Trump, EU Agree to Trade Talks; Place Auto Tariffs on Hold

By and | July 26, 2018

  • July 26, 2018 at 1:24 pm
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    EU blinked. Trump wins again. End of story, except for the spun versions on Fake News CNN, BS-NBC, NPR, etc.

    • July 26, 2018 at 2:44 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Can we wait until the final agreement details are known before claiming it’s a win?

      • July 26, 2018 at 7:05 pm
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        You can wait. I’m investing some $ in firms that will benefit from redux of tariffs with Euronations.

    • July 26, 2018 at 4:02 pm
      Skeptical says:
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      Polar Bear, The EU blinked??? We are the ones who (wisely) deferred the tariffs. ” EU blinked” Now that’s fake news.

      • July 26, 2018 at 7:07 pm
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        Was the EU set to eliminate THEIR tariffs BEFORE Trump set out the new tariffs?

        Behold Tariff Sheriff Trump at work, MAGA.
        Behold the Liberal Mainstream Media trying to spin this as Trump caving in.

        • July 27, 2018 at 3:53 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Behold colorful flashcards with minimal print detail to explain global trade to Tramp!

          • July 30, 2018 at 1:05 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Blinked is the key word; it means one side caved in to the demands pf the other. This has NOTHING to do with flash cards.

  • July 26, 2018 at 2:43 pm
    Ron says:
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    Finally. Our president is showing signs of reasonableness and recognizing that we are in a global economy and the fact that tariffs hurt us more than they help.

    Hopefully he can show off his deal-making abilities and negotiate truly fair trade deals.

    • July 26, 2018 at 2:45 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I agree – I hope this becomes a win for President Trump and US citizens. I’d just like to know what the actual agreement details are before claiming it’s a favorable outcome.

      • July 26, 2018 at 2:50 pm
        Ron says:
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        I said I would point out whenever President Trump does something I believe is good for our country.

        Just keeping my word.

        • July 26, 2018 at 3:26 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Agreed, and I remember piggy-backing off your comment and saying the same thing.

          Although I’m guessing the usual suspects will either (1) not post here and deny we ever gave him credit — even though this isn’t the first time we’ve done it — or (2) say we’re not REALLY giving him credit as we’re only doing it so we can say we said something nice about him once in the 10,000 times we’ve said something bad. Whatever.

          I’m a US citizen. I wish our country good health and prosperity irrespective of which party holds power in any branch of the gov’t.

        • July 26, 2018 at 4:44 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          “Finally. Our president is showing signs of reasonableness and recognizing that we are in global economy and the fact that tarriffs hurt more than help.”

          Now THAT is one of the most back-handed compliments I have EVER seen. You say you are praising something he did. Sure you are.

          Can’t you see this was the actual plan from the beginning? Hello? He didn’t just wake up, turn on CNN, and discover “that we are in a global economy. Golly, gee, Gomer! I didn’t realize we are in a global economy before CNN told me.”

          What you should be asking is what tarrifs were in place before from China and Europe. And why Obama did nothing about it at all while they all ate our lunch.

          But I wouldn’t want to pressure you with facts when you are “praising Trump”.

          • July 26, 2018 at 4:54 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            “Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject … Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”

            Isn’t the economy an unbelievably complex subject too? I’m not defending Ron’s comment. Just saying … … …

          • July 26, 2018 at 7:11 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Commercial real estate is very complicated to many of those in other industries, and to a great degree, me also. But insurance is a piece of covfefe to me.

        • July 27, 2018 at 11:12 am
          Agent says:
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          Ron, can we get a shout out for our great President from you for doing the right things for America? This businessman will not be run over by anti Trumpers and liberals and he wins on every issue. Why didn’t the guy you voted for twice have a spine and stick up for America? All he did was apologize for America.

          By the way, the anti tariff politicians were in the pockets of the foreign lobby of Europe and elsewhere. They were perfectly happy with the US running hundreds of billions in deficits as long as their palms were getting greased. FREE TRADE, BUT FAIR TRADE.

