Top Risks Facing Cannabis Industry in 2020 Not What You Think

By | November 14, 2019

  • November 14, 2019 at 3:20 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    For people with a sense of humor, check out this complete lack of self-awareness in the article:

    “The cannabis industry is still young, and it’s still quite unique in the types of risks it faces.
    What’s driving the uniqueness of those risks is largely the perception of cannabis is bad, according to him.”

    No, dude. THC is all GOOD! There is nothing wrong with it. Pass the word!

    • November 15, 2019 at 8:53 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      That is not at all what the gentleman was saying. He didn’t say everything about THC is good. It seems you have a tendency to put your words in others’ mouths. Maybe just keep focusing on your own opinions rather than trying to restate other opinions to further your agenda. Be well!

      • November 15, 2019 at 12:14 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        That IS what he said. The problem in his mind is that – somehow – the perception of cannabis is bad.

        You and the other Pot Fans need to ramp up the PR campaign. THC is GOOD! Spread it, CP, spread it! (To further YOUR agenda to push pot on every high school kid in America).

        • November 15, 2019 at 12:36 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Speaking of PR campaigns, Craig, do you agree the D.A.R.E. program still exists and therefore you were incorrect stating “prevention and informing the public about potential harms is NOT happening”?

          • November 15, 2019 at 1:02 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Find my answer in a response to someone else’s post . . . by the way, dependence and addiction rates are up with kids and adults in STATES THAT LEGALIZED.

          • November 15, 2019 at 3:18 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Geez man, what is your malfunction?

            As I said, I answered your question directly in the same comment section you asked them when you got upset that I said you should read another of my posts in the article for your answer. Give that argument a rest.

            By your “guy who keeps asking questions that everyone agrees on” logic, I guess that means you disagree with your statement that “prevention and informing the public about potential harms is NOT happening”??

            So you made a false statement, get called out on it, hypocritically refuse to answer me, and won’t own up to your nonsense.

            Your method of “debate” and lack of sincerity is a joke.

            I sarcastically apologize for treating you like a mature and rational adult who isn’t trying to devolve the debate on these forums. My mistake.

        • November 15, 2019 at 1:33 pm
          Mike A says:
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          You are nothing if not entertaining, Corny! That someone in the industry has a favorable view of the industry is a moot point. The gentleman is talking about risk management issues. If one were to say that public perception of insurance as a boring industry leads to greater risk of errors or omissions because of all the unfilled jobs it would not be a judgment call on the quality or rectitude of the industry. Just a statement of opinion about a causal relation between the two. Same here. The claim is that cannabis suffers from a perception problem. Which side of that perception you or anyone else sits (we know where YOU sit!!!) is irrelevant.

          • November 15, 2019 at 2:01 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            The “favorable view” under consideration concerns the product being sold, not the industry.

            And the perception problem identified is a negative one, according to the article and the dude in the industry. If only cannabis wasn’t seen as “bad” he says.

            And yet all of the evidence indicates that sales for the product are booming. So me thinks anyone in the industry whining about Bad Publicity isn’t connected to reality on the ground.

            THAT is just funny, no matter which side you are on. It would be like Apple complaining the Iphone would sell better if not for the bad image of Iphones.

    • November 15, 2019 at 10:12 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Hi Rosenblatt,
      I won’t speak for Craig, but yes, I went through the DARE program as a kid as well. It actually did have an impact. I also remember all the commercials on TV (“This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?” “I learned it from watching you, Dad!”). I have seen those ramping up again, especially the driving while high warnings. Illinois started an ad campaign noting the dangers ahead of their legalization set for 1/1. As more states legalize, and eventually the decision to make this federally legal comes to fruition, this type of approach needs to strengthen and be more widespread.

