not taking the bait this time.

            Just to show IJ that you truly are aggressive I’m not going to insult you at all.

            Please, continue to insult me.

            I will get you banned. I vow it, if you don’t stop, you need to be taken down.

      • September 6, 2016 at 4:26 pm
        bob says:
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        Also, if that comes up I will bring up when I have told conservatives here that they were out of line and needed to represent conservatives dutifully and with better form.

        That shows I am willing to “police” if you will, my own side that is out of line.

        You however, encourage or ignore them. I do not foster bullying in any form.

        There are those here that are tired of being constantly mocked and degraded for years. No. It did not start with me. And I often end it, in a good way.

        But you don’t. You foster, encourage, then ignore, and then repeat.

        You reward the abusers and neglect and ignore people like me who are quite clearly being harassed by users like UW who recently called me a murderer of Muslims. A MURDERER of Muslims.

        And he just popped up again calling me a racist and is trying again to make that stick.

        That is basically public humiliation each time he does it. I don’t mind it, but that is his attempt.

        You can’t scream racist and homophobe and expect the person you are shouting at won’t respond.

    • September 6, 2016 at 4:31 pm
      bob says:
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      As I understand it, this is a personal attack, and as I understand it, IJ has a policy against this that they have acted on in the past.

      When you engage in personal attacks, or in racist statements, you can’t just say “Trump did it” and then “Go back to Trump U and get your BS degree” and pretend you didn’t say anything offensive at all.

      When you offend people and they say your actions make you racist, you don’t get a free pass at insults.

      Or are you getting some sort of triggered protection?

  • September 6, 2016 at 4:07 pm
    Martin Ridgers says:
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    As mentioned in other comments. Once a con man always a con man. Nothing else needs to be said.

    • September 6, 2016 at 4:18 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Exactly right, Martin.

      Hey Bob, it’s no use, I told my co-worker I don’t even know what you are saying about me or to me in a second-hand way. The less I know what you have to think or say, the better off I am. Evidently, you can’t get enough of what I think or have to say, though. Interesting…

      • September 6, 2016 at 4:27 pm
        bob says:
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        The arrogance you have above is really dumb founding.

        Trigger, ignore, foster violence, repeat.

        Evidently I take it seriously when someone says they are reporting me when they haven’t read what I have said.

        I assume this site will as well. Which is it? Did you read it? Or did you not?

        He said she said I said something eh?

        You are blind. The reason you lack knowledge is you block out everyone you label.

        • September 6, 2016 at 7:47 pm
          UW says:
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          “foster violence”

          Says the guy who said if liberals didn’t stop implementing their policies, and refuting Trump and racist, sexist, anti-gay people there would be a civil war. Or the person who said black people who do not immediately do what the police say should know they will be shot–even if you are a child, and they only say it in the police report after they shot you. Or does that not count as violence?

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:03 am
            bob says:
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            Yes. If you don’t stop fighting like a lunatic there will be a civil war. The Bernie Sanders camps, and the ones attacking Trump, and the guy who rushed Trump in an assassination attempt those were all fostered by people like you.

            Trump is not anti gay, not sexist, and not racist. But when you trigger people to think he is, people attack.

            Milo Yiaonnopolus was assaulted on campus. Go watch the video. The security they hired didn’t intervene. That campus does not allow conservatives to have safe spaces to talk. They invade, and when the people are triggered, they blame the right. This happened in California, and other areas. When they pay to host a college event for the students, they deserve to be there. And yet, they are constantly shut down by people triggered because people like you say Trump is a fascist racist who needs to be stopped. These are not words to throw around lightly.

            As for the child shooting, knock it off.

            I said black people are not shot for no reason. There was a reason. You might not think so, but the cops who did it, had a reason.

            I am not saying it is a valid reason. But you, being arrogant, like to just label everything you think as right, don’t you?

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:05 am
            bob says:
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            Let me put it bluntly, you labeling what I say, and what it means, to say how it reflects on black people, does not change what I said about “black people”. You cannot add a racism where there is none by providing your twists, and hoping people forgot the conversation.

            At no point did I say the kid should have been shot.

            I said that you were being foolish, and were trying to say police were running around shooting black people.

            If so, why do studies show adjusting for how often they are involved in crime, and their proportion of the population, black people are LESS LIKELY to be shot?

            If kids were being shot every day, you would see it, every day, if they were being selected for being black, you would see the numbers.

            Tell me the numbers. Prove your case.

            Let’s see it.

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:08 am
            bob says:
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            The burden of proof is on you. Go ahead, enlighten me.

            Show me the evidence. You can’t just make a statement and say it as fact without numbers. If you truly believe what you are saying, you need to prove it. And I’m not saying this to insult you.

            Assume you are right. Then I need to know, and you’re not doing a good job of telling me.

            You clearly don’t know how normal people think, considering how you have called me an extreme republican conservative.

            Never mind I said I favor a public option. Never mind I favor a combination of the government reinvesting social security portions, instead of people because people would make bad decisions in that scenario, and that expands government power in that area if anything. Never mind all my moderate comments, I’m a conservative whack job that you just have to insult and don’t have to explain your position to.

