XL Insurance to Cut Coal Industry Business Under Parent AXA’s Climate Order

By and | November 26, 2018

  • November 27, 2018 at 7:21 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    Another day. Another Global Warming Hoax article on IJ.
    Recently, Mr. Andrew Simpson of IJ said commenters should refrain from political commentary and remain civil. I agree. But Matthieu Protard and Inti Landauro ignored that mandate, or was granted an exemption from the rule.

    • November 27, 2018 at 11:13 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Wrong again. He never said to REFRAIN from political commentary – he indicated we shouldn’t make every single article political (emphasis added below).

      So as long as you can stay on topic, you should feel free to post a political commentary if the article itself is political.

      OCTOBER 18, 2018 AT 7:51 PM Andrew G. Simpson says:

      We are trying to clean up the forum and would welcome your cooperation along with that of all other regular posters. Please help us by setting an example.

      First, please stay on topic. If someone else strays from the topic of an article, there is no need for you to follow that person down that path. Off-topic comments will be deleted. We may miss some but that is no excuse to post another.

      Not every article, news item or argument is political. This comment section is not a place for you to repeatedly flex your partisan political muscles or engage in tit-for-tat exchanges with a handful of others.

      We seek commentary from an insurance perspective from insurance professionals wanting to educate, clarify, contextualize or counter a story or other opinion.

      We respectfully request that all commenters refrain from insults towards one another, avoid profanities and show respect for others at all times. If you or anyone else can’t make your point without insulting another person’s intelligence, morals, ethnicity, character or other trait, then please don’t post it. Those who engage in such behaviors ruin the forum experience for the majority who follow the rules of civil discourse.

      Comments that disrespect others will be deleted.

      Some of you complain that your comment was deleted while so-and-so’s comment was not. We don’t have the staff or the desire to monitor this comment section 24/7. It is meant to be self-regulating.

      Andrew Simpson
      Chief Content Officer
      Wells Media Group

  • November 27, 2018 at 2:07 pm
    Rosenblatt says:
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    Wild guess here, but maybe nobody is trying to go to a place (Venezuela) where they’ll continue face daily threats of violence?

    • November 27, 2018 at 2:12 pm
      Jack says:
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      Rosen- why is that the case in Venezuela given it has the largest oil reserve in the world?

      • November 27, 2018 at 4:08 pm
        Jack says:
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        So you are saying the caravan is not headed to Chicago, LA, DC, St. Louis, Philadelphia where they would face the same daily threats of violence?

        Obviously having X ( X= money, opportunity, capitalism) does not equate to no crime, look at the cities mentioned. They are in the richest country in the world, why the violence?

        I’m simply pointing out failed socialist policy- again!

      • November 27, 2018 at 4:29 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        *TO Venezuela, not from

    • November 28, 2018 at 1:21 pm
      Ron says:
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      Which is why no one of any influence wants that system.

  • November 27, 2018 at 2:33 pm
    Jack says:
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    “Reducing insurance coverage of the coal industry raises costs for coal power generation, which could increase pressure on utilities to switch to cleaner energy.”

    When the costs to drive, fly, heat your homes, etc. increase over the next 5,10,20 years and you liberals think its the big bad capitalist, please remember it was simply things like this that put you there. I know you won’t, but at least I can say I told you so.

    Still waiting for my $2500 a year savings from obolacareless by the way.

    • November 27, 2018 at 2:53 pm
      mrbob says:
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      One can only hope that the market will correct itself and allow underwriters rather than political agendas to decide what risk will be written.

      • November 27, 2018 at 2:56 pm
        Jack says:
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        mrbob- underwriters will be beat into submission, but you can hope.

        • December 3, 2018 at 10:08 am
          mrbob says:
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          You are right but one can still hold out hope.

    • November 28, 2018 at 8:20 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      *Insurance for everybody = where is that?

      *Greater coverage = where is that?

  • November 27, 2018 at 2:59 pm
    J.S. says:
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    You’re right Jack. That liberal idea that the people should pick their own leaders and that there should be no taxation without representation caused a war. The liberal idea that owning people was wrong caused a civil war. Women’s suffrage, social security, medicare, black, hispanic and other minorities rights being protected, women being allowed to work outside the home were all liberal ideas fought by conservatives at every turn.

    So you’re right Jack, all these ideas and more have had to be forced on you and other people who like the status quo, as long as they’re on top.

    • November 27, 2018 at 3:06 pm
      Jack says:
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      J.S. – drank the kool-aid I see.

      • November 27, 2018 at 5:08 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Jack – head in the sand, I see.

  • November 28, 2018 at 4:15 pm
    dot_hemath says:
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    How’s that “stay on topic” thing working out?

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