  • November 15, 2019 at 8:30 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    Cannabis can be used responsibly and in moderation by adults who choose to do so. They should learn the potential harms, should they not already understand them, before making that decision. There are programs available now, and those will continue to improve especially after this becomes federally legal in a decade or less. Much like varying degrees of ABV, there are variances in potency in THC, so the consumer should discuss and can openly discuss this with the dispensary they purchase from. Currently, buyers should be weary of oil-based vaping products because the CDC just released a report indicating the additive, vitamin E acetate, has been linked to the lung illnesses and deaths widely being reported on. There are advocacy groups speaking loudly about belittling the black market and have ideas submitted to the powers who be about accomplishing this. That goal will benefit the consumer but will largely depend on the federal government listening to the majority of adult Americans who are asking for this to be legal in the United States.

    • November 15, 2019 at 12:15 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      Thank you, Captain Obvious. (And people should eat their vegetables, get some exercise, and plenty of sleep.) Please define “responsibly”. You keep using that word. What would be “irresponsible” use?

      Pray tell.

      • November 15, 2019 at 12:47 pm
        CommLinesAgent says:
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        do you not get tired of rehashing the same arguments every day? twisting the same facts in your favor or claiming they are lies? find a better use for your time and life. find contentment so in the end you have something to be proud of.

        • November 15, 2019 at 2:08 pm
          flawedlogic says:
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          I disagree with you on this wholeheartedly,

          No one on that list twists words, post junk science, quote a report without linking the report, and should I continue to go on?

          You are a biased person who uses bad links to support your points.

          People are trying to educate you more and point you in a better direction, but you keep being a troll here and not engaging in a constructive conversation.

          You are just attacking people, and I think you should realize this by now, but people have agreed with you on some of your points, but then you go and twist words and act like a child.

          Yes I did just attack you, but with your recent remarks and your own lack of civility, you need to be better before you are treated better.

        • November 15, 2019 at 2:15 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Well, at least try to be witty when you attack me. After all, it’s Friday.

          Plus, if you can’t laugh at people in a booming industry like cannabis who whine about pot’s “bad image” hurting sales . . . then you might want to lighten up a bit.

          Thanks for the insults. Have a Doobie on me!

        • November 15, 2019 at 4:21 pm
          flawedlogic says:
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          Craig logic: Anyone who disagrees with me must smoke pot
          Most people here who disagree with you: While there are risks associated will all intoxicants, personal responsibility and having parent’s discuss these risks with their children is a key portion to help curb the youth from trying drugs. Additionally, not all of us partake in cannabis, but are for personal liberties.

          I don’t need to be witty to bring up how your actions, debating style, and overall lack of understanding behind studies all hurt yourself more than anyone else.

          Stay biased Craig.

        • November 15, 2019 at 11:59 pm
          Libby says:
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          “…then you might want to lighten up a bit.” I think might was to light up a bit. It might make you a nicer person.

      • November 17, 2019 at 3:24 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Irresponsible? Examples include over-consumption, mixing it with other substances, operating motor vehicles,.., basically all those things you’d relate to drinking irresponsibly.

        • November 18, 2019 at 2:18 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Then why are so many MORE people abusing THC in states that legalized and what are YOU going to do about it? Since you and all the Pot Fans support legalization, will you also take responsibility for all the additional harm you inflicted on society?

          Safe prediction: No. (“I told you I want people to use responsibly and if they don’t and kids and adults get hurt, including innocent non-using adults, it isn’t my fault. I’m a liberal and we don’t believe in being responsible for consequences.”)

          • November 18, 2019 at 11:46 pm
            Libby says:
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            Who’s getting hurt by pot use and where do you get your stats? I’d like you to back up your statement “MORE people abusing THC in states that legalized…”. Put your money where your mouth is or just zip it!

          • November 19, 2019 at 12:59 am
            Jon says:
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            Cue the part of the comments section where you make a reasonable request for data to back up the nonsense statements Craig has made, so he goes silent and starts posting the same nonsense on another part of the article. Craig lies, repeatedly about his information and refuses to back it up. When pushed, he will link articles that either actually refute his statements, or are from 1986 and lacking in credibility. This is his cycle as a troll on these message boards, and he knows exactly what he’s doing.

