Alphabet Settles Suit Over Executives’ Exit Pay, Coverups Linked to Sexual Misconduct

By and | September 28, 2020

  • September 28, 2020 at 7:43 am
    Polar AC Bearrett says:
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    “Alphabet, Inc.” is used in the misleading title to disguise the fact that it is Goo-gul execs who are accused of wrong-doing. How many people do ‘Alphabet searches’? I don’t, and don’t use Goo-gul for web searches. That is a ‘brand-name-protection’ title.

    Aside from that point, the article clearly shows that Goo-gul’s PARENT company wasn’t a good parent after all. They only now, AFTER A SH LAWSUIT, have acted to correct their outrageous comp packages to dismissed ex-execs who were accused of sexual misconduct, and (I assume) found to be ‘not innocent’ by internal investigations. While there may be details behind the ‘rapid response teams’ to be tasked with investigating complaints by employees, it needs a better name to preserve its integrity as a thorough & fair process.

    Who is the D&O and E&O insurer of ALFA-bet? Why were they complacent regarding prior dismissal packages and the related written procedures? It may be that ALFA-bets’ numbers (i.e. hyuuuuuge premiums) blinded their judgement. Ultimately, the NUMBERS of shareholders trumped the internal LETTERS of ALFA-bet.

    • September 28, 2020 at 7:57 am
      Andrew G. Simpson says:
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      Misleading? Another gratuitous slap at the media. Alphabet is the corporation’s name. Alphabet is more than just Google. Even if you don’t know that, we think most readers do since it was created back in 2015.

  • September 28, 2020 at 1:15 pm
    BFVA says:
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    Polar….strictly out of curiosity, why the need to change Google to “Goo-gul” and Alphabet to “ALFA-bet”?

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