FAA Can’t Keep Up with Requests for Drone Flights in Restricted Areas

By | October 16, 2017

  • October 16, 2017 at 1:50 pm
    karla says:
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    I knew this was going to be a disaster.
    1) all drones should have a clear serial number visible
    2) all drones should have to declare a flight plan, date, time and area and who is flying drone
    3) all owners of drones are responsible for actions of this drone
    4) all drones should have a min of 1 million in liability insurance
    5) all drones should have a min of 1 million in liability insurance also for privacy violations (separate mandatory policy!)
    6) all drones should have gps to fly and have to be inspected annually to make sure all policies and gps are valid
    7) all droves should be registered and if you have any past criminal record you can not operate a drone
    8) all operator and owners would have to pass a written test and physical test prior to operation and have to submit at random drug testing and back ground information.
    9) all owners will have to prove address of owner operator is accurate and if move have 7 days to submit new location
    10) this is going to be a mess, and all drone owners should have to pay a fee for processing and inspections to pay for agencies extra workflow. and only so many drones can be approved per year.
    11) drones can not be sold to a different party, they can only have original owner, if they want to be sold it has to be approved in advance thru flight organization.
    12) no one can own a drone who is not a legal citizen and they will have to have upstanding backgrounds.

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