      • November 18, 2019 at 9:21 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        Captain Obvious, Craig? But it was you who questioned the additive vitamin E acetate being the culprit in the lung diseases. It was you who said we don’t have programs available now. It was you who said we don’t have anyone addressing the issues with the black market. If these things were so obvious, why were you acting as if you didn’t know about them? Better yet, why were you telling all the IJ posters out here they didn’t exist? Are you intentionally being misleading because of a personal bias?

        • November 18, 2019 at 11:58 am
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Addiction rates are UP in States that legalized. Please show me the new programs implemented and explain why they are so ineffective at warning people.

          No, Mr. Dishonest, I never said vitamin E acetate wasn’t the culprit. I said wait until the experts decide that instead of trusting Dr. Planet’s jumping to conclusions while the CDC said they had NOT at the time ruled out THC. (Man up. That’s what really happened. Honor that one commandment, you know the one.)

          And the black market is BIGGER in California since legalization. Again, failure you won’t acknowledge.

          • November 19, 2019 at 1:02 am
            Jon says:
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            I was busy today, so let me resume schooling Craig.

            Once again, your information is misleading. Your claims about addiction are nonsense and not based in reality. Addiction is a complex phenomenon that can be triggered by some combination of genetic predisposition, mental illness, childhood trauma and other factors. People who seek out drugs as a way to self-medicate may start out with marijuana, but that does not mean that most, or even many, people who smoke pot are going to try other drugs, much less become addicted to them.

            You continually implied that the THC itself was to blame, in your claims about saying we should wait for the experts. How convenient that you forget to mention that part.

            You have continued to make claims about the black market in California. The issue is you continue to forget to mention that the “black market in California” is comprised of growers shipping product out of state to states where Marijuana is still illegal. A problem that would all but disappear with federal legality. Another convenient thing to forget, what do you think the reason is for that? Almost as if there’s a pattern to things you just don’t acknowledge despite the fact that you’re WELL Aware of them at this point from them being pointed out MULTIPLE times to you. Hmmmmmmm.

            Try to bring some knowledge to the table instead of this weak garbage you regularly try to share, Craig.

  • November 15, 2019 at 8:44 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    “Regulators, politicians, and even the media have manufactured many of the industry’s risks…”

    Heck, there are even some on insurance forums who are manufacturing risks and hazards on a regular basis. Don’t get me wrong, there certainly are some. But, be mindful of what you hear from others and don’t scrutinize what they are intimating. We have uncovered a number of falsehoods even on this very website by checking those who are presenting their misinformation as fact. Of course, with any intoxicating substance there are going to be consequences. And, we will as a nation adopt and initiate the programs necessary to handle those consequences with cannabis as we do with the other legal intoxicants. THC itself, meaning ingested alone and not in combination with any other activity or substance, has never taken a life in the history of its existence. It isn’t the big scary monster some make it out to be, no matter how strong their personal bias is.

    • November 15, 2019 at 8:46 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      **correction to the above**

      “…do scrutinize what they are intimating.”

    • November 15, 2019 at 12:17 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      You could say the same for LSD. Congratulations. Another strong argument to legalize LSD for people to use “responsibly”.

      • November 15, 2019 at 5:23 pm
        Jon says:
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        LOL still bitter you lived through the 60s and no one offered you LSD once?

      • November 16, 2019 at 12:06 am
        Libby says:
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        Yes. LSD and THC are soooo similar. It’s obvious you have had no experience with either, so you risk sounding very foolish commenting on them.

        • November 18, 2019 at 12:00 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Chemically, THC and LSD are both hallucinogens. Consume enough THC at one time and the experience can be very much like LSD. Look it up and tell me who is the foolish one.

          • November 18, 2019 at 4:21 pm
            flawedlogic says:
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            Post your links to real research or stop pushing your false narrative.

            We have discussed how it can give someone psychosis before. Have you forgotten, or do you just not care?

