More School Districts Buying Active Shooter Insurance

By and | March 21, 2018

  • March 21, 2018 at 5:27 pm
    Paul Marshall says:
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    The insurance covers liability / extra expenses tied to shootings, providing up to $250,000 in victim death benefits with additional for medical expense. Schools often find that their general liability policies fall short for the cascade of bills that follow violent incident
    – Paul Marshall Underwriter

  • March 22, 2018 at 1:39 pm
    SacFlood says:
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    All the politicians are too timid to address the elephant in the room – easy access to weapons of mass destruction, like automatic rifles, including the AR-15 – Insurance, Counseling, Limits on Bullets, Waiting Periods, Vigilance, etc. are all band-aids for the obvious solution of true gun control, at least with respect to automatic rifle control in general, and to AR-15 control specifically. I’m for the 2nd Amendment and a well-regulated militia, but the situation with AR-15s and similar weapons is out of control, and needs to be addressed by mature adults, not timid politicians who are only worried about their own reelection, instead of their constituents. Bravery is needed, in the vein of Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ. NRA lobbyists control too much….

    • March 26, 2018 at 10:14 am
      mikey says:
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      The AR-15 is not an automatic rifle. It is semi-automatic. You lost me right away with your lack of knowledge. I’m guessing you also think AR stands for Assault Rifle…it doesn’t.

  • March 23, 2018 at 1:30 pm
    Jestr says:
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    Wouldn’t it be cheaper and more effective to build 10 foot fences with monitored cameras during school hours and limited access points to enter with metal detectors? No one comes or goes when school is in session. This is going to be the unfortunate reality for all crowd drawing venues. Insurance is not going to be the answer because victims families are going to sue anyway.

  • March 26, 2018 at 1:11 pm
    Perplexed says:
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    The real underlying problem doesn’t seem to be solvable. It’s not guns, it’s morality. A big percentage of families have one parent, no good male influence and kids are at home by themselves when not in school because their parents are working. One can point at bullying as an underlying cause, but when I was in school in the 60’s and 70’s LOTS of people were bullied by one person or a group of people. We just didn’t commit so many suicides over it. you had the support of your family and we were not as “sensitive” ask kids are today. It wasn’t cool to be bullied, but somehow we handled it. Not sure how morals can be legislated.
    Why are there so many commercials on media today telling us how to act or react…how to be good fathers, etc. That would not have happened years ago because it mainly wasn’t necessary that someone else tell us how to act and treat our families. It’s a sad state of affairs.

    • March 29, 2018 at 10:42 am
      Margo says:
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      Agree. The family structure has changed since the time we went to school decades ago. No more accountability and taking responsibility. In general, parent(s) do not seem able to say “no” to bad behavior. The lack of discipline has resulted in behavior unimaginable years ago including the lack of remorse, respect and religion. While it wasn’t a perfect world then, it certainly was less complicated. The root problem is not being addressed.

  • September 4, 2018 at 9:50 pm
    Brad Smith says:
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    Kudos to McGowan for taking a positive step. Creating a vehicle to transfer risk doesn’t address the underlying problem. But isn’t that what insurance companies do?

    While the rest of us are busy pointing fingers. The insurance industry is busy gathering data that will offer insights into this horrrible problem. Insights that may point towards underlying problems and will lead to risk reduction.

    In a time when our country seeks opportunities to divide, we must come together for our children. We must recognize that guns are not the problem, but they are the tool. We must admit that bullying as been around for ever, but that a society driven to be poltically correct is the accelerant to a fire that is spreading across our nation. We must except that we are the problem, and that a united America is the path to a cure.

    My prayer for our nation is that each of us accept that we are all right and that we are all wrong. That we realize that our division is allowing this plague ito growi stronger. I pray for wisdom, foresight and leadership that wil aggressively search for the many causes, while avoiding putting bandages on symptoms.

    May God Bless and Unite America. Again!

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