Holocaust Survivors Want Congress to Let Them Sue Insurers Over Nazi-Era Losses

By | October 10, 2019

  • October 10, 2019 at 2:04 pm
    Mark Ambrose says:
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    It seems to me to be a pretty easy fix. Force the insurance companies to reveal who they had insurance on, but not when the policy was in force. Then the people still have to prove the death and when it happened but not that they had a policy or not. I don’t know though, there is always a way to game the system, I’d hate for it to be abused by people that weren’t actually harmed.

    • October 10, 2019 at 3:49 pm
      Mike A says:
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      The companies should have been required to disclose lists long ago. As to proof of death, regardless of how meticulous the Germans were in many respects, its fair to say that many deaths went unrecorded because of the circumstances and the insurers knew that they were and continue to be hiding behind unreasonable evidentiary barriers.

  • October 11, 2019 at 10:28 am
    Smooth says:
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    There is one company that insured the death camps. I’m not mentioning it on here, but you can Google it. Auschwitz was insured by them. At the time, from my understanding in what I’ve read, they were required to insure them as they were a German company. I’m not sure if that would change the lawsuits, however, when you are forced by someone like Hitler to insure something, you probably have to insure it. Or else.

  • October 14, 2019 at 11:43 am
    Jax Agent says:
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    Well, I can’t imagine an insurance company being obligated to pay life insurance claims for deaths caused by an act of war. None of them would willingly insure it as it is too unpredictable. Even if the life insurance companies doing business in Europe at the time had lined up to pay these claims, they’d have been insolvent within months.
    This attempted money grab is just as absurd as the suggestion of paying reparations to blacks due to slavery 155 years ago. I’m sure one of the democrats will latch on to this scheme as part of their “I can give away more than you” platform.

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