Traumatic Stress Claims Expected from Southwest Airlines Engine Failure

By | April 19, 2018

  • April 19, 2018 at 1:30 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    “Aviation lawyers say . . . they want to make more money.”

    C’mon. You survived. In a couple of days, you will be fine. You have an amazing story
    to share for the rest of your life.

    And now you want to suck money out of Southwest for what? Americans have become such greedy pansies.

    • April 19, 2018 at 2:04 pm
      Mike Lytterus says:
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      Easy Money. Some law firm will rep the passengers and SW will pay out something. In the old days, everyone would just be glad to be alive and be profusely thanking the pilots and staff for safely landing the plane.

    • April 19, 2018 at 3:21 pm
      retired risk manager says:
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      Spot on.

    • April 20, 2018 at 3:42 pm
      SWTX says:
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      You mean “most of you” survived. Condolences to the victim that got sucked out the window. Southwest is already paying $5K per passenger (“gift”) plus $1K in flight vouchers. I mostly agree that the surviving passengers should be glad to be alive. That being said, I would also be a bit resentful if I was near that window and the FAA and SW knew about the issues with the metal in the engine’s fan blades… and did nothing. Cabin depressurization at 30K feet is probably pretty intense. Watching someone die in front of you under extreme circumstances is not always an “amazing story.”

      • April 20, 2018 at 5:26 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Boo hoo. Well then why don’t you pay my higher ticket prices after Southwest settles all the lawsuits and has to raise prices to pay off the greedy crybabies.

        Life is not perfect; just because there is a business nearby that has money does not mean everyone should get a check.

        The person who died? Of course they should get compensated, but the article is not about her.
        It is about all the other people who are sleeping at home tonight.

        • April 22, 2018 at 4:18 pm
          okt0ber says:
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          Southwest is going to have to raise ticket prices by settling with people. They’ll have a barely perceptible change in one quarter’s net income and then it’ll be done. Lets not be dramatic, Craig.

          • April 23, 2018 at 7:49 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            There are hundreds of thousands of lawyers just in California alone.
            Who do you think pays for them to make a living, the Tooth Fairy?

            EVERY lawsuit raises costs on the rest of us. You should be upset
            at every bogus lawsuit like this. Life has lots of challenges; not every one of them should result in payment from some corporation just because they have the money.

            Get real.

          • April 25, 2018 at 5:56 pm
            Sal says:
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            say what you want about lawyers…I’m certainly not fond of ’em, but it’s because of lawyers that we all have jobs in the insurance industry.

        • April 23, 2018 at 3:18 pm
          Seriously? says:
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          How about the folks who had to pull the victim back into the plane – poor woman had been banged around pretty good in the process. Think holding onto that person for dear life and seeing what was left of her might give you somewhat of a shock?

  • April 19, 2018 at 1:58 pm
    Vince De Vargas says:
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    Do the words “Ambulance Chaser” spring to your lips?

  • April 19, 2018 at 2:55 pm
    Mary Bookman says:
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    This is wrong in so many ways. Traumatic Stress? The lawyers are really playing this up hoping to get as many clients as they can. People should just be grateful they are alive and didn’t suffer the same experience the poor woman who was killed.

    • April 24, 2018 at 4:49 pm
      Agent says:
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      Wouldn’t be surprised if lawyers met them on the tarmac handing out their cards.

  • April 19, 2018 at 3:20 pm
    retired risk manager says:
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    One of the four corporate risk management positions I held was for a people transportation company. Whenever a bus was involved in an accident, no matter who was at fault, the drivers were instructed to close the doors, pass out an injury form to each passenger, and not to open the door until all forms had been completed and collected. Then the passengers were free to leave. 10 -15 minutes max. Main purpose was to get the names and contact info of the people on the bus. Why? Because I knew, from experience, that within a week, I would be getting calls from individuals (or an attorney) stating that they had been on the bus and had been injured. It was always a pleasure to tell them that we had a complete list of all passengers and that filing a false claim constituted insurance fraud, which is a felony. The next sound was a dial tone. There is no question of who was on the plane. The flight manifest has the names. But, as the article states, you now have people seeking to expand a previous, unrelated, claim based on this incident. Just wait till the family members start with their PTSD claims. Cornell is on point.

