Agency Best Practices for Avoiding, Rather Than Winning, E&O Suits

By Frederick Fisher | March 21, 2018

  • March 21, 2018 at 4:02 pm
    PJC says:
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    Our job is to know the right questions to ask and have the customer make the decision(s). Then be sure to document that discussion.

  • April 5, 2018 at 5:16 pm
    Hmmmmmmm says:
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    I have to disagree to a certain degree with the author. In most states (majority) agents are not order takers. It varies by state, but there are not that many states that can be classified as order takers for a standard of care. Example: A commercial client is generally not going to know that business personal property is on-premises and if off-premise coverage is needed additional coverage must be written. The list can go on and on. I agree that agents need to ask questions and if possible use a coverage checklist so that documentation is available regarding the questions asked and the client/customer response. Being proactive in avoiding E&O claims and build a defend-able file if an E&O claim comes.

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