Meat Workers Taking Leave, Quitting as Plants Reopen Amid Coronavirus Scare

By and | May 6, 2020

  • May 6, 2020 at 3:10 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    I have a solve for this. All those who don’t think this virus is a big deal, all those Covidiots in the streets who think this is a hoax, you get to choose. Either volunteer at your local ICU (please shake as many hands as you can) or volunteer at a meat packing plant. Maybe instead of playing golf and holding rallies, Tramp can volunteer his time at one or both places. Pence, too. Don’t worry about your PPE, either, fellas. After all, you get tested everyday anyhow. I bet Tramp thinks he’s the best meat packer of all time anyhow. Maybe we can tell him the cameras are rolling so he thinks he’s getting better ratings than The Bachelor finale.

    • May 6, 2020 at 4:02 pm
      Bond says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      Nice response, always good to hear from those who 1, have idea what they are talking about, and 2, use their bias towards Trump to bolster their stupidity! I am sure Biden would have done so much better, perhaps you could be his Secretary of Labor?

      • May 6, 2020 at 5:36 pm
        Jon says:
        Hot debate. What do you think?
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        Purely from a literal standpoint, what exactly does he have “no idea what he’s talking about” on? The people who think Covid is a hoax? The meat packers quitting rather than go back to a dangerous place? Or you just don’t like anyone that points out actual likely Trump behavior?

        • May 7, 2020 at 7:29 am
          Grammar & Logic Cop says:
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          How can someone’s behavior be both actual AND likely?

    • May 7, 2020 at 1:54 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      TDS? “15 cases to 0”, are his words. We now have as many deaths as 27 9/11s. I don’t blame these meat packers one bit. They don’t want to be in the next set of 2,700 dead. They choose life over making sure you get your weekly helping of non-essential animal protein.

    • May 7, 2020 at 3:30 pm
      bob says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      No one thinks it is a “Hoax” people do however think the media is over playing their hand, fabricating nonsense about Trump (and they are) and are making it political (which they are). I have seen numerous doctors talk about this, they have said the shut down serves no purpose at this point, that is the word from the experts. Ben Shapiro has interviewed more than 5 saying this same thing. That we already flattened the curve, and at this point, the goal is not to stop people from getting sick, it is to make sure that hospitals never get to the point where they cannot administer care.

      Volunteering? People need to earn a living Planet.

      As for meat plants they have to stay open, or we starve. It’s that simple. New York’s Cuomo already said that at this point, it may be possible 2.7 million people had it in New York, meaning the death rate may actually be as low as .05%. The sheer panic the left is creating to have a “gotcha orange man” is out of control.

      Also, I’ve looked at the coding myself, Flu deaths dropped near to zero, it is not due to social distancing. As of yet we do not have a full compilation of deaths, but what looks to be the case is the total case deaths are over inflated for a multitude of reasons. In point A: I personally saw cases in which brain aneurism, was classified as a covid death, because he had covid when he died. There are several cases of this occurring. Having Covid at time of death is not synonymous with it causing your death.

      The left has lied so much about this, it is out of control.

      https ://

      Watch the Ben Shapiro interview. The Doctor’s commentary on this completely contradicts what the media is saying. If you want to talk about people misquoting the doctors, it’s not Trump. Literally everything the left is saying is false. They claim the deaths being lower is due to social distancing, this doctor says directly it is not.

      Never let a good crises go to waste, this is about Trump, and nothing more to you guys. You play games until the cows come home, it isn’t fooling most of us, and when people start to see 6 months in the numbers are wrong, the initial death reports were exaggerated, and most importantly, that flu deaths were close to zero due to classification and coding, and those get subtracted from the covid total, they will realize just how much your side was lying from the get go, and lost them jobs due to this.

      They won’t forget, we are talking likely landslide victories, ergo why your side is panicked, and hopes the election comes before that point, and wants to cause misinformation and nonsense as long as they can, hopefully until after the election from their point of view. They know what they are doing. It’s out of line.

      • May 7, 2020 at 3:36 pm
        Jon says:
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        LOL you might want to check on your president then bro, since some of the first words out of his mouth were “Hoax” is this why you republicans are trying to say the person who says the words gets to control what they mean now? Because the president is incompetent and can’t be trusted to actually say things on the party line? Too bad, so sad LOL I’m not bothering to read your usual pages of nonsense, just wanted to point out that you’re still an idiot LOL

        • May 8, 2020 at 7:20 am
          PolarBeaRepeal says:
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          Give us the date and time when Trump allegedly called the virus a ‘hoax’. Better: give a link to a vid of such.

          • May 8, 2020 at 3:12 pm
            bob says:
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            Trump did specifically use the word “hoax”. He was referring to how they were framing covid, not covid itself.

            This is what Jon misses.

          • May 8, 2020 at 3:23 pm
            bob says:
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            I don’t like to use fact checking sites to make my points, but I am finding it difficult to find the original tweet, other than on a fact checking site at the moment.

            He said hoax, however, in context he was talking about the framing of his handling, not the virus itself.

