Judge Says FEMA Can End Motel Payments for Hurricane Maria Evacuees

August 30, 2018

  • August 30, 2018 at 1:37 pm
    Jack King says:
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    So FEMA puts them up in a hotel and pays their expenses for almost a year, and it now seems like they’re going to get a big FU instead of a Thank You?
    These poor people who came here to survive could have found jobs here as our economy is good if they intended to remain here. Or, as the power is now fully restored in PR, they can go home and rebuild their lives there. I imagine there are many jobs there in construction and supporting industries.
    So drop the lawyers and take control of your lives and destinies.

  • August 30, 2018 at 2:48 pm
    Property nerd says:
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    Another novel idea is why didn’t the victims carry insurance; Homeowner or rental and flood insurance? Now they expect the “humanitarian” option of continuing to get a free ride from the federal government. This is the exact reason people neglect to protect themselves with insurance because they expect disaster assistance.

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