Coal Industry Tax Cut Threatens Miners’ Benefits Fund as Black Lung Cases Surge

By | June 1, 2018

  • June 2, 2018 at 12:49 am
    Cut the Bias says:
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    Wow…there are no words.

  • June 4, 2018 at 4:57 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    The Obama Administration loudly and proudly trid to do everything possible to put the coal industry out of business, including using regulations to make the cost of running a coal plant so high that coal could not compete with other sources or energy.

    No one complained that the coal companies were going bankrupt then; it was a feature of the regulations, not a bug. And so there were no articles during Obama’s time about problems funding treatment for Black Lung, even though the financial problems for coal companies were well known.

    But NOW, when Trump is President, EVERY financial problem for coal companies is the current administration’s fault.

    “Journalism.” Fake News.

    • June 5, 2018 at 8:51 am
      Cut the Bias says:
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      This is all Obama’s fault that:

      -Tax cuts signed into law by Donald Trump are causing shortages to miner’s health benefits.
      -Black lung and workplace injuries and fatalities are on the rise (surely not Donald Trump’s anti-regulation crusade and slashed funding for OSHA and MSHA)
      -More coal plants will close this year than during any year of the Obama administration (projected (obviously))
      -you stubbed your toe this morning.
      -you got a ketchup stain on your shirt.
      -your left knee starts hurting any time a low-pressure weather zone moves in.
      -gas prices are 30% higher since Trump took office.

      That nefarious Obama and his shadow government! Drain the swamp! MAGA! LOL BBQ! IDK, my BFF Jill?!

      Seriously, Craig.

      • June 5, 2018 at 12:48 pm
        Agent says:
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        So Biased, you are the new leader of the Resistance on this blog, right? Progressive Democrats have nothing to offer other than a protest. Miners in coal country are overjoyed now that Trump has saved the Coal Industry. No wonder Trump swept West Virginia with such a margin. Let’s hope Joe Manchin gets swept out of office this time. He voted against Tax Cuts in lock step with their leadership.

        • June 5, 2018 at 1:31 pm
          Cut the Bias says:
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          -More coal mine closures than under Obama.
          -Removal of the tax that helped fund black lung treatment for coal miners
          -Empty promises on tax cuts, as the vast majority went to the already-insanely-wealthy mine owners, and not the miners themselves.
          -no replacement for Obamacare, as he promised, leaving many miners without health care.
          -sharp increase in black lung cases. Probable cause due to lack of oversight and slashed funding for OSHA and MSHA.

          Agent, my friend. It is immaterial whether people conditioned to believe a certain thing are celebrating one thing or angry at another. The net effect that Trump’s policies, actions, and inactions towards coal miners has been a huge net negative for them.

          Obama offered job retraining for miners to adapt to a new economy. Almost zero miners took advantage of that. The writing on the wall for coal was put there a generation ago. Trump and his ilk are trying to add a layer of duct tape on top of the Band-Aid that needs to be ripped off, but that won’t stop coal from becoming increasingly less and less profitable to mine and burn.

          You have the most coal-friendly government and EPA in history right now and mines continue to close at near-record rates. Hell, the coal mining museum in Kentucky itself moved to Solar generation for their electricity because it was cheaper than coal. The writing is on the wall, Agent. The longer you seek to prevent progress, the more damage will be done to these already-ravaged communities who have seen opportunity and economy dwindle generation after generation, while progressive cities and states move towards the future.

          • June 5, 2018 at 9:15 pm
            Cut the Bias says:
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            Yeah, thought so.

          • June 7, 2018 at 4:53 pm
            Agent says:
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            Wonderful Manchin is facing a fight in November, so he just said he was seriously considering supporting Trump in 20. He already knew what Hilliary was going to do to miners in his state. All that remains to be done is put an R behind his title and start voting with Republicans on every single issue and he might get re-elected.

            By the way, you are living in an Alternate Universe.

      • June 7, 2018 at 4:21 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Clown. You didn’t even address the points I made. “Black lung . . . . Trump’s slashed funding for OSHA . . .”

        Yikes. Clown show alert.

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