Motorists Mutual, BrickStreet Mutual Finalize Joint Venture

April 24, 2017

  • April 26, 2017 at 4:57 pm
    Agent Underwriter says:
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    Looks like a “Frankenstein” approach — sewing two mismatched carriers together. Nice intention, poor concept. How exactly will agents confidently place small and middle market package business with multiple underwriters, regional offices, and companies for the long-term?

    It’s great that BrickStreet retains a West Virginia headquarters and brand, but these two firms are not aligned. There are two CEOs and different agency partners, systems, underwriting criteria, claims processes, and so much more. Not exactly a customer centric!

    No mention of a viable strategy, even a simple roadmap, from the leadership. Unclear value proposition and communication from those in the spotlight. Why not make a dedicated transition website for your corporate communications?

    It also makes me wonder how the carrier executives are compensated and if the broad of directors are truly independent. BrickStreet has extraordinary capital reserves for a smaller carrier. They could buy a competitor twice their size overnight. Why take this approach? Looks like a lack of industry experience outside monoline workers’ compensation.

  • August 8, 2017 at 10:43 pm
    Motorists Employee says:
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    Chaos everywhere. Dave Kaufman has turned his back on the loyal people who helped support his vision.

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