            It is similar to saying caffeine addicts are the same as cocaine addicts. Both are stimulants so my overall generalization must be correct.

            Go ahead and attack me instead of just supporting your argument with real research.

          • November 18, 2019 at 5:27 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Google: “is marijuana a hallucinogen?” Watch as a dozen links to reputable science say it is a proven hallucinogen. Just science.

          • November 18, 2019 at 5:40 pm
            flawedlogic says:
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            Quick search actually shows it is a depressant (wow just like alcohol), and it has some hallucinogenic and stimulant properties depending on the strain.

            So it is not a hallucinogen, rather it has some properties of it. Just like we discussed before on when it can bring up those symptoms in people.

            Why do you feel the need to constantly post misleading claims. Do you honestly think no one will fact check you? You lie frequently, and Jon just asked for you to post your link above, and you did not instead you just deflected.

            Craig you have become a rude and ignorant person who has a blatant disregard for the facts. I hope you can get over this.

            Cheers mate.

          • November 18, 2019 at 6:10 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Heh heh.

            If it has hallucinogenic effects, what would you call it? Coffee? Beer? HA HA HA HA HA.

            Go ahead. Continue to make a fool of yourself. Defend THC!

          • November 19, 2019 at 1:03 am
            Jon says:
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            You literally were just proven wrong after calling someone to “google it!” and then you just pretend it didn’t happen. Are you really that much of a coward? You’re a troll, nothing more. You’re a man in your 50s and you’re posting “Heh heh” who are you? You really don’t have anything better to do? This is pathetic.

      • November 17, 2019 at 2:05 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        No, you can’t say the same about LSD. I don’t even know where to start with you on this. It’s clear you don’t know much about either.

        • November 17, 2019 at 5:04 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          And to clarify, I mean you don’t know much about the effects of using those intoxicants.

        • November 18, 2019 at 12:02 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          See above. The are both hallucinogens. You are the ignorant one on this subject. 1 in 4 high school kids report consuming THC in the last 30 days. “Remember, kids, Dr. Planet says consume responsibly since 1 in 6 of you will someday be dependent or addicted to THC!”

          • November 19, 2019 at 1:18 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            LSD causes what is known as “visuals”, seeing actual colors and shapes that aren’t actually there. That doesn’t happen on THC. The effects of LSD lasts anywhere from 12-20 hours. THC, maybe a couple. LSD is a lab chemical compound. THC is natural. LSD can cause one to hear sounds that are not there and feel things that are not there. THC does not produce those effects. LSD remains permanently in the spine and can be detected by a spinal tap. THC does not remain permanently in the body. LSD has effects much more akin to ecstasy and mushrooms, not THC. But, again, thanks for trying out!

          • November 19, 2019 at 4:21 pm
            Jon says:
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            It is a bald-faced lie to try and claim THC is a hallucinogen, that or a person entirely ignorant as to what a hallucinogen actually is. THC at absurd quantities can cause hallucinations, as can coffee, alcohol or pretty much any substance when taken to such extremes. That does not make all of these items hallucinogens. To insist otherwise is to spread stupidity and false statements. Or, you know, lying as I’ve been saying. Because the statement “They are both hallucinogens” is a lie.

          • November 19, 2019 at 7:45 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            “Remember kids, 1.5 million of you will become dependent on THC, so use responsibly. And you can thank me for pushing legal pot for fun on you and your family. Jesus would approve, says my church”.

            Clown #1 and Clown #2: Google: Is THC a hallucinogen? Show me the link that says it is not. Then count the number that say it is a hallucinogen. Report back to me when you re-read the 10 Commandments, especially the one about not bearing false witness.

            (Not you, Jon. I realize you have no idea what I am referring to.)

