Drugs Found in 1 in 4 Pilots Killed in Crashes

March 12, 2020

  • March 12, 2020 at 8:28 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    ” The board said the research indicated that marijuana use is increasing, which it called a safety hazard that hasn’t been effectively addressed. ”

    I await the comments of unlimited wisdom by stoners who believe their opinions trump those of the NTSB, and specifically, refute the above comment.

    • March 12, 2020 at 2:19 pm
      Jon says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      Your post is not on point, I don’t see why it was left since it’s an incendiary attack on others.

      I will however note, you completely ignored ” Sedating antihistamines were the most frequently-found drug that could impair a pilot’s ability, followed by pain relievers including opioids.” so why are you so concerned about marijuana when opioids are a bigger concern? Almost as if you’re trying to yell about another subject instead of the real issue at hand.

      • March 12, 2020 at 3:09 pm
        reality bites says:
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        Marijuana is a jetway drug.

      • March 18, 2020 at 9:57 am
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        My post is ‘left’ because the IJ staff sees the value of several points of view, and is, to my knowledge, not intent on censoring conservative points of view like most liberals try to do (when they can’t debate an issue based on facts and common sense).

        • March 18, 2020 at 11:55 am
          Jon says:
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          The article mentioned antihistamines and opioids, and then threw in a blurb about marijuana and you focused solely on marijuana. How is that related to facts and common sense? You’re once again focusing solely on the partisan issue you want to spread misinformation about, not the actual facts of the story or “common sense” common sense would be reading the article and discussing the key points. You and the republican party haven’t shown anything resembling common sense for near a decade at this point.

          • March 18, 2020 at 1:24 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Warning! Rabbit hole dead ahead!

    • March 12, 2020 at 10:10 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Marijuana isn’t legal in all of the states a plane will fly over in a cross-continental flight.
      Antihistamines are legal when taken as prescribed.
      Big difference.

      • March 16, 2020 at 2:49 pm
        Jon says:
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        Totally going to ignore the Opioid part of that quote? It’s okay, we’re used to you ignoring facts.

        • March 18, 2020 at 9:55 am
          PolarBeaRepeal says:
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          Nope. I expected you to address it, to try to deflect from the key issue. It’s okay, I’ll not be detoured down a rabbit hole by you.

          • March 18, 2020 at 10:35 am
            Jon says:
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            It’s literally mentioned by the article ahead of marijuana, negating your point. How is it a “rabbit hole” when the article expressly says it’s an important issue? You’re just choosing to ignore facts once again.

          • March 18, 2020 at 1:24 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Warning! Rabbit hole dead ahead!

    • March 12, 2020 at 10:12 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      ‘unlimited wisdom’ is a bad thing?!

  • March 13, 2020 at 1:27 pm
    sak74 says:
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    “The researchers did not determine whether the drugs were likely to have impaired a pilot at the time of the crash…”

    Wouldn’t having this information be of some importance? If a pilot took an opioids based pain medication prescribed by a doctor per the prescription and flew after he/she was no longer under the effects of the drug but it would still show in his/her system, the same would hold true for marijuana as well. This article leaves me wondering what the purpose of the study was? If a pilot is not under the influence of a substance while in flight/performing their job, it really doesn’t matter to me what they have done in their off time.

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