            The left tends to twists truths, they don’t tend to fabricate them entirely.

            This is like when they claimed he was talking about all Mexicans, when the comment was stated regarding specifically MS 13 gangs, and they separated it out and said he was talking about Mexicans.

            It’s very easy to fact check these points, which is why it gets so infuriating to me when the left gets it wrong. But, you did too, and this is why every now and again I say you need to work on that.

          • May 8, 2020 at 3:23 pm
            bob says:
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            Whoops, left the link off the bottom.


          • May 11, 2020 at 2:21 pm
            Jon says:
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            bob says:
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            I don’t like to use fact checking sites


      • May 8, 2020 at 11:01 am
        Rosenblatt says:
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        “I have seen numerous doctors talk about this, they have said the shut down serves no purpose at this point”

        Doctors making this comment seems highly suspect.

        I couldn’t find anyone making this claim.

        Do you have any evidence to back up Doctors saying the lockdown currently serves no purpose?

        • May 8, 2020 at 3:33 pm
          bob says:
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          And, this guy specifically breaks down some of the covid deaths with sources.

          This one mentions the teenager death, which no one followed up on, and it turns out may not have been covid at all, a lady who was included who wasn’t even dead and was confused to high heavens, etc.

          He cautions it doesn’t mean that the virus isn’t deadly, but, it’s worth noting the errors.

          I should note you got 5 likes to one dislike, from hyper leftism on this page. My source was already included in which I said I have seen more than 5 interviewed by Ben Shapiro, and I should note their resume was impressive.

          He asked the right questions. He even asked in the more recent ones would there be any reason, such as prolong the time from being exposed to get a vaccine to save lives, etc. He was asking questions which would allow the doctor to defend certain leftist positions, unlike the loaded questions they ask at Trump’s briefing like “Isn’t it true if you did more people wouldn’t have died?” not verbatim, but at the crux of each the answer from Trump is expected to be some form of “I contributed to death” not, “Here is what I did to stop this” or anything close to that. There are clear anti Trump narratives in the questions. This is simply not the case in Ben Shapiro’s interviews. They are much more pure in methodology, and, with experts. Instead of a nurse.

        • May 8, 2020 at 7:02 pm
          bob says:
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          I mean really,

          “I couldn’t find anyone making this claim.
          Do you have any evidence to back up Doctors saying the lockdown currently serves no purpose?”

          I included one such interview in the paragraph. You can watch the interview yourself.

          This is the typical statement you make to disregard someone’s facts, by trying to go after character, every time I have seen you say this claim, what YOU have said or implied was verifiably false, and it was used as a distraction method.

          I don’t have time for this. I know your next attack, you will go after my phrasing, “no purpose” and say there are some arguable purposes.

          I suppose in advance I will revise the wording: The original purpose has been fulfilled and therefore it no longer exists. We already flattened the curve, the purpose of which is to make sure hospitals are not overwhelmed.

          No doctors are saying social distancing should be continued indefinitely, no doctors are saying open up all the way either, the ones who advocate for not opening are mainly about though, a combination of what I’ve said which democrats are misleading regarding. Remember my referencing herd immunity? The reason why with select populations you can avoid the virus entirely, is because you can control that, so you can possibly have old people shielded, IF and key words IF OTHER PEOPLE GET INFECTED, and emphasis on LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO GET INFECTED, herd immunity protects the vulnerable. As in, everyone they are around already had it, and therefore won’t get sick to get them sick to pass it around widespread. In order for this to happen there first must be a huge outbreak, not social distancing. THIS HOWEVER CANNOT APPLY TO THE WHOLE HERD. This is why social distancing indefinitely cannot work, and is NOT advocated by doctors. There is no point to indefinite absolute social distancing. Selective may serve a point, and this is not what liberals are saying, though they will shift the goal post later on it.

        • May 8, 2020 at 7:03 pm
          bob says:
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          And also, the amount of people who would need to be sick, would be absolutely huge to protect a small sum of people.

          It would need to be something like 50% of all people. The opposite of what liberals are claiming, that we are distancing to avoid sickness outbreak.

        • May 11, 2020 at 9:22 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Bob: “I have seen numerous doctors talk about this, they have said the shut down serves no purpose at this point”

          Rosenblatt: “Do you have any evidence to back up Doctors saying the lockdown currently serves no purpose?”

          Bob: Here’s a youtube video from someone who IS NOT a doctor

          Please try again Bob.

          “Do you have any evidence to back up Doctors saying the lockdown currently serves no purpose?”

        • May 11, 2020 at 9:23 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          “everyone they are around already had it, and therefore won’t get sick”


          There is currently no evidence that if you recover from Covid-19 that you are immune from getting sick from it again.

        • May 11, 2020 at 9:27 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Rosenblatt “I couldn’t find anyone making this claim. Do you have any evidence to back up Doctors saying the lockdown currently serves no purpose?”

          Bob: This is the typical statement you make to disregard someone’s facts, by trying to go after character,

          Come on son.

          I did not attack your character.

          I simply asked you to prove your argument.

