AM Best’s Stress Testing Indicates Most Insurers Can Withstand Pandemic Hit

May 18, 2020

  • May 18, 2020 at 5:04 pm
    Charles Ford says:
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    The author is sadly mistaken. Not a single insurer or reinsurer in the world is financially solvent under statutory accounting. How many become bankrupt under GAAP accounting remains to be seen. Nor does the author have a clue of the real impact the Red Virus will have on claims on any line of insurance.

    • May 19, 2020 at 3:42 pm
      Tiger88 says:
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      And, you know Charles, that that isn’t what the “experts” were saying a couple of weeks ago. it’s funny that these rating agencies, including the Demotech folks that rep for our FL Ho companies all seem to change their tune aor come up with new explanations when pursh comes to shove. Or am I making too much of this like suddenly all the FL HO companies are “good”, or Fitch and Moody’s et al are on board with some BS plan that AIG came up with in 2009 or…on and on… Funny right?

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