Coal Industry Needs ‘Fundamental Shift’ to Address Black Lung Disease: Report

By | July 2, 2018

  • July 2, 2018 at 1:54 pm
    CalDude says:
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    Coal is beautiful. Coal is clean. There is no black lung disease. This is fake news that is being perpetrated by science. Science is false. This disease is fake. Coal is beautiful. Workers should work and be happy. Coal is clean. Workers should thank our Great Leader for allowing us to sacrifice ourselves. Coal is beautiful. Coal is clean.

  • July 2, 2018 at 2:23 pm
    Stush says:
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    I got the sarcasm but don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t appreciate it. What’s with to dislike? this seems to be the line that is being pushed by the new EPA and our “great” “leader” and I mean “leader” as in NOT, sarcasm fully intended. The coal industry is like the tobacco industry: no credibility. they only care about THEIR bottom line and not of their customers or clientele. When will the industry ever admit that mining coal is dangerous even when done correctly?

  • July 2, 2018 at 6:12 pm
    Retired Agent says:
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    I live in coal country and have handled coal accounts for many years. The spike in black lung claims comes with the downturn in employment in the coal industry. Miners have been furloughed so they file for black lung benefits. This work is extremely dangerous, but there are not other jobs available that pay as much and have the work benefits as a coal job. Miners take great pride in what they do and many have resolved themselves to the long term physical dangers. If we want to do away with coal and go to alternative sources of energy that is fine with people in coal country. Just transfer our current jobs to new jobs with the same pay and benefits. Our area did not make the short list of locations for an Amazon distribution center.

  • July 3, 2018 at 11:29 am
    Dave says:
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    When you say that there is a spike in black lung claims because of the downturn in employment, are you suggesting that miners are faking claims to get paid? I can understand faking a sore back, but not black lung disease. I apologize if I am misinterpreting your comment, and invite you to explain it.
    Coal mining areas are not likely to attract other businesses because they lack large numbers of highly educated, highly skilled workers. I live in Michigan. This is not coal country, but big businesses do not find my state very attractive for that same reason. Displaced auto workers–and there are tens of thousands of them–are in a similar position as the displaced coal miners. They do not have transferable skills, and alternative employment opportunities do not pay nearly as much in wages and benefits. Educated people leave my state to seek gainful employment elsewhere. As the tax base has declined, the state’s investment in education has also declined, so the problem gets worse. I wish I had a solution.

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