Corporate Fines, Penalties Plummet Under Trump Administration

By | July 26, 2018

  • July 26, 2018 at 1:57 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    History is bound to repeat itself – hold on to you hats – 2007 all over again!!

    • July 26, 2018 at 7:03 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Don’t hold yer breath waiting for it. I’m holding onto my hat…. how long do I have to do so?

  • July 26, 2018 at 3:33 pm
    Wayne Carter says:
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    It would be interesting to see what the annual numbers have been over the past twenty years.

  • July 26, 2018 at 7:57 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    The False Assumption underlying the story: ALL government decisions are just, fair, and appropriate. ALL fines on business are deserved. Because you know those greedy evil business people. Government: Good. Business: Bad.

  • July 27, 2018 at 12:00 am
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    “Claypool said he found it striking that federal agency heads are willing to work with companies to bring them into compliance and avoid harsh penalties while their attitude toward low-level drug offenses and first-time border crossings has been zero tolerance.”

    The U.S. government _should_ be working with companies. They pay corporate taxes and employ citizens who pay income taxes. Who’s your constituent (customer)?

    Low level drug offenses? Put the U.S. Govt. focus on interstate offenses and let individual states handle the rest.

    Border crossings? Status quo.

  • July 31, 2018 at 5:20 pm
    J. Wilkes says:
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    Hey Insurance Journal …your ” political Trump bias/slant is showing”

    Why can’t your reporters (Tami)… stick to insurance & consider the source of driveby media
    alledged sourcing ?….To use anecdotal – political group think data is so “rubbish”. Finger pointing / or blog shaming?
    Tami clearly is a spokesmouth for Claypool group think scheme..following the morning
    talking points.

  • July 31, 2018 at 6:00 pm
    j Wilkes says:
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    Pure astro turf article…check out Grassroots Connection / Violation Tracker etc etc.
    Tami— is either complicit or involved in malpractice …by not checking out these sources.

    Lets go back to EPA decisions…$$$ millions during –prior regime schemes…. where 50% discount settlements offered to accused companies … if they sent contributions to favored groups.. ie: enviro –activist..groups /having no connection to violation…( Sierra Club /left activist groups) Obama adminfunneled $ billions to favored groups….2017 -DOJ Justice Department exploited to use settlements to funnel money to their liberal friends,’ said House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte…”

  • July 31, 2018 at 7:20 pm
    Charles Scantlebury says:
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    The EPA is getting –out of the business of shaking down corporations to fund leftwing groups…as reported by Congress investigation.
    Scandal…Cover up by DOJ prior admin… EPA had been going after major corporations and telling those corporations that they can pay a massive fine to the federal government or pay a lesser amount to various environmentalist groups. More often than not, to get the EPA off their backs, the companies fork over money to left-wing run environmentalist groups.
    Insurance Journal…Trust but verify your sources….Preformance review needed for Tami?

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