          • July 27, 2018 at 11:29 am
            confused says:
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            asking someone to say something they already said? classic agent

          • July 27, 2018 at 11:35 am
            Ron says:
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            “This businessman will not be run over by anti Trumpers and liberals and he wins on every issue.”
            Except for:
            1. Health care
            2. Infrastructure
            3. NAFTA
            4. Border Wall
            Just to name a few.

            Were you OK with President Trump blaming America for the relationship with Russia?

            Where is Putin’s insulting nickname from our president?

            Do you think President Trump has been tougher on Russia than President Reagan? He thinks so.

    • July 27, 2018 at 11:16 am
      Agent says:
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      The tariff war was one sided before Trump took office. He is righting the wrongs of prior administrations and all of these foreign countries will come to better terms with us. That is a guarantee.

      • July 27, 2018 at 11:36 am
        Ron says:
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        Ask our great farmers how they feel about the trade war.

        • July 27, 2018 at 12:11 pm
          Agent says:
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          Our great farmers are now able to sell their crops thanks to the EU caving. Too bad, so sad.

          • July 27, 2018 at 1:09 pm
            Ron says:
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            Does this mean they no longer need the $12 billion? Why isn’t President Trump rescinding that?

          • July 27, 2018 at 2:05 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            They are mad as hell up here. Calling the $12B a bandaid. Europe isn’t their large market. They are going to start cutting costs and that most likely means safety measures and insurance premiums. This will have a trickle effect to the agribusiness insurance world. Pay for more frequency and severity while not being able to get enough rate. Our company was just discussing this outlook in our quarterly meeting yesterday. Not good in the farming world.

          • July 28, 2018 at 2:58 am
            Libby says:
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            I think it means more than safety and premiums., although that will be a big factor. What about quality and competiveness?

    • July 27, 2018 at 3:47 pm
      bob says:
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      No, him threatening tariffs is what worked.

      Now backing down is part of that plan. He’s basically not like other weak politicians.

  • July 27, 2018 at 11:39 am
    Ron says:
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    Nice to see the GDP grow at 4.1%.

    Friendly reminder, it grew at a higher rate during 4 separate quarters during the previous administration:
    4th Quarter of 2009: 4.5%
    4th Quarter of 2011: 4.7%
    2nd Quarter of 2014: 5.1%
    3rd Quarter of 2014: 4.9%

    Where was the praise for the sitting president then?

    • July 27, 2018 at 12:59 pm
      Agent says:
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      Nothing to praise the former POTUS for. Worst President in history and your figures are all wrong.

      • July 27, 2018 at 1:08 pm
        Ron says:
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        My figures are correct. Where are yours?

      • July 27, 2018 at 2:06 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Worst President in history – there goes Agent talking about Reagan again!

      • July 28, 2018 at 3:01 am
        Libby says:
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        History? It’s only been 19 months. The longest, sadest, most terrible months of my life.

        • July 30, 2018 at 2:54 pm
          bob says:
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          My God you people have no self realization with statements like that.

    • July 27, 2018 at 2:56 pm
      Agent says:
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      How about we use annual instead of quarterly to judge Obama’s complete lack of economic prowess on GDP?
      2010 – 2.5%
      2011 – 1.6%
      2012 – 2.2 %
      2013 – 1.7%
      2014 – 2.4%
      2015 – 2.6%
      2016 – 1.9%

      Mind you, this is even after the failed stimulus which was completely wasted and only increased the debt. Why didn’t America benefit from Democratic solutions? Even Obama himself said it didn’t create the jobs he hoped for. He didn’t have the right solutions because he didn’t cut taxes for business and individuals and reduce all the burdensome regulations, only increased them. EPA ran wild over his terms. By the way, Obamacare was one of the worst job killers ever passed. You are getting desperate Ron. Wake up and smell the coffee.

      • July 27, 2018 at 3:16 pm
        Ron says:
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        Thank you for finally admitting that President Obama did not destroy our economy.

        I was comparing quarterly GDP growth rates, because that was what was released. You know, apples-to-apples. That would be like comparing annual premiums to semi-annual.

