Share Your Story: Sexual Harassment and the Workplace

January 29, 2018

  • January 30, 2018 at 1:48 pm
    chris says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    As a female that has been in the workplace since the late seventies and at a very young age OF COURSE I have experienced sexual harassment. But what is the point of dredging up the past. I don’t understand what good it does going back 20, 30, 40 years. For revenge? Go to a therapist if it is eating at you.

    • February 2, 2018 at 5:20 am
      Tessa says:
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      so you expect women to just keep silent of what had happened to them and deal with it on their own as if it was their fault and left for them to fix? The purpose of this is to enlightened everyone that this behavior that has been normalized for 20, 30, 40 years is WRONG. If all have kept silent and do what you suggested then we would’ve been stuck at the same kind of thinking exactly where you are and no change would’ve been made. It’s sad how unsupportive you are given the fact that you are claiming to have experienced sexual harassment yourself… THANK GOD FOR ALL THE STRONG WOMEN OUT THERE WHO ARE TELLING THEIR TRUTHS AND SPEAKING UNAPOLOGETICALLY THAT THEIR NOT WILLING TO PUT UP WITH THIS KIND OF TREATMENT ANYMORE. THIS IS ALSO TO ENSURE THAT THE FUTURE GENERATIONS OF WOMEN WILL NO LONGER SUFFER.

      • February 6, 2018 at 3:20 pm
        mrbob says:
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        I can certainly see both sides of the issue here but have asked the same question on many of these cases. By all means sexual harassment is wrong, but dragging up old history just to pull down someone else after all these years if the behavior is not ongoing somehow does not seem fair either. Just my 2 cents.

  • February 1, 2018 at 11:30 am
    Agent says:
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    Moderate, I hear you. It makes me wonder if more than two in management should be in on disciplinary meetings with female employees so they won’t be alleging harassment. It is getting way out of hand, this PC culture.

    • February 2, 2018 at 9:43 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Let me get this straight, you are saying female employees shouldn’t be alleging harassment? You wrote, “more than two in management should be in on disciplinary meetings with female employees so they won’t be alleging harassment.” Huh?

      I stand with the women, including those who have accused of the clown at the top of today’s government. And, if they have been harassed or believe they have been harassed, they absolutely should be making those allegations. And, there should be consequences for the abuser. Unbelievable there are still people out here blaming a “PC culture” and not the sleezebags who prey on women.

      • February 2, 2018 at 2:22 pm
        GroPoLaeur Bear says:
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        Nope. You didn’t get it straight. Often, you start your post with ‘Let me get this straight…”, then post something that can’t be gleaned from the post to which you replied. The intent was to have multiple people hear a non-harassment complaint, rather than one or two persons who could later be accused of harassment of the female complainant if they do not discipline the person who is the subject of the complaint.

        Read these key words “disciplinary meeting”. Ask for help in understanding them if you cannot distinguish them from “harassment complaint”.

        You are SO biased against Conservatives that you rush to judge them as being wrong, politically incorrect, or biased …

        • February 2, 2018 at 2:48 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Um, who said multiple people didn’t hear the complaint? It was reported to “HR”, which from all of my experience, is an office of a group of people.

          Not biased against all conservatives – just your kind that will NEVER listen to anything but the Hannitys of the world. And, further, take what those minds say as gospel.

          • February 2, 2018 at 3:28 pm
            moderate says:
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            I actually don’t like Hannity or Fox news. My point is simple, not ALL accusations are true. MOST of the time when a woman says she was harassed, she probably was and they should get the SOB, but not EVERY woman who “feels uncomfortable” has been harassed. Some women are oversensitive, some women are flat out lying (women are just as capable of being oversensitive and lying as men are). Media and Social Media have emboldened not just the women who SHOULD speak up but also the few looking for attention, money or are just nuts. The rush to judgement is wrong. Punishment without proof, evidence, or even common sense just because of the accusation is trying to protect women at the expense of basic fundamental fairness toward men. Which is reprehensible. The fact that harassers are worse doesn’t make it any less so. Equality = ALL are innocent until proven guilty. You don’t get automatic points for being a woman. I have to prove it when someone wrongs me and so do you. Shortcuts are not equality, it’s female supremacy. And thinking equality is about being equal doesn’t make me sexist.

          • February 2, 2018 at 3:43 pm
            DNCs Coll(F)usion GPShip Strzok an IceberGowdy says:
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            I haven’t heard Hannity in YEARS. Presume more stuff, so I can refute it. Thanks.

          • February 2, 2018 at 5:13 pm
            Tax Cuts 4 PolaRich Bears says:
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            ‘HR’ doesn’t mean a report was made to a ‘group’ of people. Thanks for playing.

          • February 3, 2018 at 8:07 pm
            UW says:
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            That is “all conservatives” now.

  • February 2, 2018 at 5:21 am
    Tessa says:
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    Thank you!

  • February 2, 2018 at 5:47 am
    Jen says:
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    so…. what was her claim against you? did you ask her on a date and continuously to do so? it seems odd to me that you were just immediately transfered without your HR investigating the case….

    Also, it’s not a witchunt movement. People don’t realize how serious this is, its not a trend, its the damn truth and this is how bad the situation is for many many many women out there who’s suffered for years!!! Like you said, its very fucking easy to distinguish what sexual harassment is and isn’t. So if you have sexually harassed someone then yes you should be worried and I hope that person you left a mark on speaks up. I will say I am disappointed and disgusted by the women who are only following on the movement to get attention, it discounts what were fighting for and discredit the survivors.

  • February 2, 2018 at 5:16 pm
    Tax Cuts 4 PolaRich Bears says:
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    I wonder why such an article is posted on IJ? The only connection of this article to insurance is via Employer’s Liability insurance, for the peril of sexual harassment.

    That said,…
    I’m glad women are speaking up. There are too many creeps in offices in which I’ve worked in the past, including members of both sexes.

  • February 6, 2018 at 3:17 pm
    Things That Make You Go Hmmm says:
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    Seriously?? NO mean NO the first time, after that it is harassment or worse. Your post sounds more like ego than anything else. Get over yourself.

  • February 12, 2018 at 2:22 pm
    bob says:
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    I can see now that as long as the story is involving someone you believe you can bully IJ, you’ll delete stories of sexual harassment and discussing social norms regarding sexual behavior, if it comes from a man’s point of view.

    I suspect you wouldn’t have done that if a woman here posted what I did about being asked to take off her shirt.

    The post was critical but not insulting, the person who replied to it was surely insulting, and then just delete the whole thing.

    Do you want to know why sexual harassment is “under reported”? That’s why.

    • February 12, 2018 at 8:54 pm
      Andrew G. Simpson says:
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      The place to share any stories is in the survey, not on the comment section.

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