            It is not that I have done poorly debating you. It is that you have done poorly and have selected facts that don’t prove your points.

            So show me your black data.

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:01 pm
            bob says:
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            To top this off:

            I do believe we have a SYSTEMATIC POLICE SHOOTING PROBLEM

            I do not believe there is any evidence that it is linked to gender, race, or religion.

            However, unlike you, I realize that this is a problem that is hard to solve without stopping police from helping people. I believe police are needed.

            I have seen many stories of police having their gun taken from them and shot.

            You might say then disarm the cops, but I’m not entirely sure that would be a good thing.

            So how do you propose we solve this problem?

            The black kid that was shot, was shot in my opinion WRONGLY but I do not believe it was done because he was black and the cops were racist.


            Also, the cops were responding to a call that was relayed to them. I think they over reacted, but it had nothing to do with the kid being black. Did these two cops just have an agreement behind closed doors that if they ever saw a black kid and had a reason they would kill him?

            This was two cops. How did they decide they trusted each other enough to have that conversation? At what point did they decide together to kill black people when the opportunity came up?

            It is obvious they over reacted, but racism was not a key here.

            I see plenty of white people killed, and in almost all of those scenarios I say that the white person was an idiot, because, well, if you look at white people shot most of them are idiots (except for the kids).

          • September 7, 2016 at 1:03 pm
            bob says:
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            And when I say something that reasonable, you don’t get to say sick twisted things UW, in order to say I’m racist.

            You don’t agree, that’s fine. But what I think is not abnormal.

            I’m not a dolt, I’m not saying anything that has to do with someone being black other than that it had nothing to do with them being black. Race is not a part of my argument.

            Yet you scream racism all the same…

  • September 7, 2016 at 1:10 am
    bob says:
  • September 7, 2016 at 12:18 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    I heard someone on the radio this morning call in to say the Dallas Morning News has endorsed Hillary. He then went on to say if that _itch gets in the office, he’s going to succeed from the nation. Succeed you will, fine sir.

    This is the type of person who would have loved to go to Trump U. And, Trump loves this person, who we will call Merriam Webster.

    “I love the poorly educated.”

    • September 7, 2016 at 12:51 pm
      bob says:
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      You become no different than him using the B word when you mock his intelligence and make Trump U comments, in fact you become worse.

      You have zero self realization. Zero.

  • September 7, 2016 at 1:35 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Yes, we should all definitely vote for this guy:


    • September 7, 2016 at 1:42 pm
      bob says:
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      Oh my God…I have specifically heard adults, women namely, talking about how they got it from their mama, and their mama proudly saying their daughters had their booty and their chest. Really, they are complimenting themselves a bit much…Most of the people who do it, and considering Trump…This may be what he’s doing.

      Referring to both their back side and their chest.

      You are trying to imply he would molest his daughter, and it’s not ok.

    • September 7, 2016 at 1:58 pm
      bob says:
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      We should totally hold comments in general as a reason not to elect people. This makes sense.

      How about this one?


  • September 7, 2016 at 1:49 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    • September 7, 2016 at 2:04 pm
      bob says:
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      You mean after they posted a picture of his wife nearly nude to demean her looks he went after the looks in retaliation?

      Also, since when was insulting looks of one women sexist against all?

      Do you hold this same standard when women insult men’s appearance? I doubt it. I doubt you even pay attention, rightfully so.

      On the beautiful and a piece of ass: He was commenting on the corruption of the media to degrade women. That is not a misogynistic comment.

      The others I could go over but I have no need. I’m confident you have made similar statements to some of those he had in those.

      Trump does not talk well, but the phrases he has said do not make him sexist.

      I would rather someone say frustrated “Man, women, you have to treat them like @#%@” to point out that there are issues with women’s dating standards, than people say nothing.

      Women talk about men’s dating standards often, and actually believe they have to have booty or whatever else themselves and it pisses them off much like it pissed Trump off.

      This is if anything being triggered, but it is not sexism.

    • September 7, 2016 at 2:07 pm
      bob says:
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      My hero is the one that ends the trade agreements that harm us.

      My hero is the one that takes on the Islamic issues we have, rather than make PC comments about what is ok and not ok to say (similar to your comments I just commented on. PC comments are used to disarm people and as a method of power, you have nothing to say on policies do you?)

      My hero is the one that deals with our immigration issue, and makes sure it doesn’t break the nation.

      My hero is the person who doesn’t use tax rates as a means to equality, which will lead to dangerous paths.

      My hero is the person who aides businesses rather than turns them into villains.

      This COULD be Trump. I’ll be honest, I don’t know.

      But I do know this: The actual plans supported by liberals are not sustainable.

      There has to be a change.

    • September 7, 2016 at 2:08 pm
      bob says:
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      I do need to note above:

      I bleeped out one of two things I was quoting from another link posted here by Planet, I was not actually saying what I thought about women and bleeping that out.