        By the way, 2017 was 2.3%.

        • July 27, 2018 at 6:45 pm
          bob says:
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          “Thank you for finally admitting that President Obama did not destroy our economy.”

          Yes he did, or rather he harmed growth enough to easily shave off 1% per year, and I can explain his specific policies that did this.

          “By the way, 2017 was 2.3%.”

          After it was projected it would dip, we don’t have a long term trend for Trump’s policies just yet, however,

          We just saw one of the largest quarter one growths in a decade. It was just followed by one of the largest growths in several years for quarter 2.

          Before that, the economy was predicted to grow slower, and was expected to slow down. We know that 2.3% was higher than predicted. These are all things Obama did not pull off on a regular basis, it was up, down, up, down, etc, and unstable.

          As for your other post about Bill Clinton, he did nothing to cause that economic time period. He didn’t create the dot com boom. Not all recessions are a president’s fault, and not all booms are a sitting president’s fault.

          You’ve said before, and are contradicting yourself to claim you got Agent, that presidents don’t affect the economy that much. Then you throw out Bill Clinton. This is not you doing anything other than trying political gotcha’s, which is clearly all you care about.

          What does matter is policy, and Trump’s policy is definitely geared toward growth, Obama’s was definitely geared away from it, and his GDP growth shows it, and was historically low for a president, especially after a recession. Recessions do not produce slow growth afterward for a decade, and then another decade. They typically bounce back up sharply.

          • July 28, 2018 at 3:05 am
            Libby says:
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            Bob, you’re forgetting the economic disaster Obama inherited. Not giving him credit for the growth under his leadership is also being dishonest. Give credit where credit is due, regardless of political party.

          • July 30, 2018 at 9:38 am
            Ron says:
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            How can you say an economy was destroyed when there was growth every year? I will admit that growth was slow compared to past recoveries, but there was growth, not destruction.

            “We just saw one of the largest quarter one growths in a decade.” Except for the fact that is false.
            2012 Q1 – 2.75%
            2015 Q1 – 3.76%


            Try doing some research before posting.

            “You’ve said before, and are contradicting yourself to claim you got Agent, that presidents don’t affect the economy that much.”

            Please quote me where I said anything about crediting President Clinton. Just providing facts.

      • July 27, 2018 at 3:21 pm
        Ron says:
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        If you like annual growth rates, how about:

        93 – 2.7%
        94 – 4%
        95 – 2.7%
        96 – 3.8%
        97 – 4.5%
        98 – 4.5%
        99 – 4.7%
        2000 – 4.1%

        I wonder which Republican was the president then.

        • July 27, 2018 at 3:52 pm
          Agent says:
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          Way to switch away from the Obama numbers Ron. I still don’t see why you voted for him twice. Progressive Socialism has never worked wherever it was tried. Capitalism is the way to go. Why do you praise low growth policies? Why do you praise job killing legislation and overbearing regulation to stifle business? 11-8-16 was the start of the recovery we have been hoping for. Also helps that our President keeps his promises and it is amazing how much he has done despite all the vitriol from the media, Democrats and RINO’s. Must have a winning strategy.

          • July 28, 2018 at 3:07 am
            Libby says:
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            How do you know how Ron voted? Did the Russians tell you?

        • July 27, 2018 at 4:12 pm
          Agent says:
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          Ron, you seem to have forgotten that Clinton was forced to see the light by the Gingrich led Congress who made the Contract with America. He had to back down or he would have been shut down. Made a speech that Welfare as we know it was no longer applicable. The economy did better as a result of him backing down.

    • July 30, 2018 at 3:09 pm
      bob says:
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      Again, the first year after a sitting president leaves you don’t expect the economy to bump up. How could he have affected quarter 1 in 2017? Considering stonewalling how could he have affected much at all in the first year? He still managed to come out ahead of the 1.6% projection, and every quarter did pretty well outside of the first.

      This year, the first quarter was close to the highest in a decade, and we have a fast 2nd quarter. Those two combined are a big deal. The first quarter is usually what crushes the total. In this scenario it wont’.