          • November 19, 2019 at 10:09 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            JUNE 25, 2019 AT 8:49 PM
            Andrew G. Simpson says:
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            This is a reminder of the comment section rules that are meant to encourage civil discourse. In particular, please be advised that ad hominem or other personal attacks against other users are a violation of the rules of the forum, even when the attacks are included in otherwise on-topic comments. Personal attacks include targeting another with offensive, obscene, libelous, defamatory or threatening language or slurs; assigning false or unwanted labels to another; questioning another’s character, integrity, morals or intelligence; disclosing another’s personal information; or assuming or assigning to another user a particular political, personal, social, religious or other motive.

          • November 19, 2019 at 10:19 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Do you agree or disagree there are different degrees of being drunk and hallucinating? As I have pointed out, LSD is more akin in its hallucinogenic properties to ecstasy and mushrooms. If you want to take hallucination to another level, lasting 3-4 days, there is peyote. If you want a strong but short one, lasting only minutes, there is Salvia. You should study up on your hallucinogens and get back to us. THC does not cause the same effects as the hallucinogens I noted here and above. Better luck next season at landing a roster spot.

          • November 20, 2019 at 12:30 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            I love it when you admit I was right about THC being a hallucinogen. But of course, you aren’t honest enough to be direct about the truth.

            Jesus would approve.

          • November 20, 2019 at 3:07 pm
            Jon says:
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            There is no part of his response that “admitted” you were right about THC. He actually further negated your point. You might want to read things before you respond to them to avoid such confusion, and prevent future false statements.

          • November 20, 2019 at 4:02 pm
            helpingout says:
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            Thought I would come over here since Craig stopped replying to me on the other article.

            Craig I just read this thread, and it is apparent to me you really should go back to school. No where in captain’s response or the time flawed pointed out it is a depressant on here did either say that THC is a hallucinogen. They both stated is has properties of a hallucinogenic intoxicant.

            You are not understanding the science of cannabis and THC. Overall THC is a depressant, that has properties of other intoxicants at time. Similar to how alcohol is a depressant with properties of a stimulant, the whole having a drink to loosen up is a stimulant property, where the overall affect after a few would be a depressant and why it is classified as such.

            Glad to shed some light on this for you.

          • November 20, 2019 at 4:31 pm
            helpingout says:
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            I would calm it down with the honesty thing there Craig. I don’t think a dishonest person should call anyone out for being honest at all.

            Where is your link saying it is a hallucinogen? I will wait for that since you were the first one to bring that up and you need to support your claims with credible sources. Now onto your lies and false information you have spread on here recently below. This is not a complete list, just things I have within the past few months.

            1. Claims 26 out of 27 mass shooters were from fatherless families. This was false and then you claimed 19 out of 27. Neither has data to back that up.
            2. You linked a website that did not bring you to a study, it brought people to a page that said page does not exist.
            3. Claimed air conditioners were the main cause of man-made climate change. Even bob called you out on this one and said your claims were misleading.
            4. You continuously link reports that are not saying what you are indicating. Your CNN report was a fear-mongering campaign, as the studies themselves refuted your exact points.
            Should I continue?

          • November 20, 2019 at 4:56 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            How about this: the Atlantic Magazine joined the NY Times in claiming that the number one cause of CO2 was . . . wait for it . . . electricity generated for heating and cooling. And guess what?

            Many people in the USA heat their houses using natural gas. Can you follow the logic here before we get to the finish line?

            THC is a hallucinogen. Nobody credible disagrees. Are YOU credible?

          • November 20, 2019 at 5:25 pm
            helpingout says:
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            I will try to put this as simple as possible:

            because something has the properties of an illicit substance, does not make it fall under that category.

            Alcohol has properties of a stimulant, but it is classified as a depressant. THC has the properties of a hallucinogen and a stimulant, but it is a depressant through and through. I will admit that it was classified under what you are saying, but that is old science, and again fear mongering you fell victim to. Sorry bud.

  • November 15, 2019 at 9:16 am
    Vox says:
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    Cannabis companies and their insurers are going to be sued into oblivion, and by many of the same lawyers who supported legalization. Just you wait.