      Also, when I used the word for bum, I was also quoting the piece Planet posted.

      So before ya’all get triggered and say I swore or said inflammatory things keep that in mind.

  • September 7, 2016 at 2:09 pm
    bob says:
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    Paraphrasing would perhaps be a better way of putting it…

  • September 7, 2016 at 2:17 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Bob, I am not reading a single word you write. You are talking to someone else. By the way…


    • September 7, 2016 at 2:27 pm
      bob says:
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      “Bob, I am not reading a single word you write. You are talking to someone else. By the way…”

      That is bullying. You’re talking to me on posts and refuse a rebuttal while you threatened me. But I’m not talking to you either, not really.

      I’m addressing the things you post because they are relevant. I don’t let people like you mislead people.

      I’m the other side.

      Get used to it. There will always be another side, no matter how much you plug your ears and label them as racists, they will always be there.

      In fact, when you do so, the truth comes out on top because of how obvious it is that you’re wrong. People who are morally bankrupt label and refuse to debate.

    • September 7, 2016 at 2:29 pm
      bob says:
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      Also, I have to finally say what you might consider an insult, but I’m actually calling you out.

      I read. Quite a bit. When I scroll through, if someone is posting constantly, I cannot read around posts because I read so fast.

      I have a hard time believing that you are able to see which posts are mine without seeing the whole post to some degree. I find that impossible, but maybe I’m just too good of a reader?

      I don’t think that’s the case Planet. You’re saying that specifically to troll and insult and degrade me.

      Which is fine. I don’t mind. Keep it up. People see it, people know who does debate and who stops debate.

  • September 7, 2016 at 2:30 pm
    insurance is fun! says:
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    I think bob’s got her panties in a bunch

    • September 7, 2016 at 2:56 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Yeah, he’s fired up. As soon as I see “bob”, I am done. I simply do not prefer to read anything that comes from him. Kind of like The Twilight Saga books, don’t care to read those either so I don’t. Check this out, more great quotes from the Republican Presidential candidate…

      “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” – Donald Trump

      “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” – Donald Trump

      • September 7, 2016 at 3:04 pm
        Bob says:
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        Two quotes that are literally hearsay.

        You’re only proving you will participate in he said she said politics.

        And attributing those quotes to Trump are therefore Libel.

      • September 8, 2016 at 10:18 pm
        actu says:
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        Those quotes, and the hundreds of others by basically every person who has ever met him don’t count. The president of Mexico is lying, the intelligence briefers are lying, his ex-wife was lying when she said in court he raped her, the people over decades who routinely said he doesn’t pay them are lying, the media playing clips of his saying he supported the Iraq War are lying when they point out he now says he didn’t, and all the people who have sued him are lying–so many that over 30 years it averages a new lawsuit against him every 3 days counting weekends and holidays. All liars. Trump is telling the truth, and is better than Clinton because of the hearsay and lies against her. Its just a coincidence almost 8/10 statements fact checked on him are lies. The uber conservatives like Bob are going to have epic explosions when Trump gets blown out.

    • September 7, 2016 at 3:02 pm
      Bob says:
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      I speak passionately about something as people insult me, and I have my panties in a bunch…

      You’re not making your case very well. Insurance is fun, taunting and teasing is not.

      Every time I have tried to make things fact based this ends up happening, and people like you and Planet join in and make a game of what UW does, then you cry wolf to IJ that we are the issues.

      This is a serious problem here.

    • September 7, 2016 at 3:06 pm
      Bob says:
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      You and your crew are literally bullying people off this site.

      When I talk rationally UW says I’m a fraud, you then say how fun it is, Planet says how I’m at fault,

      And when I talk about it people say I’m triggered.

      Then I leave. It happens every time, while all of you continue on your fighting here claiming it is every other person but you.

      It’s annoying. I don’t let it affect me too much, but one of these days you guys have got to wake up.

    • September 7, 2016 at 3:08 pm
      Bob says:
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      It is literally only a matter of time before I leave, then Ron makes a comment that I parade off the site every time I am confronted, and that is used to insult me while I’m not participating here (I still watch during those times)

      And then you all continue on degrading Agent, who is your usual go to person to insult and say how delusional he is.

    • September 7, 2016 at 6:49 pm
      Bob says:
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      Also Insurance,

      Do I detect some sexism there?

      What implication does calling a male someone who has “her panties” in a bunch have?

      Did you just pull a Donald Trump? ;-)

      And did you just support that Planet?

      Oy vey, you guys have zero self realization.

    • September 8, 2016 at 10:13 pm
      actu says:
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      He is having a full fledged mental conniption fit. He thinks he is so smart and hates when anybody contradicts him. Lookout here come 10 pages of rants with 4 posts correcting what he meant, and a bunch of bullshit links to bloggers and baseball writers contradicting all of established history. Planet says below he moves on when he sees Bob, but reading these stupid ignorant rants make my day when I come here. He has the solutions to all the problems, and scientists, historians, economists, historians, and everybody else has it all wrong.

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