      In other words: Comparing his first year is ignorant, but even doing so he did well and provided an increase past economic indicators and predictions. Obama consistently missed his. When he had temporary good quarters they would say this might be the good year. He kept missing it after the fact.

      I’m calling it now: This year WILL be above 3%. 3rd quarter will be the same as this one or higher, 4th will dip as usual, and will be at least the same as last year.

      That’s 2.1, I’m calling an increase in the second reading on 2nd, so 4.5, 4.5, and 2.9-3.5. Yes, you’re reading that right, I’m calling a minimum 3.5% growth this year. To have a rebound that fast in the second year, after a decade of not achieving it by Obama is a big deal.

      Just looking at 2011 to current, 7 years, we can see that quarter 2 and 3 are always close. 4 dips occasionally, but last year Trump did well here despite hurricanes and natural disasters, I’m calling it at least the same as last year. 1st quarter has next to always been low always been low. There are even negatives since 2011. So if we assume the 3rd quarter will be close to this one, and if I for some reason assume a .5 dip, we still have 2.1, 4.1, 3.6 and if we assume the year ends about the same as last year as 2.9, that’s 3.175. The funny thing is, economists seem to know this, so they have started projecting 3.0%, and then they have started saying that after the first year of the tax cuts, it will drop. They are claiming the first year will do a temporary boost. There is always an excuse on the left as to why their growth is normal, and why someone else’s highs are an oddity. What’s odd here is how often Trump is exceeding projections. His first year, he exceeded the 1.6 projected. His second year they revised up the projection to 3.0, the first time in a decade, and tried to explain that away as gimmicks.

      Did you even see this last month? Every single news agency was saying: This trade war with deflate the quarter 2 numbers! Trump is an idiot!

      Then they went to this:

      I kid you not, “Trade war and tariffs may have inflated the GDP in quarter 2!!!”

      How can you not see this as a delusional media? As basically fake news 24/7?

      This isn’t including the LA Times, 3 times in one month saying “How dare Trump say he’ll get rid of NAFTA!” “How dare he say he’s not getting rid of it and going back on his word!” “How dare he get rid of NAFTA!” When the whole time he said basically: I will get rid of NAFTA if the terms aren’t changed, all the while, he pushed for changes. These are not contradictions. This is an ADD and ANGRY media acting pathetically.

      You can’t make this type of stuff up! Well over half the crap put out by the media is just that: Crap, about Trump, designed to mud up his face. But it’s backfiring and mudding up the face of the throwers and they are mad. Well, stop throwing crap then!

      You leftists need to get your side in check, and start telling the media to knock it off. When Trump goes for the media, this is why. He does NOT lie more than Obama, the media does lie quite a bit about him though.

    • July 30, 2018 at 5:46 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      Here is praise for Obama:

      2% average growth rate coming out of a deep recession. Worst recovery since WWII. Usually, deep recessions follow with similar-sized rebounds. Not so for the President who had never even run a popsicle stand before being chosen to run the most powerful country on Earth.

      Doubled the Debt: from 10 trillion to 20 trillion.

      Did nothing while China stole every business and military secret they could find. (Have you seen their latest fighter jet? Mirror image of the F35!) Obama also did nothing while other countries imposed tariffs on our exports.

      Yep. Obama was GREAT!

  • July 27, 2018 at 2:07 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Spot on, George, spot on! You win the internet today!

  • July 28, 2018 at 3:11 am
    Libby says:
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    Right on, George. There’s alit of that going on in Washington right now.

  • July 30, 2018 at 3:51 pm
    bob says:
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    “What a victory! Next, he’ll take credit for reuniting families at the border.”

    Will, and should. Kids are often trafficked when coming over the border. Trying them at the border, and doing a genetic test (which is new, and a Trump thing) ensures that people who come to the border illegally aren’t released with any potential kidnapped children they have. They are taken into custody, get a trial, and a test is done which will ensure more families are kept with their actual family and less children are abducted. So yes, he can get credit for not separating families at the border. Also: We should absolutely detain all people caught crossing the border. Have you on the left lost your mind?