    • November 15, 2019 at 1:53 pm
      Well... says:
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      Just like we are seeing with Budweiser, Jack Daniels, and the carriers that provide them coverage.

      • November 15, 2019 at 2:04 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Say what? Funniest comment of the Day. Prize is in the mail!

        The risks of booze are well known and so is the assumption of the risk by consumers.

        The risks of pot are lied about, hidden, lacking full research, etc. New industry dude. New product. New risks.

        • November 15, 2019 at 2:13 pm
          flawedlogic says:
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          stop your false information Craig. You are straight up lying.

          There are many campaigns that preach about the dangers of all drugs, and there has been a lot of campaigns regarding cannabis as it becomes more legalized nationwide.

          You are the one spreading the lies regarding cannabis. Stop your BS.

          • November 15, 2019 at 2:18 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Oh no, not the “liar” charge again. And I thought we were friends . . .

            You apparently missed the article pointing out that States that legalized Pot for Fun are seeing higher rates of dependence and addiction in kids and adults.

            So apparently, those “campaigns” you speak of aren’t working so good, wherever they are. Must be all the liars you speak of.

          • November 15, 2019 at 3:22 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Stop contradicting yourself.

            You previously wrote: “prevention and informing the public about potential harms is NOT happening”

            Now you write: “those “campaigns” you speak of aren’t working so good”

            You can’t have it both ways.

            Either there are no campaigns or they’re not working well.

            Both cannot be true.

          • November 15, 2019 at 5:24 pm
            Jon says:
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            Craig, you literally posted links about marijuana and made up a quote that wasn’t in any of the links and posted it as if it was from one of the links. That’s what lying is, making something up and presenting it as fact. You are a liar. You have done this multiple times. You keep doing this on every single marijuana article. That’s what makes you a liar, you keep lying.

        • November 16, 2019 at 12:08 am
          Libby says:
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          There’s nothing new about it Craig. Ther you go getting all risky again!

    • November 16, 2019 at 12:07 am
      Libby says:
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      Sued for what??? Please explain Carnac.

      • November 18, 2019 at 12:05 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Anything the consumer was not warned about. Addiction, car crashes, permanent mental illness, loss of IQ, damage to the unborn. If any of those things were not on the warning label . . . not to mention NEW illnesses we discover as time goes on. (Where are all the whiners about the need for more research if the Feds would just take it off the Schedule 1 list? Maybe we will find out lots of new damage done by THC in the future.)

        • November 18, 2019 at 4:24 pm
          flawedlogic says:
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          So if more research is done and it comes to the fact that it has more health dangers than health benefits, I say let’s take down everything like that! Good bye alcohol!

          Overall, those dangers are already known, and there are campaigns that touch on the real things you mentioned, the fake ones nothing yet as it hasn’t been proven, but overall there are campaigns that are teaching people about the risks of cannabis. I mean the most recent new illness has now been linked more to vitamin E-acetate. And yes there are risks of every intoxicant that is why it is important for parents to properly teach their children the dangers of each drug, and adults need to use personal responsibility similar to alcohol responsibility we have today.

          • November 18, 2019 at 6:29 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            There are more deaths in car crashes in States that legalized. There are more people, kids and adults, using in States that legalized and more kids and adults becoming dependent or addicted. That means they are wrecking their lives, the lives of their families, etc. More mental illness, five times more for regular users.

            Those “dangers” are NOT already known. That’s why they keep going UP.

            You are sadly empty of compassion for the suffering you inflict on people in states that legalized pot for fun.

          • November 18, 2019 at 11:55 pm
            Libby says:
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            More damage in the future? Marijuana and THC have been around for a really long time. I have yet to hear of anyone physically addicted to pot. Where do you get this stuff?

          • November 19, 2019 at 11:27 am
            Craig Cornell says:
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            I have linked to the science multiple times. The fact you aren’t aware of it proves my point. “Thousands of years”. Right. We have only had commercially-available, high-potency pot for a few years. We are in the middle of a grand experiment: millions of lifetime users of high potency pot on a regular basis, if not daily for many. For the first time in history.

