Health Officials Report First Death They Believe Is Linked to Vaping

By and | August 26, 2019

  • August 26, 2019 at 1:31 pm
    FFA says:
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    Vaping is new to the world and killing already. But yet they advertise on TV. Hmmm.

    • August 26, 2019 at 4:18 pm
      ambaalamps says:
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      People have been vaping for over 15 years. we have 1 “possible” related death. 1300 people die EVERYDAY from smoking tobacco. 1 in 15 years vs 7,117,500 in the same 15 year period. #facts. putting anything in your lungs that is not oxygen is not healthy. Vaping is a less harmful alternative to smoking. see what i did there. it is not healthy. it is less harmful. very simple distinction.

      • August 26, 2019 at 5:14 pm
        Hide Yo Kids says:
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        Marlboro invested 12.8B in Juul for a 35% stake.

        That is all I need to know about vaping and the lack of regulation and oversight in the industry.

      • August 27, 2019 at 11:54 am
        FFA says:
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        I guess what I am trying to say is I am surprised they advertise on TV when these things are harmful just like smoking. Maybe not as harmful, but harmful none the less.

        Yesterday was the first day in over 30 years I did not have any cigarettes. Not a drag. Not a puff.
        No vape. Not a thing. Tries the patch twice. Slowed me down, but didnt get me there. On that pill and its working.

        • August 29, 2019 at 10:30 am
          Smooth says:
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          Congrats on a day without a cigarette! I used Nicorette gum to quit about 20 years ago. Now and then I’ll still chew on the gum, but it worked really well. The only issue is you get pure nicotine from the gum, so it’s easy to get hooked on. Much better than smoking though!

          Vaping seems odd to me. We all know cigarettes are unhealthy. With vaping though, it was purported to be 100% safe until about two years ago. Then people started saying putting anything into your lungs was bad. Well, shouldn’t that have been obvious from the start? “Less” harmful is still harmful. Considering it is mostly teenagers doing the vaping, it should be stopped. I’m not normally for banning anything, or not giving people a choice, but the science is pouring in that vaping is going to be a terrible problem that only gets worse. A high percentage of the kids in my daughter’s high school vape. It’s not cheap and it has no positive side effects, just like smoking. I think it’s going to lead to the same issues, but hasn’t been around long enough yet, or used by teenagers long enough yet, to have the solid facts. Now that teens have been vaping the last few years regularly, bad things are happening….. It will get worse as time goes on, in my opinion.

        • August 29, 2019 at 1:25 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          I haven’t smoked in 20 years, but I had to quit twice. Once with Smoke Enders, which worked well. I was smoke free for over 10 years. Then I was stupid and tried cigars . . . so the second time I quit with the patch.

          Good for you.

        • August 31, 2019 at 8:44 am
          knowall says:
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          My brother quit smoking for quite awhile after he was hypnotized; then after a stressful life event he started up again.

          Don Imus used to talk about how he sobered up; he couldn’t go the rest of his life without a drink but he could go one day. Every morning it was just one more day.

  • August 26, 2019 at 5:59 pm
    Vox sanitus says:
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    Why, oh why, do they not give a D-I-A-G-N-O-S-I-S? One cannot learn a doggone thing without a diagnosis. We are not children out here. We want facts. We deserve chapter and verse from the ICD-10. Telling us that somebody died from vaping means zero. They’re not putting “vaping” on a death certificate. What made the patient die?

  • August 29, 2019 at 10:11 am
    rob says:
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    wait, you mean inhaling super-heated vapor into your lungs from a battery-powered device might NOT be good for you, even if it makes you look like a total DB??? Who’da thunk it!

    that’s it, i’m going back to smoking.

    • August 29, 2019 at 3:08 pm
      bob says:
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      I have never understood vaping, smoking, or any of that. I’m not saying I look down on the people, I just mean I literally do not understand what is enjoyable about it or what the purpose is.

      It confuses the heck out of me.

    • August 29, 2019 at 3:27 pm
      Jon says:
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      I don’t think anything will ever happen that won’t make me miss smoking. It’s a terrible habit, we all know it kills you, but there are few things as rewarding as a cigarette with morning coffee, or with a nice stiff drink at the end of the day.

      I see how ex-smokers got pulled into vaping, but man it should have been obvious to everyone that this was going to be just as bad once all the tobacco companies leaped on-board. Cue several more decades of fighting to get this stuff away from kids.

      • August 29, 2019 at 7:26 pm
        bob says:
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        That is the most reasonable thing I have seen you say, while relating to your own experience.

        I don’t see why you don’t apply the same risks to marijuana and getting that away from kids…But I digress. Maybe it’s because big tobacco was already established, but there will be a big marijuana coming for the kids soon enough.

        • August 29, 2019 at 9:05 pm
          Jon says:
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          There is at least right now no big marijuana. That would be like boycotting the internet because one day there will be evil robots. For now it’s about the one thing that works that no one seems to ever want to fall back on in these situations: talk to your damn kids and stop trying to take things away from the public just because you don’t want to.

    • August 29, 2019 at 7:34 pm
      bob says:
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      For my personal experience, I have allergies as it is, the only thing I have ever taken a puff of was marijuana and it was not at all enjoyable from a physical standpoint going in, and I do not think despite the benefits of the temporary high (nearly removed all of my depression feelings temporarily) that I would have wanted to continue it for the sake of not wanting to breathe things into my body. My whole body rejected what went in.

      Even being next to a cigarette kills makes me gag. I couldn’t picture that going in my body. I do not understand smoking at all.

      This is disregarding any moral reasons I didn’t continue. I didn’t want a reliance on the drug, and to this day anyone that tells me marijuana is not addictive I constantly tell them this is absolutely positively not true. People have tried to separate addictions based on things they don’t understand, marijuana does cause dopamine addictions, and that is literally the same thing as heroin, meaning, they are equally addictive, but for minorly different reasons. I don’t know who started this bull that it is not physiologically addictive as planet keeps saying, but it is patently untrue. One time, even one time, of a dopamine high when you are depressed will cause addiction and needs to the drug, because depression is severe, and that is why most the people on dopamine addictions are depressed folks or people with disorders. The must vulnerable in society are the ones the most affected. I was just watching video on this, specifically with marijuana in which they are also confused why people do not understand this. Almost every form of addiction which is unable to be overcome is a form of dopamine addiction.

      I consider cigarettes to be even more illogical. They feel worse

      • August 29, 2019 at 9:11 pm
        Jon says:
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        You are essentially an outsider. You have virtually no experience, yet you deign to understand the properties and psychological effects completely. I get it, you’ve read research that has a negative tone to it. People like craig will turn things like “may cause” into “Absolutely causes for everyone!” but realistically it’s no more addictive than caffeine, it’s regulated and if it’s in the hands of kids the failure should be first the parents. People who “abuse marijuana” which is laughable since it’s near impossible to truly abuse, and lead to other drugs often have other issues. Marijuana actually does manage to help a large number of regular users, which guaranteed if your office doesn’t drug test you work with people who are able to maintain their lives with ease.

        Just because you don’t see the benefits doesn’t mean they’re not there. Assuming you know better is judgmental and illogical.

        Facts: Cigarettes make being drunk better. Cigarettes make things like coffee taste better. Cigarettes after intercourse or other physical activity are satisfying in the way few things of the world are. Cigarettes also make you look cooler. Sorry, it’s true and I said it.

  • August 29, 2019 at 12:44 pm
    Cicero says:
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    Did he import his carts from China? THAT’s a growing problem, tbh.

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