    • April 22, 2018 at 4:23 pm
      okt0ber says:
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      You also must know that sometimes it takes several days for injuries to manifest themselves. If I were on your bus, I wouldn’t be filling out any forms at all, especially if the bus was at fault. And, the driver certainly couldn’t imprison me by not filling out your forms.

      • April 25, 2018 at 3:22 pm
        Ron says:
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        retired risk manager’s point was to have documentation as proof of who were passengers. If you did not fill out the form, what is your proof that you were a passenger?

        Sounds like a good risk management practice that also helps the passengers in the event an injury does not manifest itself immediately.

    • April 24, 2018 at 5:58 pm
      Jstlsle says:
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      Craig Cornell, Unless you have ever experienced a life threatening event personally, you will never know about PTSD….PTSD is REAL, I saved a woman’s life, unfortunately it happened at my place of employment so daily I have to be reminded of the horrible, tragic life changing event that changed my life…..I seek counseling from this incident, it isn’t something that is over immediately after it happened and does not make me a greedy pansie. it is now over 30 continuances in the court system and let me tell you every court subpoena triggers the incident again and again causing nightmares, anxiety and more. It has been 2 1/2 years since this happened and it is still not settled in court yet……I am not suing anyone over this, and many attorneys have contacted me. But please do not pass off PTSD as an easy way to make money from insurance companies, it is REAL.

      • April 26, 2018 at 12:15 am
        Craig Cornell says:
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        My life has been harder than the lives of 90% of the people you know.
        Which does NOT mean some business should give me money.

        Did I have emotional challenges? You bet. I don’t pass off the possibility that many others will too in their lives.

        But if a poor black guy robs someone and it causes someone who witnessed it emotional distress, the mob doesn’t demand the robber fork over some cash. They only do that when there is a Politically Correct deep pocket.

        And I am sick of the Mob telling me what to do and think.

        • April 26, 2018 at 2:24 pm
          Calling out the racist says:
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          Why does the guy have to be black?!?

  • April 23, 2018 at 5:00 pm
    boonedoggle says:
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    If stress alone, in the absence of injury is compensible, the patdown perverts who work for TSA ought to begin passing out Federal Tort Claims Act forms with alomst every interaction they have with travellers.

    • April 24, 2018 at 4:50 pm
      Agent says:
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      Is this the same TSA that has not caught one Terrorist trying to board a flight?

  • April 23, 2018 at 5:06 pm
    the new risk environment says:
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    I guess this is job security for the agents who sell liability insurance, although I imagine SW is mostly self insured. Tragic, but perhaps the FAA will wake up in its inspection requirements and followups and this may be prevented in the future.

    Still safer to fly than drive………..

    I knew a guy who managed a factory quite a ways back. An employee, a woman, was in line to punch out, with her winter coat on, when suddenly she went back to her machine, turned it on and on the first attempt to make another part she cut her finger off. While the staff quelled the bleeding the manager went outside, as he had been told her husband, who had never picked her up, was waiting in their car. The first words out of his lips were, “How much are we getting?”

    The answ was $10,000.

    • April 26, 2018 at 2:20 pm
      Agent says:
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      So the WC just gave her $10,000 for the finger?

  • April 26, 2018 at 6:16 pm
    GoldC says:
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    Why are we pushing for PTSD and therapies and medications and torts where none or little may be present?

    Passengers should decide for themselves whether they were adversely impacted, physically, psychologically or emotionally, by the unfolding events. And probably seating should be a factor if one sues. They cannot all have equal claims just because of their presence on the flight. What about the guy 10 rows back who was asleep?

    Can we stop encouraging victimhood and compensation, especially by so-called “experts?”

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