  • July 30, 2018 at 5:47 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Hillary was in favor of TTIP before she was against it, thanks to pressure from the Bern. Remember how liberals howled about the hypocrisy? Me neither.

  • July 30, 2018 at 6:30 pm
    bob says:
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    “All of his bluster has simply got the U.S. back to where it was under Obama—in negotiations with EU and our allies over fairer trade, reduced barriers and tariffs, and removing bureaucratic and regulatory conflicts. The talks were underway until Trump blew them up. He could have continued them. But that would not have created the unnecessary crisis atmosphere he prefers. He apparently needed more time to tweet insults. The very same issues are now being discussed again. He only wasted time and goodwill. What a victory! Next, he’ll take credit for reuniting families at the border.”

    The TPP reduced barriers and tarrifs you say?

    It must be a good deal then! Oh wait:

    After NAFTA was put in place we lost a ton of manufacturing jobs to China. This plan was estimated to do the same, especially in the Auto industry (see why Trump won the election, the Rustic belt, was absolutely not ok with losing these jobs). This is also why the left is trying to tell the rustic belt, hey, see Trump’s tarrifs? THEY ARE WORSE!!!

    It’s not going to work, once Trump finally gets deals made, we will finally get our manufacturing jobs back, and we should be fighting for them. We got screwed. You don’t walk to the table and say “please” to nations that do that. You kick in teeth, and use what power we have left to do so. You tell them you’re going to tariff their auto industry, and hit them back, if they are going to take our auto jobs. You tell them you will hit their dairy back, you will hit every aspect hard that they hit us.

    You don’t come to the table without teeth. You guys are clueless on what’s been occurring and why it needs to be stopped, oh, I’m sorry, except for when you agree it’s happening and Obama just can’t do anything about it, at least he sounds nice!

    Trump didn’t blow up anything. The cowards in the form of Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Obama did. Those three are the culprits on these trade deals. Now it’s time to have some balls.

  • July 31, 2018 at 1:33 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Today the stock market is up again following the news that China wants to negotiate about the tarriffs. Seems Trump is kicking ass again, and all the hand-wringing by the Left about Trump’s reckless Trade War was premature, as usual.

    Trump: “Winning” more than Charlie Sheen, making the morons on CNN and MSNBC furious. “Helping the American people? How horrible! And right before the midterms!”

    • July 31, 2018 at 2:00 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Can we wait until the final agreement details are known before claiming it’s a win?

      • July 31, 2018 at 2:03 pm
        bob says:
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        Can we wait before calling it a fail?

        I forgot. You keep calling things blunders before they are blunders. Can you wait before that?

        The fact is it’s all stops whenever it comes to saying Trump did anything good, and all go for saying he caused war with North Korea, as one example, or separated children (total misrepresentation on the left there) on another, etc.

        • July 31, 2018 at 2:49 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Yes, we should wait for the final agreement before calling it a win OR a failure. Now it doesn’t surprise me that you missed what I already wrote on this thread:

          “I agree – I hope this becomes a win for President Trump and US citizens. I’d just like to know what the actual agreement details are before claiming it’s a favorable outcome. … I’m a US citizen. I wish our country good health and prosperity irrespective of which party holds power in any branch of the gov’t.”

          In these things called “negotiations” – SIMPLY negotiating isn’t a win OR a loss. Until we know exactly WHAT was agreed to, we can’t judge if it’s good or bad. Do you agree? Let’s try to keep things civil here buddy, alright?

      • July 31, 2018 at 2:09 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        You go ahead and wait. The stock market is telling you what is going to happen and it is all good for the US.

        I know enough about China to know Trump has them by the shorties, if you know what I mean. This was predicted in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend in a long article on the financial condition of China: it ain’t great and the prospect of 100 million new unemployed Chinese people tends to get the attention of the Chinese government.

        For once, we have a President not willing to be abused by any other country. Watch and enjoy. (Google Jamie Dimon on Trump. The highly regarded CEO of JP Morgan is a Democrat who said after the election Trump would be a one-termer. This week, he is giving Trump credit for the great and still improving economy.)