            Stay tuned. Or keep on consuming THC yourself. Lead the way and tell us how it all works out as you get older.

          • November 19, 2019 at 1:13 pm
            confused says:
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            why did craig put “thousands of years” in quotes as if he was responding to some specific phrase somebody actually posted? Libby said it has been “around for a really long time” and nobody in this article even wrote the word thousand once until craig did. straw man argument much?

          • November 19, 2019 at 1:18 pm
            Libby says:
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            Sorry “Craig”, but I don’t make a habit of reading every comment posted on here so I missed your previous “data”. You know nothing about marijuana (you remind me of “Agent”) and worse yet, you don’t want to learn anything about it from people who have actually had experience with the subject. High potency marijuana has absolutely been available before now. I’m sure you’ve never heard of Thai Stick, Panama Red, Maui Wowie… I smoked quite a bit of it back in the day. And yes, I do use THC, legally purchased and obtained from a licensed dispensary. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  • November 15, 2019 at 1:28 pm
    chiponthecape says:
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    Excellent point Vox! They’re all whores.

  • November 19, 2019 at 11:23 am
    joy says:
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    One of the commenters who supports legalization of cannabis stated that ‘no one has died from cannabis consumption’ — he asked for just one example of death from cannabis consumption. A well known death is a 70 year old Canadian male who consumed a THC laced lollipop and expired. This elderly man as reported in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology had earlier in life used cannabis so he was not a first time consumer at the age of 70.

    Another comment made was that if cannabis was federally legalized that the black market would disappear. Of course, those in states where cannabis has been state legalized are aware that legalization has only increased the black market sales not reduced them. Furthermore, Colorado has decriminalized illicit drug possession and having legal cannabis local law enforcement reports crime is ‘down’ but that is because arrests are not being made. Criminal behavior is in reality UP post decriminalization of drug possession in Colorado — thefts are up, shoplifting is up, etc. The residents are experiencing what the law enforcement (or now lack of it) records are not reflecting the facts.

    • November 19, 2019 at 11:29 am
      Craig Cornell says:
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      I am impressed by your civil, fact-based, research-backed comments. Keep it up!

    • November 19, 2019 at 11:43 am
      Jon says:
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      Oh really, the cannabis killed him?
      Because about 15 seconds of google says he had a heart attack. He didn’t overdose on marijuana, so his heart is actually what killed him. I like your attempt at misinformation, but you know we all have access to google right? You should try it sometime.

      You’re making the same claim Craig did, about black market being on the rise in the states where marijuana is legal now. Except you keep refusing to acknowledge that the “Black market” risen in these states consists of selling extra grown product to states where it is still federally illegal. That’s what the black market is. If you legalize it in all states, there would be no black market. There aren’t people on street corners selling marijuana illegally, sure in small numbers private growers maybe but not a “black market” on the levels you’re trying to pretend.

      You’ve now been pointed out as spreading misinformation twice. Maybe you should research this subject more before making claims. I know Craig loves it, but Craig is a biased troll. He just wants more people spreading misinformation on this subject.

    • November 19, 2019 at 1:18 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Yeah, I’m going to have to call BS on the lollipop-killed-a-man comment too. He was interviewed months after the incident about what happened and I don’t see that it was conducted by a medium or via seance.

      Joy – please provide a citation to prove your argument that “A well known death is a 70 year old Canadian male who consumed a THC laced lollipop and expired.” I do not believe this actually occurred.

    • November 19, 2019 at 1:34 pm
      Libby says:
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      OMG. That guy (with pre-existing heart condition) ate 90 mg of THC!!! No wonder he had a heart attack! (Didn’t die, by the way.) That’s no different than a college kid binge drinking until he dies from alcohol poisoning. And no-one is calling for another Prohibition.

