FDA Appears Close to Approving ‘Highly Effective’ Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

By and | December 15, 2020

  • December 16, 2020 at 1:32 pm
    MC says:
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    Imagine this. You book your vacation to somewhere you’ve been working towards, and you cannot drive there because it’s too far in your limited time frame. Remember, it’s a vacation and it is from your job. The highly anticipated day arrives and you’re at the airport checking in. Instead of the boarding pass printing for you, you’re prompted to go to the ticket desk and speak with an Agent. You’re confused, this is not normal procedure. You have traveled thousands of miles for years with no mishaps and no “hiccups” in your travels. The occasional late or cancelled flights, no crashes thank goodness so why all the hubub. You are inconvenienced but okay, let’s get this over with. You make it to the ticket counter and the Agent tells you that the plane you will be flying on has had an upgrade to it’s flight system via a “crucial part” and you need to be aware of the change. “Ok”, why the big deal? Well, it’s a part that we just rolled out and we are not sure it really works. There is a possibility it will and a possibility it will not. We just do not know. Then why install something you’ve never tried before? My life could be in danger? Well, politicians and public fear have caused a change in our operating procedures. Normally we would have tested and tested the part so we know it is stable and make sure the plane won’t crash, but unfortunately there’s too much pressure and lack of patience, so we have to go with the flow so we do not upset the investors. What are my choices? Well, you can choose to get on the plane and take a chance that it will not crash, at least not right now because we don’t know the long term durability of the part, and 2, you can cancel your flight. And by the way, just know that if you don’t fly today, there may be a chance we will not let you fly again because you rejected our offer today……….

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