Coronavirus Safety: U.S. Behind Global Rivals in Protecting Meat Plant Workers

By , and Ainslie Chandler | September 22, 2020

  • September 22, 2020 at 12:20 pm
    Rosenblatt says:
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    …if only we could’ve predicted that meat packing workers were in a high-risk category of contracting COVID-19, right Polar?

    • September 23, 2020 at 10:52 am
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Many authorities did predict any worker in close proximity to other workers could spread any virus or flu. The most credible of those experts also provided guidance in preventing spread of communicable diseases, but it was largely ignored by biased media outlets. And the advice is largely ignored to date by those with a political agenda to cast blame to those with whom they disagree.

      If only we could have overturned NY Governor Cuomo’s order to send Wu WHO Flu (virus) patients to NY State nursing homes before tens of thousands of previously uninfected, innocent, elderly nursing home residents, died as a direct result.

      If only we could have found out from direct, honest communications from the Chinese leaders that a deadly virus recently (i.e. late December, 2019) originated in Wuhan province BEFORE people living in or visiting that area left for other nations and infected tens of millions, and killed 978,000 to date.

      If only we could inform the uninformed or misinformed public in the USA that most of the media are lying by trying to blame the wrong person(s) for the many deaths and illnesses involving the Wu WHO Flu (virus).

      If only we could convince Insurance Journal executives to honestly and properly enforce their TOS on their comment boards…

      • September 23, 2020 at 12:11 pm
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        I do not view QAnon. I do not know for certain if it is a credible site. But if you believe it is not credible, then I must assume it IS a credible source. Yours is another ‘You are an Alex Jones disciple’ tactic to discredit people with whom you disagree.

        You failed again in your lies and attempts to discredit me.

        If you can’t discredit the issues I stated above, you implicitly admit they are true.

  • September 23, 2020 at 12:16 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    That’s right, Yogi told us these workers and workplaces wouldn’t be impacted. After all, these are all young, buff workers. Tramp demanded they stay open so he can clog his arteries more. Shouldn’t this title read more like, “US Behind Global Rivals in Protecting Its Citizens Against The Spread of COVID”? Or, “US Behind Global Rivals in All Things Covid Because The President Lied to His People”?

    • September 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      ‘removing them’ should be ‘removing threads’. bear culpa

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