New York AG ‘Puts Up,’ Sues Exxon Over Climate Change Disclosures

By | October 25, 2018

  • October 25, 2018 at 4:30 pm
    Dave says:
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    These AG’s are political hack whack jobs trying balance the budgets of their screwed up fiscally sates on any sucker they can, instead if learning basic math and how to properly tax and run a budget. Which BTW could be flush with cash if they allowed fracking in their state. All the while burning more fossil fuels on average than most other states. But that’s OK.

    • October 30, 2018 at 7:43 am
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Beat me to it. There are a few who aren’t AGs now who are doing the same thing in their new roles; e.g. US Senator Blumenthief-of-valor, D-CT. There isn’t any shame among them in fleecing corporations and liberal judges go along with it, to the detriment of all who invest in the large companies they target for ‘fiscal-political extortion’.

  • October 25, 2018 at 8:00 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    If these waste-of-taxpayer money lawsuits had any merit, here is what would happen: Exxon’s stock would drop as the stockholders learned the awful truth about Climate Change and the tricks Exxon played to hide the awful truth. Is that happening? Not at all. These lawsuits have zero impact on stock prices. You know why? Because the lawsuits are B.S. and everybody knows it.

    Maybe liberals could spend some time and taxpayer dollars doing something useful instead, like thinking about how to help poor people with better schools, intact families, fewer drug dealers, and lower crime. (It is obvious that decades of welfare and calling white people “racists” isn’t getting the job done.)

    • October 26, 2018 at 11:32 am
      Agent says:
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      Craig, this is just another extortion scheme cooked up by wacko Progressives to get more money to waste on their Socialist Agenda.

    • October 26, 2018 at 12:54 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      And there you have a lefty’s ideas on how to help poor people . . . hate.

      • October 26, 2018 at 1:48 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Congratulations. But that still does not answer the question about how to get people out of poverty. Which is what I asked when you went off on a Trump-hate rant. (Andrew? Hello? Not “on point”!!!!)

      • October 26, 2018 at 2:06 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Provide more opportunity in poverty-stricken neighborhoods to level the playing field. These neighborhoods need access to better education with schools featuring the technology you’ll find in the burbs. That’s just one idea. Economic opportunity needs to be available to those who aren’t part of the lucky sperm club. Right now, we have areas in this country that are set for failure just because one is born into it.

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