Insurance Customers Slow to Adopt Mobile Claims Apps: J.D. Power

October 25, 2017

  • October 25, 2017 at 3:04 pm
    Marty Agather says:
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    One of the reasons for slow adoption might be the relatively few reasons to utilize a mobile app during the rest of the policy year. It may be unrealistic for a consumer to think about using a tool for the first time in a very stressful environment during time of claim.

    A solution to this problem might be to identify other more frequent ways to get a consumer to utilize a mobile app prior to loss.

  • October 25, 2017 at 4:09 pm
    . says:
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    It doesn’t take a J.D. Power study to figure out why so few people want to file claims via mobile app. They’ve just suffered a loss, they’re upset. They want the reassurance of talking with a live human being, as opposed to sending their claim off into cyberspace. They want empathy in a time of crisis. Apps will never provide empathy. Perhaps carriers should just forget about trying to get people to use then for first loss.

    • October 26, 2017 at 9:00 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I agree in principle, but think severity of loss plays a big factor. If I was rear-ended by a car traveling 10MPH, I’m fine submitting an FNOL electronically. If someone is hurt or my car isn’t safe to drive, yeah, I’d want to talk to a person then.

      Regardless, I’d be okay snapping photo’s of the damage and uploading them via an app if the carrier is able to issue payment many days sooner than they could if they assigned an IA or if I had to schedule an inspection somewhere.

      Having those features, even if they’re not utilized consistently, is a smart business decision. I like options, especially if it means I’ll get my damage payment ASAP :D

  • October 27, 2017 at 11:07 am
    Marty Ellingsworth says:
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    Can the survey break out the results by customer journey engagement status?

    e.g. If the customer is already using an insurer app regularly for renewal, bill pay, chat/service prior to a claim event versus net new to digital? If there is a difference, then more engagement prior to a claim will push adoption.

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