          If you can’t back up your statement with facts and think your character is being questioned, that’s on you.

          All I’m doing is asking you to prove your statement that “numerous doctors…have said the shut down serves no purpose at this point”.

          • May 14, 2020 at 9:08 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            You’re the one that suggested I give people chances to prove their argument and ask them for sources instead of just replying with “that’s not true, here’s why, and here’s my evidence – what’s your response?”

            You don’t like my request for sources asking you to prove your argument even though all I’m doing is following your suggestion.

            I find that hilarious.

            “I gave the link, if you wanted to say wrong link, you could have before.”

            I did that. I told you the link you replied with was not from a doctor and asked you to try again.

  • May 6, 2020 at 3:43 pm
    Boonedoggle says:
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike:
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    Since Trump issued an executive order to keep the meat packing plants open, it would logically follow that he could order members of the military to staff the facilities, or activate the National Guard personnel to do the same. Several states have failed to enact “workers comp presumption” regulations. With Trump requesting immunity for the packing house owners, employees, especially those with large families or living in high density residences, should not be expected to bear the risks involved of working in such environments.

    • May 6, 2020 at 5:01 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      No one should be forced back into work during a pandemic, including those employed by these meat packing plants. Even Yogi agreed. Yet, we have governors such as ours in Iowa who is threatening to take away unemployment benefits future forward and indefinitely if a worker refuses to go back. I’ve heard lots of pundits on Faux Newz who are eager to get back to work. Maybe like those who volunteered to take the place of another soldier to fight in Vietnam, which killed less people than this virus, these pundits can take the place of workers who wish to sit it out a bit longer until we get the actual testing and contact tracing we need in order to safely return to our places of work and public in general. Or, maybe we just all do Clorox toasts and ultraviolet our insides until this is eradicated.

      • May 6, 2020 at 6:13 pm
        Craig Winston Cornell says:
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        Andrew deleted my comment this morning that predicted a golf reference from Planet on this thread. Apparently, it is okay to MAKE a golf reference, but not to predict it. . .

        And now we have a Clorox reference! King of Fake News! Captain Planet, come on down!

    • May 6, 2020 at 9:47 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Trump could order a plant to open under the emergency powers he has been granted by the US Constitution. Plant managers can decide who they want to employ under a principle in effect in most states referred to as ’employment at will’. Anything else you hypothesized about is fiction intended to quell your angst about another 4 more years of MAGA.

      You don’t ‘do’ logic very well, at all.

      You should do some contemplation about what Andrew Cuomo did to nursing home residents in NY; i.e. signed an order for nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients, essentially sentencing some of their residents to a death sentence. And he did so knowing full well that the elderly were the most vulnerable to COVID-19. The same applies to the governor of Connecticut, ‘Big Dummy Lamont’, as he is called by people I know who live in CT.

  • May 7, 2020 at 4:04 pm
    cicero says:
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    I wish I could be on a job for 3 years and blame my predecessor for my failures

  • May 8, 2020 at 1:26 pm
    Caldude says:
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    I have 10 members of my family working the frontlines of this virus – from vaccine research, to ICU/MICU to Nursing Home director. I will listen to them before I listen to some facebook, youtube jackhole who is putting them in harms way. Social distancing is the only vaccine we have now and this fall is going to be a s-show.

    • May 8, 2020 at 4:50 pm
      bob says:
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      When in one month we lose 20% of the workforce, and meat factories are now struggling in less than 2 months, we will starve by fall, millions will die in hunger. You will say “who says that huh! Show proof!”

      I don’t need it, it’s common sense. The rate cannot be maintained, if no one is working, production can’t work. Food won’t be tradeable anywhere near 50% unemployment, and giving it away for free will also harm how medical care is delivered, more people will die if we don’t get services back up and running.

      Social distancing is not a cure, it slows the peak at any one day, not the overall amount of people who will be sick. That should end up being roughly the same either way. The virus won’t just go away, and, further, if you somehow make the virus go away with say less than 10% exposure, no one will have any immunity for wave 2, the S@%#@show will be far worse due to social distancing if you somehow pull that miracle off, due to the fact that this virus has a high mutation rate. I believe at one point I saw it had more than 20 strains already. Don’t you dare try that “there is no proof you can get immunity” nonsense with me. The overwhelming majority of illnesses you do develop immunity over time, or, society does rather, like the flu. No one person is developing immunity per say, but society as a whole has become more resistant to it, which is why covid is decimating us now, there is no history and immunity. Your solution to not be exposed and avoid social immunity, or herd immunity, is absurd.

      It goes against science.

      Do your research before you comment, do NOT put your words into your family members houses which I know for a FACT you have not gone over what I just did with them, and they are simply worried and you are taking their position to meet YOUR political agenda. You are completely unethical and immoral doing so.

      The economy needs to open, there is no jack hole putting your family at risk. The risk is already out, nothing to do with Trump.

      • May 12, 2020 at 11:05 am
        Jon says:
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        LOL okay chicken little, isn’t that how you jokers respond to fear?

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