        CNN and MSNBC: We Hate Trump the person! (Reality: Trump is succeeding and fast, almost always in areas Obama wouldn’t touch.)

        • July 31, 2018 at 2:51 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          “The stock market is telling you what is going to happen” I sincerely hope you don’t base all your financial predictions and decisions off of what the stock market gains or loses in one week, let alone a single day!!

    • July 31, 2018 at 2:41 pm
      Ron says:
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      Please cite your source indicating China wants to negotiate about the tariffs.

      • July 31, 2018 at 3:30 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        No thanks. I’ll wait for you to find out in about 3 years from whatever Fake News you follow.

        Meanwhile, the Labor Department reported wages are rising at an annualized 3%. The fastest wage growth in years.

        And the Democrat game plan for 2018 is to call blue collar white guys “racists”. You know, the same guys that used to be the core of the Democratic party. That and Socialism ought to prove big winners this fall.

        • July 31, 2018 at 3:33 pm
          Ron says:
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          So, you’re just making stuff up now.

          I follow facts. If you have them, I will follow you.

          That is good news on the wages front. Thank you President trump!

        • July 31, 2018 at 4:52 pm
          confused says:
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          htt ps:// well, you are rounding up a number that’s already been rounded up to 2.8, but okay, close enough to 3 i guess

          • July 31, 2018 at 7:51 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Did you look at the trend line, Mr. Statistics? Hello?
            The trend line hits 3% for the year in about 3 months.

            But otherwise, keep rooting against America. Trump Hate is
            far more important than 320 million Americans.

            More news for haters: lowest Hispanic unemployment rate – EVER.
            Lowest Asian unemployment rate – EVER. The “deficit” from the tax cuts that all the lefties screamed about? The CBO reported this week that the increased economic activity so far will wipe out 80% of that increased deficit. Hurray America! (BOO, say the liberals.)

          • August 1, 2018 at 7:56 am
            Ron says:
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            “More news for haters: lowest Hispanic unemployment rate – EVER.
            Lowest Asian unemployment rate – EVER. ”

            Please cite the specific policy that targeted these to happen. Or is it just a coincidence. They were both trending down during the past administration.

            “The CBO reported this week that the increased economic activity so far will wipe out 80% of that increased deficit.” I tried to find this report. Please cite your source.

          • August 1, 2018 at 10:54 am
            confused says:
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            you sure do like moving the goalposts, don’t ya? “the Labor Department reported wages are rising at an annualized 3%” means the actual current rise has reached 3%.

            if you said “the Labor Department reported wages WILL BE rising at an annualized 3%” that’s would be the use of the future tense and would then take into consideration your clarifying remark of “The trend line hits 3% for the year in about 3 months.”

            either the rate IS at 3% NOW or it WILL BE 3% in the FUTURE.

            regardless – where is this graph you speak of? it’s not part of the release i linked to above, so where exactly are you getting your numbers from? please post a link so i can see the graph. replying with “just google it” is a cop-out. prove your numbers. i already proved mine.

      • July 31, 2018 at 4:02 pm
        bob says:
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        They don’t, and no friendly words will change that.

        It’s going to take threats, some lived up to, and force. China isn’t going to just stop doing tarrifs against or stealing U.S. patents etc without getting some degree of tarrifs in return.

        Trump didn’t start the tariff war. These were already in place, we already lost. Now we need to use strength to get other players to knock it off.

        • July 31, 2018 at 5:46 pm
          bob says:
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          This is not just a cliché phrase Rosenblatt, and I’m sure you don’t yet understand what I’m saying. I used to hear people say what I said, like Agent, and because people like you mocked him, I didn’t listen to people like this.

          The reason I’m a strong conservative, is because I started out a liberal.