      • November 19, 2019 at 10:10 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        That’s right, Libby. It is impossible to OD to the point of death on THC alone. It has never happened in the history of the plant.

        • November 20, 2019 at 4:26 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          If you ignore suicides, which rise dramatically with THC users. But who cares about them, right CP?

          “Remember kids, use responsibly, since studies show that 15% of you will end up dependent on THC. But don’t worry, dropping out of school and damaging your brain is no big deal. My kids may do that some day! And you can thank me for pushing legal pot for fun your way! You’re welcome!”

          • November 20, 2019 at 4:35 pm
            helpingout says:
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            What about the suicides from alcohol?

            Depressed people will be depressed if it isn’t managed properly, but if you falsely attribute these atrocities to the substances instead of the real issue, mental health advocacy and having open dialogue with your family and having no judgement, but rather open ears and understanding, it is very different. We had someone who we lost the battle with alcoholism, depression, and suicide, and that made my family do a lot of research and really look into how we should handle these things going forward. What we found and again what I am a huge advocate for is mental health open discussion with family members and destroying the stigmas surrounding this.

            Just food for thought Craig.

          • November 20, 2019 at 4:58 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Correct. Some people commit suicide while drunk.

            Do you care about those who commit suicide under the influence of THC? Do those deaths count or are you like Captain Planet, devoid of responsibility for the policies you support?

            Or shall we pretend “no one ever died from consumption of THC” and just drop all the compassion-posing?

          • November 20, 2019 at 5:17 pm
            helpingout says:
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            The biggest issue with your assertion is how you just phrased the alcohol part. Some people committed suicide while drunk. They did not commit it because of the substance (I know you will debate this most likely).

            Personal responsibility is a thing, and if you are judging someone who is using these things and not trying to understand them and offer support. You are part of the issue.

            Why is it okay to justify (you are by actively pushing prohibition of THC) suicide by alcohol, but then draw the line at cannabis.

            Additionally is it only cannabis in their system, or are they on any other substance as well? From what I can tell they are on more than one substance, so why are you just attributing this to the THC portion, and not alcohol, Xanax, Pain killers, ETC.

            Again, you are falsely attributing these things to the substance instead of the real culprit mental health. You are just biased from personal experiences with your family, but I had the same experience, just with a different substance. The biggest difference between us is that I can correctly attribute this and understand my role in what happened and then I learned how to correctly react to these things, your prohibitionist approach is more dangerous than helpful with mental health with these things.

          • November 20, 2019 at 6:07 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            You are right. Your are so superior to me. Just keep telling yourself that. (P.S. People who are actually superior to other people don’t need to say so. FYI.)

            You have driven off the highway. The discussion was about whether THC has ever led to anyone’s death. The statistics say yes, that people using THC commit suicide while using THC at a MUCH higher rate than the rest of the population who are not using THC.

            Your lecture on Personal Responsibility contradicts your supposed compassion for mental illness; people who are mentally ill are not responsible for their immediate condition. Which a superior person like yourself should know already.

          • November 21, 2019 at 9:29 am
            helpingout says:
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            Never said I was superior, but rather we handle these situations differently. If you want to chalk that up to me being superior that is on you, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

            The research does not say people are dying from the substance alone. You are attributing things to it, but that does not make it correct. You make a lot of false and misleading claims without the backing, so again I will ask you to prove your point with credible research.

            You praised joy for their “well researched” points, but those were quickly proven false, this highlights your confirmation bias that you just agree with the thing that checks all your preconceived notions.

            Let’s dissect that last point from you regarding how I was contradicting what I was saying. I wasn’t. There is personal responsibility, but at the same time if you have someone in your life you care about, you should also try and support them through the difficult time. It isn’t wrong to say someone should have personal responsibility but people with mental health issues like depression need some extra love where they can feel open to talk to you and share their issues and that gives them helps to support them in getting better.

            You are attempting to word parse, but from what you are saying Craig, you just really don’t know what you are talking about. Have a great day, but I am tired of correcting your ignorance.

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