          What you don’t get is this is definitely not cliché. Europe was tarrifing car sales before Trump was in office. The result? Less cars were sold to Europe. It’s intentional, they do it to keep jobs. But what does them in is we didn’t them. So they got to sell here, and that means they needed more workers. That trade deficit is a bad one. I’ve seen you people on the left, and sometimes I agreed saying “oh look, famous economist says trade deficits are good!” and then disregarded things further. It’s common sense. If they are tarrifing our auto sales, why the hell are we not tarrifing theirs? You answer me that right now, I demand an answer. Because they might introduce more tarrifs? And if they do, their goods won’t have an edge here anymore will it, as we introduced tarrifs against their goods, it’s likely our firms in the U.S. will buy American. In both scenarios you have a net good affect. The cost of goods may temporarily go up, the market may adjust, but the result cannot be worse than accepting goods which were either government subsidized to become competitive, or which we are only not competitive in their nation due to their tarrifs, so the net affect is not bad. But if you do nothing but say: Tarrifs make people mad!!! You can’t make people mad! Then you are weak, get nothing done, and we lose our manufacturing edge. We can’t play like that Rosenblat. You tell me your solution immediately, and how we do it without making it absolutely clear, no one will sell in the U.S. while they tarrif the crap out of our goods?

          I want a detailed explanation. Or do you not have one? And your main complaint per usual, is:

          Me no likey Trump! Me no likey how he talk! Me better! Me better person!

          Is that it? Suspect it is, and I know how much you hate it when I belittle you like that, but your mind needs it.

          You need to realize you’re arguing like a child, and have no solutions, all the while the right has been mistreated for a decade or more. Time to start talking solutions or to shut up.

          • August 1, 2018 at 8:02 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            So … in these things called “negotiations” – SIMPLY negotiating isn’t a win OR a loss. Until we know exactly WHAT was agreed to, we can’t judge if it’s a good or a bad negotiation. Do you agree? Let’s try to keep things civil here buddy, alright?

          • August 1, 2018 at 10:57 am
            confused says:
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            why are you bothering to reply to him rosenblatt? didn’t he already say multiple times that he doesn’t read your replies unless you start them by saying something like “bob, you are right”?

            also, he DEMANDED you answer his question even though he didn’t answer yours. where are your manners? ANSWER HIM NOW … OR ELSE!!!

  • August 1, 2018 at 1:20 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    More bad news for CNN and the Trump haters:

    Manufacturing jobs created since Trump elected: 830,000.
    Manufacturing jobs created in Obama’s last 2 years: 26,000.

    CBO reports that 80% of the projected increase in the deficit due to tax cuts is already
    offset by increased tax collections due to increased economic activity. The Laffer Curve is real.

    Hate on Haters. Say goodbye to blue collar workers, Democrats. You can console yourselves by calling them racists, as usual.

    • August 1, 2018 at 1:38 pm
      Ron says:
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      Feel free to cite your sources, if you have any.

      • August 1, 2018 at 1:43 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Do you have access to the internet? I know the Main Stream Media refuses to report on good news; liberals love misery which is why they complain about everything. But still, dude. Have some pride in your intellect to find the truth.

        Good luck! Maybe you’ll hear the news in a year or two if you just wait.

        • August 1, 2018 at 1:47 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          That’s pretty much what I thought you’d reply with. Pathetic.

      • August 1, 2018 at 1:44 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        Don’t hold your breath for a reply with links that actually support his arguments. You’re probably only going to get a “is your goo-gul broken?” retort.

        • August 1, 2018 at 5:02 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Man, you guys are helpless.

          Can you spell : “C B O”?
          Can you look up: “labor report, manufacturing jobs”.

          Instead, check out CNN’s top story on the economy today: “Two signs of a recession”. Just hilarious! You know what they are? High housing prices. Hello? That’s a sign of a STRONG economy, CNN. But keep on Hating . . .

  • August 1, 2018 at 3:59 pm
    MKB says:
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    Sounds like y’all need to get together for a beer and hash out your differences. A bunch of grown, grumpy men talking politics on IJ. Arguing over it! Kind of reminds me of Facebook which is sad because I thought this site was for professionals, not tweens and millennials.

    I sure hope none of y’all are producers.

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